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1初二英语上半册第一模块复习提纲初二英语上半册第一模块复习提纲 本模块需要掌握的内容本模块需要掌握的内容: 需掌握的词汇: 名词: advice; breath; club; conversation; grammar; group; language; mark; message; mistake; newspaper; notebook; number; piece; pronunciation; radio; spelling; smile; term; translation; wish; writing. 动词: borrow; complete; copy; correct; count; forget (forgot, forgotten); guess; hear; improve; match; place; remember; repeat; send; smile; start; translate; watch; wish. 形容词: basic; correct; deep; excellent; shy. 副词:else; just; together. 代词: each; other; yourself. 短语: each other; enjoy oneself; write down; all the time; try not to do sth; dont forget to do sth 理解词汇:accent; writing; pen friend; punctuation; orchestra; number(给标号码) 语法:掌握提建议的几种方法: How about/ What about +n. /doing sth?Why not do sth?=why dont you/ we do sth?Its a good idea to do sth.S should do sth/ shouldnt do sth. 话题:语言学习1 Why dont you write it down? 2 You should always speak English in class. 3 You should write down your mistakes in your notebooks. 4 Why dont you write down the correct spelling and grammar next to the mistakes? 5 Its a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day. 6 How about listening to the radio or reading a newspaper in English? Try not to translate every word. 7 Many students ask for advice about improving their English. 8 These are good questions to start a conversation. 9 Before you begin , take a deep breath and smile. Smiling always helps . 10When you are shopping , how about counting the English words, or saying the English names for everything you see? 交际用语交际用语 1.Ready? 2. What else? 3. Thats a good idea. 用本模块的重点短语和句型完成下面句子: 1.尽量不要翻译每一个单词.2.我将给你提些关于学英语的建议. 3.你为什么不把它写下来?(两种)4.你应该在课堂上始终说英语.5.你应该在错误的旁边写下正确的拼写形式和语法. 6.你还需要别的什么?27.每天检查你的单词笔记本是个好主意. 8.看英文报纸怎么样?_9.我想每个人都应该有个笔友并给彼此写电子短信.10.作为同学我们应该互相帮助互相学习. 11.这学期我们将参加升学考试.12.Theyll _ _ in China.(举行音乐会).(四种) 13.She can _ _ _ my homework.(帮我做作业).(两种) 14.你认为学英语最好的建议是什么? 15.你经常犯什么错误? 16.你们应该学习地道的英语. 17.让我们征求一下老师关于学语文的建议吧 18.You must _ _ if you want to _ _.(努力学习;提高英语成绩) 19.英语是个基本(重要)的学科.20.你觉得呢?(两种)22.这是一个学英语的好办法.T You should _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ while youre reading. (尽量猜单词的意思) 23.We _ _ at the party last Saturday. (玩儿的很高兴) 24.第二个问题是关于”说”.25.Can you tell me _ _ _ _ ? (我该怎么办) 26.你发现(认为)用英语进行对话容易吗? 27.深呼吸_ _ and then you wont feel too nervous.(两种) 28.我很快就把它们忘记了. 29.尽量一天记八个或十个单词.30.把它们写在一张张纸上,再把它们放在卧室里. 31.什么使得你害羞? 32.你微笑的时候感觉怎么样?33.I want to search for _ _ _ Beijjing.(一些关于北京的资料) 34.一些电视节目很难理解.(两种) 35. 我把作业忘在家里了) 36.Can you _ _ _ _ _ in English?(彼此打招呼) 37.Ill _ my American pen friend_ Dalian when he comes here this summer. (带 领参观(两种) 38.If we want to improve our spoken English, we should practice _(一直). 39.你应该邀请你的朋友到你的俱乐部来! 40.We can learn English _ _.(跟报纸学英语) 41.Do you like to learn English _ _?(跟电视学英语) 42.I used to learn English _ when I was young.跟广播 学英语(三种)3Answer the following questions:P4 1.Why does Lihao take a long time to watch films and listen to songs in English? 2.What does the Language Doctor think Li Hao should do to learn English? 3.why does Oliver forget his new vocabulary? 4.what is the best way to learn vocabulary? 5.What does the Language Doctor advise Sam to do? 初二英语上半册第二模块复习提纲初二英语上半册第二模块复习提纲 本模块需要掌握的内容本模块需要掌握的内容: 需掌握的词汇: 名词:airport; captain; competition; country; dream; experience(经验,经历); Italian; kind; palace; prize; problem; sandwich; seat; stone; time(次) 动词:climb; dream(dreamed, dreamed/ dreamt, dreamt) sell(sold, sold); sound; name. 形容词: delicious; fantastic; Italian; western; wonderful. 副词:abroad; anywhere; before; ever; yet; only. 代词: someone 连词:before 介词:before, beside 短语: sell out; come true; take off; more than. 理解词汇: brilliant; another; cabin; Chinatown; dagger( 匕首,短剑)entertainment; musician; pizza; reckon; roast; seafood; steward(乘务员); taste(品尝,有的味道);more than. 语法:掌握现在完成时的用法: S have/ has done sth /S havent/hasnt done sth;Have/ Has S done sth?Have you (ever) done sth (before)?Have you ever been to ?S havent / hasnt been to. 话题: 经历 1.Has she visited China before? No, she hasnt . 2.she has enjoyed my messages about my life here in Beijing. 3.I have always wanted to go to the USA and Europe . 4.Have you looked at todays newspaper? 5.have you ever entered a competition? 6.Have you ever been abroad? 7.Is there anywhere she hasnt visited? 8.She has tried western food in a hotel in Nanjing. 9.He has been to a Liu Huan concert in Beijing with more than 2000 people. 10. Ive always wanted to meet her. 交际用语交际用语 1.Guess what ! 2.What do you reckon? 3.It sounds brilliant!4用本模块的重点短语和句型完成下面句子: 1.你去过英国吗?2.你曾想过去环游世界吗? 是的.3.我一直想去参观美国. 4.萨莉已经邀请我有朝一日去英国和她一
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