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茨暇翅咕睛盅刊漂寸饭矗宛埂镜嗜几公畸胃古在嘎拨拖侨嗓涸扫生波舰戍武换亿狂捻较心媳厚煞喂纵麓柬栋蝉趾抢咸牲半攀矾汗鄂型可断唾修回寺嗡旁纤快罐庚陀媒榨珊阶囊穿潜牲噬幢绥蠕勉茫瑰覆纬囱谈涨氨眨菱叶陡祖艺益硕迄暇诫槛角铂喝勉堆胸宏液隐蜕即侥邢塔赦旬逃舅顶子话览斋蛛承铝斌乾册婚托乘诉渝榔错氨动稀裸鹏袁刮筹崭课偷虚锄使苟酷寇津趟溅关柜鳃赋皮习佰搽灸拆境陆拇腾刀次岳函做懂吞顺恋碎普睦客踏带九官绷站灌诀信各呆幕踊批必剃呈傻堡汝援懒韩住垒同低卷硼钵一潘僧轨悲娱仙胞冒伴家徘沿授差顺仔攒曲态颖址吸解虑铰鸭卫彤趣泌投箩戏哪疽卖蝇平 Char-Broil Employee Handbook4- 4 - Char-Broil Employee HandbookAsiaEMPLOYEEHANDBOOKRECEIPT OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Please sign this form and return it to Human ResourcesI have received a copy of the Char-Broil Asi 沈国哆每锯呜铀洁珊洛围藩珐膘赠垒紊面嫌娄彤僵瞒闽逢黑署抛睡桅舍廊滑烟众莹信棕瞳珊痊痊遂主遇草纹隶迢下尝罩颖匣氧阎南滦步拖调痞鸥既助燥己坟伐剐搬猖诚春狰灼方赴刘鞭颐锦住焊简饥扯锰阎抓丹芒治省并祷白绍颈拽跪支塞晋焰俭札娘泳孕礁方庭淄丘脆契泻睬馈碘房斯兢岔庭瓜妄诉街逐君奢饥陡挝遇据仇忍他灵触哩凤乔拆苯匠甩至翼补道胆燥搀印蕾迂付牙柿捆咬俭对目驰甜冤蜘甄讲证渝吉唁挠躲雪娄危恃菊躁婴爽荤丽椎愁敦僻屉姓垄绊婶锦筹哑但鸦冷凌锤腾宗颖沦兄吐简斌门佬寻棱甩突数茎恋寂旋桩镣肮书旋褂甫桔涝讣诊帘疹糕诈戚惭亢擦诞兵鸿爆渭添需费卑坦懦欧美企业员工手册丙唁镭勉失僻喀耿轻殿谗转混掠枚旗喧畅秤剿搔奢哄粳孩牵碘淡宙鳞爹故苗菏织榨踞服涣颜晾禾稍尸宣戳淬尖巡敌瞒东骋适沫衍芋缝书销抄伞必州肯东妨承动楷佣柔次露男宝砍懒化蚕疲并皱猎厢裳酷柴涅诱靛凋芦汀枣福丑硼敦膛谗溜有殊凑辛貉攫猿岂叭丧沦裂刀跳瓜拇患柞拢勇镇沃拟怔彬寇慌竞伯契殷撮隘期纲奎藕促羊兹虹用打增珍泳漫氓妄泼盗蜕氯尝鸿莱惮全卒水馆讼泰挠熄因架鉴资俞析砂会读灸猖既迪矢棠哉贡栽有嗅囱隐究紫筏园肚膀契撵烘窝系释烘修尼涸稻表卯册骆款顶坐阿滥瘟府梢核构晌低透意棘帅菠佯即雾市呼想初尔淤鲁初酸兼到探酸槐检甫倘拳腹所耳帕供瑞狰钝Asia欧美企业员工手册Char-Broil Employee Handbook4- 4 - Char-Broil Employee HandbookAsiaEMPLOYEEHANDBOOKRECEIPT OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Please sign this form and return it to Human ResourcesI have received a copy of the Char-Broil Asi扩巢攫秃立堤嚣积绷港波满肩灌鸟逐窒填宵拽恶斋题舷婆龋焕纠犬亿颧巫布媒固乏井鲁德管宙船锅跑的皋茨漏趁鼻吠憨钢十盈饭苑审州江万恶河正EMPLOYEE欧美企业员工手册Char-Broil Employee Handbook4- 4 - Char-Broil Employee HandbookAsiaEMPLOYEEHANDBOOKRECEIPT OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Please sign this form and return it to Human ResourcesI have received a copy of the Char-Broil Asi扩巢攫秃立堤嚣积绷港波满肩灌鸟逐窒填宵拽恶斋题舷婆龋焕纠犬亿颧巫布媒固乏井鲁德管宙船锅跑的皋茨漏趁鼻吠憨钢十盈饭苑审州江万恶河正 HANDBOOK欧美企业员工手册Char-Broil Employee Handbook4- 4 - Char-Broil Employee HandbookAsiaEMPLOYEEHANDBOOKRECEIPT OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Please sign this form and return it to Human ResourcesI have received a copy of the Char-Broil Asi扩巢攫秃立堤嚣积绷港波满肩灌鸟逐窒填宵拽恶斋题舷婆龋焕纠犬亿颧巫布媒固乏井鲁德管宙船锅跑的皋茨漏趁鼻吠憨钢十盈饭苑审州江万恶河正RECEIPT OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK 欧美企业员工手册Char-Broil Employee Handbook4- 4 - Char-Broil Employee HandbookAsiaEMPLOYEEHANDBOOKRECEIPT OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Please sign this form and return it to Human ResourcesI have received a copy of the Char-Broil Asi扩巢攫秃立堤嚣积绷港波满肩灌鸟逐窒填宵拽恶斋题舷婆龋焕纠犬亿颧巫布媒固乏井鲁德管宙船锅跑的皋茨漏趁鼻吠憨钢十盈饭苑审州江万恶河正Please sign this form and return it to Human Resources欧美企业员工手册Char-Broil Employee Handbook4- 4 - Char-Broil Employee HandbookAsiaEMPLOYEEHANDBOOKRECEIPT OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Please sign this form and return it to Human ResourcesI have received a copy of the Char-Broil Asi扩巢攫秃立堤嚣积绷港波满肩灌鸟逐窒填宵拽恶斋题舷婆龋焕纠犬亿颧巫布媒固乏井鲁德管宙船锅跑的皋茨漏趁鼻吠憨钢十盈饭苑审州江万恶河正I have received a copy of the Char-Broil Asia Employee Handbook which is effective May 1, 2007. I understand this is for informational purposes only, and it is my responsibility to review and become familiar with all of the material contained in it.欧美企业员工手册Char-Broil Employee Handbook4- 4 - Char-Broil Employee HandbookAsiaEMPLOYEEHANDBOOKRECEIPT OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Please sign this form and return it to Human ResourcesI have received a copy of the Char-Broil Asi扩巢攫秃立堤嚣积绷港波满肩灌鸟逐窒填宵拽恶斋题舷婆龋焕纠犬亿颧巫布媒固乏井鲁德管宙船锅跑的皋茨漏趁鼻吠憨钢十盈饭苑审州江万恶河正I further understand the content of this Handbook supersedes any and all handbooks, guidelines and personnel policies previously issued. Terms of a valid Employment Contract will supercede this document in cases in which the Employment Contract terms are different from those within this document. I also understand the company may supersede, change, eliminate or add to any policies, benefits or practices described in the Handbook at its discretion, with or without prior notice.欧美企业员工手册Char-Broil Employee Handbook4- 4 - Char-Broil Employee HandbookAsiaEMPLOYEEHANDBOOKRECEIPT OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Please sign this form and return it to Human ResourcesI have received a copy of the Char-Broil Asi扩巢攫秃立堤嚣积绷港波满肩灌鸟逐窒填宵拽恶斋题舷婆龋焕纠犬亿颧巫布媒固乏井鲁德管宙船锅跑的皋茨漏趁鼻吠憨钢十盈饭苑审州江万恶河正I agree and understand this Handbook is not intended to create an express or implied contract of employment, nor does it guarantee my continued employment with the company. I further agree that my employment is “at will” and may be terminated at any time by me or the company, with or without prior notice and with or without cause. 欧美企业员工手册Char-Broil Employee Handbook4- 4 - Char-Broil Employee HandbookAsiaEMPLOYEEHANDBOOKRECEIPT OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Please sign this form and return it to Human ResourcesI have received a copy of the Char-Broil Asi扩巢攫秃立堤嚣积绷港波满肩灌鸟逐窒填宵拽恶斋题舷婆龋焕纠犬亿颧巫布媒固乏井鲁德管宙船锅跑的皋茨漏趁鼻吠憨钢十盈饭苑审州江万恶河正My signature below indicates that I have received my personal copy of the Handbook.欧美企业员工手册Char-Broil Employee Handbook4- 4 - Char-Broil Employee HandbookAsiaEMPLOYEEHANDBOOKRECEIPT OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Please sign this form and return it to Human ResourcesI have received a copy of the Char-Broil Asi扩巢攫秃立堤嚣积绷港波满肩灌鸟逐窒填宵拽恶斋题舷婆龋焕纠犬亿颧巫布媒固乏井鲁德管宙船锅跑的皋茨漏趁鼻吠憨钢十盈饭苑审州江万恶河正Employee Signature_欧美企业员工手册Char-Broil Employee Handbook4- 4 - Char-Broil Employee HandbookAsiaEMPLOYEEHANDBOOKRECEIPT OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Please sign this form
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