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智课网IELTS备考资料口语:美国人打电话时最常用的句子摘要: 刚来美国最怕接电话了,每次接到电话都不知道对方在讲什么。有时用录音机录下来, 结果听到第七八遍才完全了解对方在说什么。提供一点电话英语给大家参考,这些也是美国人讲电刚来美国最怕接电话了,每次接到电话都不知道对方在讲什么。有时用录音机录下来, 结果听到第七八遍才完全了解对方在说什么。提供一点电话英语给大家参考,这些也是美国人讲电话时最常用到的一些句子:附记: 老美曾纠正过我, 不要只说, No, I dont know. 这样听来是不礼貌的, 最好是说, No, I am sorry, I dont know.别人的问题 自己的回答打电话进来:Is Yang there? (最常用) 更多信息请访问:Is Yang around? (次常用)Hello, May I speak to Yang please?Hello, Can I talk to Yang please?如果正是本人:This is he. (男的)This is she.(女的)This is Kun-Lin ( 你的名字) speaking.You are speaking to him. (her)You are talking to him.如果是别人:Hold on. (最常见)Ill get him, Hold on please.Hold on, let me see if he is here.One moment please.如果他正好不在:No, He is out. (最常见)No, He is not here. May I take a message?No, He is not in.No, He is not available.No, He just went out, he will be back in 30 minutes.如果他要找的人不在:Do you know when he will be back?Do you know where he is going?Do you know where I can reach him?Do you know his office number? (or work place number)回答:No, I am sorry, I dont know! (50%)I have no idea. (49%)Yes, his number is 404-123-4567.如果要留言:May I leave a message?回答:Sure, go ahead.Hold on, let me get a pencil and paper.打错电话:Is this Wachovia Bank?回答:No, I am afraid you have the wrong number.What number did you dial?What number are you calling?结束对话:Thank you, have a good day.听不清楚时:Pardon?Excuse me?I am sorry?Say again?Say what?Come again?相关字搜索: 雅思口语
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