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中南民族大学硕士学位论文 I摘 要 自上个世纪 90 年代以来,随着创业对经济发展促进作用的日益突显,我国的创业教育,尤其是高校创业教育受到了人们越来越多的关注。本研究以不同高校大学生为研究对象,从高校大学生对创业及创业教育的态度认识入手,分析高校大学生对创业及创业教育的态度在性别、年级、专业、生源地、所在学校层次、家庭收入 6 个变量上是否存在差异。同时考察大学生对创业的态度与创业教育的态度是否存在一定的相关性。 本研究采用自制的大学生对创业教育相关问题调查问卷 ,针对3所不同层次的高校大学生进行随机抽样调查,对调查结果采用SPSS17.0软件进行统计分析,并对研究结果进行讨论。 研究得出以下结果:1、在大学生对创业的看法上,大部分学生对创业持肯定态度: (1) 在性别变量上, 男生对创业感兴趣并且有自己想法的数量多于女生; (2)在年级变量上,大二学生中希望自己参与创业的所占人数百分比要多于其他年级;(3)在专业变量上,理科选择创业的人数多于文科选择创业的人数; (4)在生源地变量上,城市学生中希望参与创业的略多;(5)在所在学校层次变量上,985、211 重点高校中希望自己参与创业的所占人数百分比最高;(6)在家庭收入变量上, 家庭月收入在 10000 元以上的学生中对创业感兴趣并且有自己想法的居多。 2、在大学生对创业教育的看法上,大部分学生认为有必要开展和普及创业教育: (1)在性别变量上,男生有过创业经历的数量多于女生; (2)在年级变量上,大四年级有过创业经历的学生数量多于其他年级; (3)在专业变量上,理科专业经常讨论创业话题的学生人数多于文科专业; (4)在生源地变量上,城市的学生中以为日后创业成功积累经验为目的参加创业设计大赛的学生人数居多; (5)在所在学校层次变量上, 985、 211 重点高校中认为创业教育开展很好的学生人数略多; (6)在家庭收入变量上,家庭收入越高,对创业教育的态度越积极。 根据研究结果,本文从政府、高校和学生个人三个方面,对高校创业教育方面提出以下对策和建议:政府方面,首先应成立专门的创业教育研究机构,其次要加大对大学生创业的支持力度,再次要努力营造支持创业的社会文化氛围;高大学生对创业及创业教育态度的调查与研究 II校方面,高校管理者应在思想上应充分重视创业教育,充分发掘资源,改进创业教育的实施环节,结合学校自身优势和特色开展创业教育,并针对学生的不同特点分层次开展创业教育活动;学生个人方面,要提高对创业教育的积极性。 关键词:关键词:大学生;创业;创业教育;态度 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 IIIAbstract Since the 1990s, accompanying the increasing influence of innovative undertaking on the development of economy, the education of innovative undertaking in China, especial the university innovative undertaking, has attracted more and more social attention. This study has collected the data of college students from different universities and began with the attitudes of these college students on innovative undertaking and the education of innovative undertaking in universities to analyze whether the college students attitudes differ in the six variables of sex, grade, student-original area, subject, the level of the university and family income. Meanwhile, this study has also examined whether there is relativity between the attitudes of the college students on innovative undertaking and on the education of innovative undertaking. This study employs the Self-made questionnaire of “Questionnaire of Attitudes of College Students on the Education of Innovative Undertaking and Related Questions” using random sample method to collect attitudes of college students from three different level universities. Then the data were analyzed with SPSS17.0 and the results were discussed as well. The results of this research are as follows: 1. Regarding to the attitudes on innovative undertakings, most of the college students who were questioned hold a positive attitude. With regard to the six variables: (1) The sex variable. Compared with female students, the male students who are interested in and have personal ideas on innovative undertakings has a higher percentage. (2) The grade variable. Students at the second grade are most willing to involve in the activities of innovative undertakings comparing with the percent of other grades students. (3) The subject variable. Students of nature science are more willing to take innovative undertaking than social science students. (4) The student origin area variable. In most cases, students from urban area tend to be more desirable to join innovative undertaking activities. (5) The university level variable. The highest percentages of possession of the number of innovative undertaking students are from universities of the projects of 985 and 211. (6) The family income variable. Students whose family incomes are more than 10000 RMB takes up the biggest percentage of students who are interested in innovative undertaking and have personal ideas on it.2. Concerning the attitudes on the education of innovative 大学生对创业及创业教育态度的调查与研究 IVundertaking, most of the students conceive that this education is necessary: (1) The sex variable. The number of male students who have experiences of innovative undertaking is bigger than female students. (2) The grade variable. The number of students at the fourth grade takes up the biggest percentage of students who have innovative undertaking experiences comparing to other grades. (3) The subject variable. Students from natural science have more discussions on innovative undertaking than social science students. (4) The student origin area variable. The number of students from the urban area is bigger than the number of any other areas in collecting innovative undertaking experience from innovative undertaking design competitions. (5) The university level variable. Students from universities of the projects of 985 and 211 are more prone to praise the education of innovative undertaking. (6) The family income variable. It can be indicated from the data, the more family income the students have, the more optimistic attitudes the students hold towards innovative undertaking education. Based on the results of this study, the author has proposed three suggestions from the perspectives of government, universities and students. First of all, for the government, the special innovative undertaking institutions should be established in the first place, and then, greater support should
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