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中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万免费教育资源当下来,无须注 册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net 全国中小学全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选优秀教学案例评选教案设计教案设计I 教案背景教案背景1、面向学生:小学 2、学科:英语 3、课时:一课时 4、表格II 教学课题教学课题本课是外研社版英语教材小学(一起点)第十一册的Module 2 Unit1There is a big Chinatown in New York.III 教材分析教材分析【教学重点】理解文章,学会从文章中提取有效信息。 【教学难点】用一般过去时完成一定的任务。 【教学目标】知识目标: 1) 能认读单词 surprise everywhere restaurant dancing,并能认读相关句子。2) 能准确找出文中表过去式的单词,并能写出其原形。能力目标: 1.用过去时表述过去发生的事情。2学会写一封电子邮件。情感目标:了解中华文化,增强民族自豪感,养成合理的跨文化心态及与各国人民友好相处的意识。IV 教学方法教学方法任务教学法,交流法,小组合作学习V 教学过程教学过程I Warming- up1. greeting2. a puzzle中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万免费教育资源当下来,无须注 册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net T: Yesterday I got an email from Daming.He went to an interesting place.But he didnt tell me what place. He gave me a puzzle. Can you help me to guess?(PPT show the email with a puzzle)There is a place.Its not in China.But-There are many Chinese people everywhere.There are lots of Chinese restaurants.What is it?(复习 there is/ there are.同时引出主题:Chinatown)Ss:its Chinatown!(设计意图:通过一个 puzzle 的形式,温故提新,同时引起学生兴趣。学生的兴趣提起来,才会产生自主学习的动力,去主动思考和参与。)3.T: Great! Lets enjoy some beautiful pictures about Chinatown!(PPT 展示唐人街短片,同时板书 Chinatown)唐人街图片来源 http:/image.baidu.com/i?tn=baiduimageChinese people everywhere;And Chinese shops.(通过 ppt 和单词卡片展示教授单词 dancing, everywhere)2.restaurant,different,surprise,past tense words: spoke, ate T: Then I felt hungry.So I ate in an American Chinese restaurant.(eat-ate)I had a surprise!The food was different!The people spoke Chinese and English.(speak-spoke)(PPT 和单词卡片展示教授单词 restaurant,different,surprise)3. Now you know my dream. Here is it. Can you answer these questions?(设计意图:通过 PPT 表格,小结检测新授单词,同时训练学生通过学习进行自我总结概括的能力。)WheregoeatWhengoWhatdid IseeIII. New teaching1. Now we know many things about Chinatown.Our friend Daming went to Chinatown. Can you ask Daming some questions about the Chinatown? You can discussin group, and write down your questions.(设计意图:有了上一环节表格的提示做铺垫,在学习新课时让学生通过组内学习,来自主发现,提出问题。)(PPT 提示 what, where, when 等疑问词 )T:You can ask questions with these words.中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万免费教育资源当下来,无须注 册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net 每小组发一张 questions paper,在上面写自己小组的问题。Ask some groups to share their questions.Teacher summarize the questions.2. T:Daming told his mother about Chinatown in another email.Now lets listen and find the answers.Check the answers.3.Read and answer questions.T:I also have some questions about Damings trip to Chinatown. Can you answer them? Read and discuss in group.1.What did people speak there?2. Where did they eat?3.What did they see in the street?4. Did Simon like the Chinese dancing?5.Where does Simon want to visit?(设计意图:小组合作学习,通过自主阅读课文和讨论,找出问题答案,训练学生 的阅读能力,和从文章提取有效信息的技能。) T and Students discuss the questions together,then teacher show the answers.(pay attention to the important and diffcult words and expressions)4. acitvity:Do you remember?(review the past tense words)T:Daming told us what happened yesterday.When we describe sth happened in the past,we use the past tense.Can you find the past tense words in the text? (Ask some ss to find the past tense word)(火眼金睛) Say the past tense form of the words quickly please!通过 PPT 快速展示动词,让学生说出其过去式。 5. Listen and repeat.IV. Production T:Daming went to Chinatown yesterday. Its a wonderful trip. Can you tell us about your trip?中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万免费教育资源当下来,无须注 册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net (PPT 出示提示图片 the Great Wall,Kite Square 等,和提示句 1、Where did you go? 2、When did you go there? 3、What did you eat/ see/?T:For example, I went to the Moutain Yunmen last summer图片来源:http:/image.baidu.com/i?tn=baiduimage&ct=201326592&cl=2&fm=detail&lm=-1&st=-1&sf=2&fmq=1363229824434_R&pv=&ic=0&nc=1&z=&se=1&showtab=0&fb=0&width=&height=&face=0&istype=2&ie=utf-8&word=the+Great+Wallhttp:/image.baidu.com/i?tn=baiduimage&ct=201326592&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&fm=result&fr=&sf=1&fmq=1363229870223_R&pv=&ic=0&nc=1&z=&se=1&showtab=0&fb=0&width=&height=&face=0&istype=2&ie=utf-8&word=%E6%BD%8D%E5%9D%8A%E9%A3%8E%E7%AD%9D%E5%B9%BF%E5%9C%BA用 PPT 提示 trip 关键词。老师先完成自己的 trip 描述。There is a(an) in ._I went to _ .There were _.There were_.I saw_.I ate_.T:Now can you write an email to tell Daming about your trip? (show the pattern of email,ask Ss to finish the email in oral)(设计意图:通过口头邮件的方式,让学生自主发挥,侧重训练学生用过去式描述事情的能力)V.Emotion education播放世界人民友好团结的照片,和音乐 one world, one dream. http:/image.baidu.com/i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E4%BA%BA%E6%B0%91&ie=utf-8&in=16988&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=0&rn=1&di=1480366250&ln=1972&fr=&fm=result&fmq=1363229550109_R&ic=0&s=&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn0&-1&di1480366250&objURLhttp%3A%2F%2Fpic12.nipic.com%2F20101223%2F2457331_083938951000_2.jpg&中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万免费教育资源当下来,无须注 册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net fromURLippr_z2C%24qAzdH3FAzdH3Fooo_z%26e3Bgtrtv_z%26e3Bv54AzdH3Ffi5oAzdH3F8AzdH3F89AzdH3F9a0mmdchnbja8a0a_z%26e3Bip4s&W1024
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