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八年级下册英语课本知识同步讲解八年级下册英语课本知识同步讲解 Unit5 topic1一一重点短语重点短语1. want to do sth 想要去做 want sb to do sth 想要去做2. go to the movies 去电影院看电影3. prepare sth for sb 为准备4. say thanks to 向致谢 say hello to 向问好 say goodbye to 向告别 say sorry to 向道歉5. be popular with 受到的欢迎6. be cruel to sb 对残忍7. get a ticket to 得到的票8. be proud of = take pride in 以 为骄傲和自豪be pleased with= be satisfied with 对感到满意 turn green 变绿 9. set the table for sb 为摆放餐具10. be able to do = can do sth 有能力去做11. ring up =call up= phone sb = telephone sb = give sb a ring = give sb a call 给打电话12. feel sorry for 为感到遗憾难过 13. care for = look after = take care of 照顾 照料14. because of 因为 由于15. cheer sb up 使振作起来 cheer sb on 为加油16. in the end = at last = finally 最后终于17. at first=in the beginning 起初 首先 18. look for 寻找19. go mad 变疯 20. come into being局面的形成产生 21. be full of 充满 22. more and more 越来越多23. be interested in 对感兴趣24. make peace with 与 和解25. end with 以 而告终26. invite sb to 邀请去27. next time 下次28. notat all 一点也不 根本29. seem worried 看起来着急看起来着急It seems windy . He seems a nice man. He seems to leave for Shanghai.It seems that he is leaving for Shanghai根据这三个句子总结根据这三个句子总结 seem 的三个用法。的三个用法。seem+形容词形容词/名词名词seem to do sth. 好像做某事好像做某事It seems that +从句从句30. have a temperature 发烧 31. die of 死于 32. teach sb to do sth 教去做33. please sb 让高兴= make sb happy34. perform plays 表演短剧35. spend the evening at Kangkangs house 在康康家度过晚上二.重点句型1.How much does a ticket cost?2.What do you think of him?3.What did Maria go there for?4.Whats the matter with Mr. Lee?5.But there was none left.6.Michael isnt able to come.7.Im sure Mr.Lee will be surprised.8.How are you doing?9.They are proud of their players.10.I hope everthing goes well.11.Please say thanks to your mom.12.Its one of my favorite movies.13.My parents want to invite your parents to go to the movies.14.He seems a little unhappy.15.Beijing Opera used to be popular with old people ,while young people didnt like it very much.16.Beijing Opera came into being in 1790.三重点语法.Linking verb+ adjective 系动词系动词+ 形容词形容词 常见的系动词有常见的系动词有: be, look, become, get, turn,seem, feel, taste, smell, sound, touch 等等1.You look excited.2. I feel disappointed. 3.It tastes delicious.4.The man seems worried. 5.It smells terrible.6.Did she sound upset?7.She was very sad and went mad.8.The father was lonely and often became angry because of the noisy childen.四重点练习四重点练习根据句意用合适的单词完成句子。根据句意用合适的单词完成句子。lucky, worried, sad, happy, excited1. He won in the long jump. He was very_.2. The old man is very _ because of his lost purse.3. Mary gets a bad cold. Her mother is _ about her. 4. We sang and danced in the party last night. We were so _. 5. I got many birthday presents. I was_.
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