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智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料新版gre写作新题库:argument123gre改革后新版gre写作新题库里的作文方面的一个重要变化是有了 指导语。而指导语的作用是有助于我们的逻辑性写作,以下是新版gre 写作新题库内有关argument123的写作部分: 题目: The following appeared in a health newsletter. “A ten-year nationwide study of the effectiveness of wearing a helmet while bicycling indicates that ten years ago, approximately 35 percent of all bicyclists reported wearing helmets, whereas today that number is nearly 80 percent. Another study, however, suggests that during the same ten-year period, the number of accidents caused by bicycling has increased 200 percent. These results demonstrate that bicyclists feel safer because they are wearing helmets, and they take more risks as a result. Thus, there is clearly a call for the government to strive to reduce the number of serious injuries from bicycle accidents by launching an education program that concentrates on the factors other than helmet use that are necessary for bicycle safety.“Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation. 中文翻译: 一项为期十年的对于在骑自行车时戴头盔的作用的研究显示,10年 前,所有骑车人中大约有35%报告说他们戴头盔,现在这个比例接近80 %。然而另外一项调查显示在相同的十年期间,因骑车引起的事故数量 增加了200%。这些结果说明骑车人因为戴着头盔而感到更安全,因而 导致他们面临更大的危险。因此,为减少自行车事故中严重伤害的数量 ,政府应该更多地对人们加强自行车安全的教育,并非要求骑车人戴头盔。 写一篇回应,在其中讨论还有哪些问题需要被回答才能决定文中的 推荐是否能得到预期结果,并务请解释对这些问题的回答是如何帮助更 好的评估文中的建议的。 此上就是新版gre写作新题库 argument123的内容从今天起小编就 给大家连续提供新版gre写作新题库argument部分的内容。希望大家能 够在练习中提高自己的写作水平。
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