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四级翻译练习(答案加解析)511. _ (随着工商业的发展),the number of trees in many big cities has dramatically reduced. 2. Travel can widen our knowledge, _ (扩大我们的眼界),and make one open-minded as well. 3. Cars are responsible for most1. _ (随着工商业的发展),the number of trees in many big cities has dramatically reduced. 2. Travel can widen our knowledge, _ (扩大我们的眼界),and make one open-minded as well. 3. Cars are responsible for most of the smog in cities, _ (这已经对环境造成了严重的污染). 4.Modernization will be entirely possible in the first half of the 21st century, as long as we _(坚持认为)that economic development is the center of all our work. 5. He was convinced on the basis of _(当时已出现的情况)that there would be a long and difficult struggle.答案与解析答案与解析: 1. With industries and business developing quickly本句意为:随着工商业的发展,许多大城市的树木数量正急剧减少。“随着”要用介词 with 或 along with。 “工商业”既包括工业也包括商业,翻译时要注意译文的完整性。本句也可译成:With the quick development of industries and business. 2. broaden our horizon句中的短语 widen our knowledge 意思是“扩大我们的眼界”,make one open-minded 是同义复指,它们表示相同的意思却在英语里使用不同的表达,以避免用词重复。这是英语行文的一个技巧,考生在翻译时应尽量避免 wordiness(用词累赘) ,这个技巧在写六级作文时也值得借鉴。本句还可以译成:expand our vision 或 extend our sight. 3. which has seriously polluted the environment“这已经对环境造成了严重的污染”中的“这”显然是指前半句提到的 the smog in cities,这里需要的是一个非限制性定语从句,补充说明城市烟雾对环境的影响。本句还可以译成:which has brought serious pollution to the environment。4. hold an idea/ insist on the idea/ stick to the idea本句意为:只要我们坚持以经济建设为中心,那么在21世纪上半叶实现现代化是完全可能的。本题考查固定短语“坚持认为”的说法。除了答案提供的说法外还有以下说法大家可以参考:persist in the idea/ persevere in the idea/ adhere to the idea 等。5. what had appeared by then“情况”在这里没必要直译成 situation 或 case,本句含义是指基于当时的情况使他确信,因而可以用 what 引导作 basis 后置定语。还有一点需要注意的是, “当时已出现”要求我们在翻译时准确选择时态。by then 与过去完成时态想一致,也可以用 at that time。 )四级翻译练习(答案加解析)四级翻译练习(答案加解析)1. _ (我们确定搞两个开放):namely, to open up both externally and internally. 2. _ (不用说)that hes been there before. 3. _ (真想不到)that he had done a thing like that. 4.Premier Zhou _(一心想着人民的利益). 5. _(她非常不情愿地)that she agreed to help. 答案与解析答案与解析:1. We have decided on an open policy in two respects本题考查了语序的调整。 “两个开放”在原句中充当宾语,但是英语却不能说 two opens,只能理解成“在两个方面实行开放政策”。因此, “搞两个开放”应处理成“动词宾语状语”的结构。另外, “搞”字在英语中没有一个绝对的对等词,而且“搞”在汉语是一个动词,经常带一些宾语、状语、补语,这些成分和“搞”字一起传情达意。读者在英译的时候应注意对“搞”字的准确翻译。 2. Its needless to say考生应留意否定词译法,即在 have,there be 及情态动词后面加 no或 not,在实义动词前面加上 do 或 does not,在某些省略句中加上no。本题考查的是派生词用法。和汉语不同,英语单词词根可以加上前缀或后缀以改变单词本义,如 ab-,dis-,im-,ir-,il-,mal-,non-,un-,under-,less 等都是表示否定意义的词缀。 3. It was unexpected考生应注意照顾前后时态一致,考查的是“形式主语 it形容词that-从句”的结构。如果题干改为_(真想不到)his doing a thing like that,答案就要相应改为 fancy。fancy ones doing 带有更强烈的语气,惊讶程度也比 its unexpected 高。 4. has always had the interests of the people at heart英语里“一心想着”、 “总是想着”可以用短语 always think about、have sth. at heart、be preoccupied with sth. 来表达。但是它们的感情色彩是截然不同的。第一个短语是一般性用语,感情色彩为中性;第二个短语感情色彩为褒义;第三个短语往往后接不好的事情,是贬义词。 5. It was very reluctantly本题较难。考查的并不是形式主语句,二是一个强调句型。本句可以说成:She agreed to help very reluctantly. 原句的需填补部分是对状语的强调,以突出“极不情愿”这一信息中心。强调句用途很广,我们可以根据上下文和语义意图分别强调句子的主语、间接宾语、直接宾语、状语等。四级翻译练习(答案加解析)四级翻译练习(答案加解析)1.I replied to her that _ (我将会接受她的邀请).2.She was angry with her husband ,so _ (她不理不睬)when he spoke to her.3.How could we get news in our own society or abroad _ (没有报纸的话)?4.The latest census shows that Chinas population _ (已超过10亿).5.We have had ten recorders ,but we still need _(需要这么多)as again.答案与解析答案与解析:1. I would accept her invitation本题考点一是时态的一致。由于前半句时态是 replied,因此“将要”应译为 would。本题考点二是“接受”的英文表达。accept 和 receive 都有表示接受的意思。receive 指客观已经发生的情况。它只表明事实上收到某物而不管接受者主观上是否愿意接受。如:My father received a letter this morning. 而 accept 带有主动或赞许的意味,表示不但收下某物,而且内心也同意接受。如:Please accept my little present.下面这句话可以帮助大家分清两个词的使用域:He received an invitation yesterday but he did not accept it.(他昨天收到一份邀请,但却没有接受。 )2. she ignored him由句意可知,她是对丈夫生气了,因而丈夫和她说话时她不予理睬。本题要注意 ignore 和 neglect 在含义上的差别。Ignore 是故意不理睬别人,而 neglect 是表示疏忽(责任等) ,并非故意,常和 to 连用,如:Dont neglect to lock the door.3. without newspaper本句是一个与现在事实相反的虚拟语气句,虚拟语气句并不一定全部要用 if 条件句引导。很多情况下,一些介词或介词短语,副词短语的出现要求整个句子使用虚拟语气。without 就是其中之一。如:I couldnt have passed this exam without your help.(没有你的帮助,我不可能通过这次考试。 )这句话用 if 条件句来表达就是 I couldnt have passed this exam if I hadnt had your help. 除了 without 外,英语里还有很多这样的词或短语是虚拟语气标志词。如:as if,as though,lest,for fear that,in case,even if,even though,in order that,so that,大家在复习虚拟语气语法点的时候要注意总结。4. has exceeded one billion本句意为:据最新的人口普查,中国人口已超过10亿。本题一是要正确写出数字“10亿”,二是要正确选词“超过”,三是要注意完成时态。5. as many本题考查倍数对等的正确说法,可以用“ as adj. as”的结构。本句意为:我们已经有10台录音机了,但是我们还需要10台。四级翻译练习(答案加解析)四级翻译练习(答案加解析)1.In this way, I believe that all the people may be able to _ (像我一样享受乘坐公车的乐趣). 2.By practicing these, I have been able to _ (在智育方面我一直能不断进步). 3.According to a recent survey, four million people _ (死于与吸烟有关的疾病)each year. 4._(没有一项发明获得如此多的表扬和批评)t
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