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平江十二中九年级英语导学案平江十二中九年级英语导学案 1 课题课题Unit8 Ill help clean up the city park. Section A 1a-1c学习学习 目标目标重点单词.短语:hunger; homeless; cheer ;clean up;cheer up; give out; at the food bank ; helpwith; 重点句型:1) Id like to help homeless people. 2) You could help clean up the city parks. 3) Were going to set up a food bank to help hungry people. 重点重点 难点难点could 向他人提建议, 动词短语的区别环节环节学学 习习 过过 程程 自主自主 学习学习 5合作合作 学习学习 25知识知识 链接链接 讲解讲解 10一、预习导航一、预习导航预习单词和课文: 翻译下列词组:1.把打扫干净:_ 2. 无家可归的人:_ 3.使高兴;振奋:_ 4.在食物储备站:_5.想出;想到:_ 6 推迟,拖延:_7.写下:_ 8.在外面工作:_ 9.分发:_ 10.建立:_二、合作探究二、合作探究 看课本 1a, 试讨论 What will you do if you are a volunteer? Please give some examples, 完成 1a。 可用句型: I will/ Id like to / I could 听读说训练:1. 听一听,填一填,完成 1b。2.朗读 1b,勾画有用的表达法: clean up;;cheer up; give out; at the food bank ; helpwith;试说句子:eg. Helping others is great. If Im a volunteer, Id like to help the old./ I will help clean up the city parks./ 语言学习:1. You could help clean up the city parks. 小结含 up 的短语:1) get up_ 2) end up_ 3) pick up_ 4)wake up_ 5)hands up_ 6)call sb up_ 7)cut up_ 8) mix up_ 9) grow up _10)open up _ 11)hurry up_12)ring sb up_ 13)turn up_ 14) give up_ 15)clean up_ 追踪训练: The students _ their bedrooms. They are so clean now.( 把打扫干净)2.homeless 意为 “无家可归的”, 在名词词末或缀 less 变为否定形容词,如:1) help+ less=helpless : 意为“无助的;2) care+ less=careless 意为“粗心的”; 3)hope+ less=hopeless“无望的”; 4) use+ less=useless“无用的”; 追踪训练;_ you are, the more mistakes youll make. (careful)3.You could give out food at the food bank.give out=hand out 意为“分发”, 小结含 out 的短语:1) go out_ 2)come out_ 3)be out_4) out of style _5)hand out _巩固巩固 提升提升 56) ) run out of _7) be stressed out _ 8) look out_9)look out of_ _追踪训练 : Would you like _ the food at the food bank? 三检测三检测 1. He did so _ that he made many mistakes in the exam. A. careful B. carefully C. careless D. carelessly 2.At the beginning of a new term, new textbooks are_ to students. A. give out B. give off C given out D. given off 3 I feel like _ our mistakesA to come up with B come up with C coming up with D comes up with用所给词的适当形式填空 1. There are many _ (home) persons after the big earthquake in Haiti. 2. In the past, many people died of _ (hungry). 3. We could_ (have) a party because of the school sports. 4. Id like _ (help) kids with their homework. 5. He makes money by _ (give) out advertisements after school. 1. 我想到外面去工作。 I _ _ _ work outside. 2. 你可帮助清理城市公园。You could help _ _ the city parks.四、拓展提高四、拓展提高1. Your bedroom is so dirty, Tom. You should_.A. clean it up B. clean up it C. clean them up D. clean up them2. Im go to visit the _teacher who has been _for several days. A. ill; sick B. sick; ill C. ill; ill D. well; sick3. The flight to Guangzhou had to _ because of the bad weather.A. put up B. put away C. put off D. put down4. Since the villagers houses have been damaged in the earthquake, the soldiers are helping them_ the tents.(帐篷)A. put on B. put off C. put up D. put down5. How did you come up with such a strange idea? A. think of B. think up C. catch up with D. come out6. The kind man always helps the_ children.(home)7. They put off _ the sports meeting because of the bad weather.(have)8. Would you like _ him up? He looks unhappy today.(cheer)9.Many children in poor area of Africa die of _ every year.(hunger)五、总结短语动词五、总结短语动词 1.短语动词是由动词加介词、副词或其他词构成的词组,其作用和动词差不多。有些短语 动词相当于及物动词,有些则相当于不及物动词。2.种类. 动词+介词 look for look after deal with (宾语后置)动词+副词 pick up put off look over look up (代词宾语中置)动词+名词/代词+介词 take part in take an interest in pay attention to动词+副词+介词 catch up with come up with get along wth动词+反身代词+介词 help oneself to 随便吃 lose oneself in 专心于评价与反思:评价与反思:平江十二中九年级英语导学案平江十二中九年级英语导学案 2课题课题Unit8 Ill help clean up the city park. Section A 2a-2c学习学习 目标目标1、准确朗读并 2a -2c 的单词和短语 give out ,clean-up, sign ,advertisement ,put off ,set ,set up ,establish ,think up2、 会用.一些动副结构的短语造句子 重点重点 难点难点:动词短语的用法。环节环节学学 习习 过过 程程 自主自主 学习学习 3合作合作 学习学习 13知识知识 链接链接 讲解讲解 15一、预习导航一、预习导航:预习任务一预习任务一:识记本课的单词与短语clean up ,hunger ,homeless ,cheer ,give out ,clean-up,sign ,advertisement ,put off ,set ,set up ,establish ,think up预习任务二预习任务二:写出下列短语1)set up_ 2) cheer up_ 3)stand up_ 4)come up with_ 5)make up_ 6) think up_ 7)stay up_ 8)take up_ 9) use up_ 10) look up_ 11)send up_ 12) show up_ 13)dress up_ 14)fix up_ 15)Whats up?_ 16)catch up with_ 17)在外面工作 18)打扫干净 19)分发 20)使高兴 _ 21)帮助某人做某事 22)想出 23)写下,记下 24)清洁日_ 25)做计划 26)张贴 二二.合作探究合作探究翻译下列句
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