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1Unit7-Unit8Unit7-Unit8 单元综合测试单元综合测试Class_ No_ Name_ 一、单项选择(一、单项选择(25%25%) ( )1. Can you tell me _ your friend looks like? - Oh, he is tall and thin.A. why B. how C. when D. what ( )2. Do you remember the popular singer _ long straight hair?A. has B. is C. looks like D. with ( )3.I dont like mutton _ beef. I dont like mutton, _ I like beef a lot.A. and; out B. and; and C. or; but D. or; and ( )4. I _ think she is _ beautiful. A. dont; / B. not; / C. /; not D. are; not ( )5. Listen _ me carefully _ class!A. after; in B. to; in C. to; after D. at; at ( )6. Do you like _ or _?A. sing; dancing B. singing; dancing C. sing; dance D. singing; dance ( )7. I am hungry. I want to eat some _. A. juice B. water C. tea D. dumplings ( )8. - _ - We have beef, chicken and mutton noodles.A. What kind of noodles would you like? B. What kind of noodles do you have? C. Do you have beef noodles? D. Can you give me some noodles? ( )9. Lets go to the House of Dumplings! It has some _ these days. - Good idea! The food there _ always great. A. specials; is B. specials; are C. special; is D. special; are ( )10. _ everyone in China like dumplings?A. Is B. Are C. Does D. Do ( )11. They usually go _ home _ lunch.A. to; for B. to; at C. at; in D. /. for ( )12. They often watch TV _ Saturday evening.A. at B. in C. on D. of ( )13. There is going to _ a football match on TV this weekend.A. have B. are C. be D. is ( )14. The students are very tired. Let them _. A. to stop working B. stop to work C. stop working D. to stop to work ( )15. What kind of noodles would you like? - _, please.A. Tomatoes noodles with beef B. Beef and tomatoes noodles C. Beef and tomato noodles D. Beef or tomato noodles ( )16. This medium box of ice cream is just 4 RMB. Would you like it? -Yes, Ill _ it. A. bring B. carry C. like D. take( )17. My father is a little fat. He loves _ jokes. A. to tell B. tell C. to speak D. to say ( )18. Would you like _ basketball with us? OK! I like _basketball very much. A. play; to play B. playing; to play C. to play; playing D. 2playing; playing ( )19. Would you like a cup of tea? - _. A. I d love B. Yes, please C. No, I wouldnt D. Sorry ( )20. My mother _ hot dogs, but my father _. A. like; dont B. likes; doesnt C. likes; dont D. like; doesnt ( )21. Whos the girl _ black jacket?A. in the B. in C. of D. down ( )22. Would you like _ green tea?A. some B. any C. many D. a lot ( )23. This kind of shirts looks _ and sells _.A. nice; good B. nice; well C. well; well D. good; nice ( )24. Do you know the _ over there? She is my mothers teacher.A. people B. man C. person D. child ( )25. Could I have something _?A. of drink B. like C. to drink D. drink二、完形填空(二、完形填空(10%10%) Dear Wang Hong,Thank you for your e- mail. I d like _1_ you something about one of my good friends. His name is Peter. He will _2_ China next week, but he knows _3_ about the country. Can you help me meet him at the _4_? The plane is _5_ Beijing at 3:00 pm next Thursday. Because you never see him. Ill e-mail his _6_ to you. But now, I want to make a short description. Dont be so _7_ at his strong build when you see him. Hes of medium height. He _8_ short curly brown hair and two blue eyes. He has good sight(视力), so he _9_ wear glasses. To make you find him easily, hell wear a T-shirt with the word “China”. He can _10_ a little Chinese, so you may talk with him. Could you help me look after him? Thanks a lot!Yours, Linda( )1. A. to tellB. tellC. tellsD. telling( )2. A. comeB. goC. getD. visit( )3. A. everythingB. something C. anythingD. nothing( )4. A. stationB. airportC. stopD. park( )5. A. gettingB. arrivingC. reachD. arriving in( )6. A. letterB. lookC. photoD. idea( )7. A. interested B. relaxed C. surprisedD. bored( )8. A. isB. has C. haveD. with( )9. A. doesnt B. dont C. hasntD. havent( )10. A. talkB. tellC. sayD. speak三、阅读理解(三、阅读理解(20%20%) A A3Linda and Lucy are twin sisters. They look the same. They wear the same clothes, pants and even the same hats. Their hair is also of the same length(长度) and color long and brown. So its very difficult to tell who is Linda and who is Lucy just from their looks. But they are quite different actually (事实上). Linda is 10 minutes older than Lucy. She is a shy girl. She doesnt like ta
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