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摘 要本设计为拟建的西安市第六污水处理厂工艺设计,处理规模为 10 万m3/d,设计出水水质执行城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准GB18918-2002 一级 B 标准。经查阅资料和现场调研,通过工艺比选,确定采用卡鲁塞尔氧化沟为西安市第六污水处理厂的主体处理工艺,该工艺具有处理流程简单、操作管理方便、出水水质好、工艺可靠、建设投资省和运行费用低等优点。在此基础上,确定了污水处理流程为:进水井粗格栅提升泵房细格栅曝气沉砂池氧化沟二沉池接触池;污泥处理流程为:剩余污泥泵房浓缩池贮泥池脱水间。进行了各单体构筑物的工艺设计和计算,污水处理厂的平面布置,水力计算和高程设计等。在此基础上,完成了平面图、高程图以及主要构筑物的设计和图纸绘制。本工程的实施将显著改善受纳水体水质,同时间接产生经济效益,促进经济可持续发展。关键词:城市污水;卡鲁塞尔氧化沟;工艺设计第 1 页AbstractThe project is the process design of Sixth Sewage Treatment Plant to build in Xian. Treatment capacity is m3/d. The water quality in effluent will meet the requirement of the State Discharging Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB18918-2002) 1B.Though resourcing data and investigation and some comparison,this design uses Carrousel oxidation ditch process. the process has some advantages like easy operation and management,process reliability,saving investment, good treatment effect, and so on 。On this basis, determined the sewage treatment process for:well of waterthick grilleaeration sink sand pooloxidation ditchsecondary sedimentation tankcontact chamber;The sludge treatment process for:excess sludge pump roomconcentrated tankmud storage poolbetween dehydration。The plan layout of the structures of the monomer process design and calculation, sewage treatment plant, the hydraulic calculation and elevation design, etc.Based on this,this design contains the identification, each monomer process of calculation, construction drawings drawing etc.The implementation of this project will significantly improve the water quality of receiving water, and indirect economic benefits and promote sustainable economic development.KeyKey wordswords: urban sewage; Carrousel oxidation ditch; process design目录 1 前言 .4 1.1 城市污水来源.4 1.2 城市污水的危害.4 2 设计计算 .8 2.1 设计水量及水质.8 2.1.1 设计污水量.8 2.1.2 进水水质 .8 2.1.3 出水水质 .9 2.1.4 各污染物去除率.9 2.2 处理工艺流程的确定.9 2.2.1 设计方案分析.9 2.2.2 原污水可生化性分析.11 2.2.3 污水处理厂工艺方案比选.12 2.2.4 工艺方案选择.23 2.2.5 工艺流程 .24 2.3 构筑物的设计计算.25 2.3.1 粗格栅 .25 2.3.2 提升泵房 .30 2.3.3 细格栅 .31 2.3.4 曝气沉砂池.36 2.3.5 厌氧池 .40 2.3.6 氧化沟 .40 2.3.7 二沉池 .50 2.3.8 消毒设施 .56 2.3.9 巴氏计量槽.58 2.3.10 污泥泵房 .58 2.3.11 污泥浓缩池.60 2.3.12 贮泥池 .62 2.3.13 脱水机房 .63 2.4 污水处理厂总体布置.63 2.4.1 平面布置.
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