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智课网IELTS备考资料慎用雅思作文素材和模板很多考生在雅思作文备考的时候,总会准备写作素材和模板,但是智课教育雅思作文栏目小编要说的是对它们的使用要慎重!中国学生只在乎是否获得一个雅思考试成绩,而不在乎是否学的东西在生活中可以应用。模板弄熟,然后背下素材,填进去,素材出现复杂句和大词,形式上符合了大部分考试的要求,从而让开口难和动笔难的学生屡试不爽的通过大小考试。雅思的意义,在于考官是英文母语者,他们的标准就一条:“我只看你写的东西是否合理和恰当”。(whether you can present ideaslogically and naturally)模板之害,就是在于学生即便有想法,也说不完,因为说完了,模板就套不上了。素材之害,就是在于学生即便觉得不对,也要写上去,因为既然背了,不写就白背了。该写的不写,不该写的写了。在以前的考试能够活的下去。雅思却不行。这就是为什么很多老师和学生总是觉得雅思不公平,很难。其实,是以前的考试太简单了。我们看看下面这个题目两个学生的段落,还有我的段落对比。Some people believe that the best way to produce a happier society is toensure that there are only small differences between the richest and the poorestmembers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?第一个学生 (用了模板)Many people think that narrowing the gap between the rich and the poorhelps create a happier society (为了套模板,抄了题目,考官要看到的是真正的观点).one main reason is that(还是模板,但是这句话说的是社会不公平的坏处,前面一句话说的是贫富减少的好处,两句话中间思维跳跃)imbalance social distributioncauses some argument and these argument can pose a threat to the society. Forexample (再套模板,这个例其实根本就不是例子,例子是解释前面名名词的东西), the crime rate may decrease becausethe poor can afford their living cost and they feel happy because they betreated equality in the society instead of classifying by their property.第二个学生 (用了素材)Less differences between people from different backgrounds make it easierfor them to share equal access to social resources such as educationaloppurtunities, health care etc. by doing so, people can make the same success.For instance, a student from disadvanteged family can also become a high caliberone. When people all can fulfill their potential and succeed in their ownbusinesses, there would not be discriminations(用了素材的观点,没有歧视,而这里的上下文根本不可能提到歧视,逻辑一下就乱了). So, people feel happier.下面是我的段落Closing the gap between rich and poor requires governments to pay attentionto the well-being of poor people and take action to ensure that these peoplelead a happy life. For example, these people can go to college and have the sameopportunities to get better-paying jobs as those from rich families. They canget rid of poverty and enjoy a reasonable standard of living. This is a vitalpart of a happy society. In contrast, crimes can be rampant in a society wherepeople are at a disadvantage due to their social status.很多雅思考生总是对自己中国式的备考方法存有妄念,觉得多冲几次总能过。结果就是万年5分,5.5分。雅思就这么一条路,你可以选择走很多弯路,回头再走。也可以现在就选择走。
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