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小学六年级英语上册小学六年级英语上册 Unit3 教案教案6A Unit 3 It was there 一、教学要求一、教学要求1、四会单词和词组:was, were, excited,moment , ago, glasses, mobile phone,just now。2、四会句型: Wheres your? Its next to/in front ofoninbetween the It isnt there now. It was there a moment agoWhere are your ? Theyre next to /in front of/in/on/between the They arent there now They were there a moment ago.3、三会单词和词组: camera,exciting, film, ground,earphone, diary, roll, remember, sports day,running race, CD Walkman,werent=were not 4、三会日常交际用语: It is the Sports Day. Let me see.Can l have them,please? Can you pick them up for me,please?5、了解字母组合 ear 和 ere 在单词中的读音6、会唱歌曲 Wheres my diary?二、单元教材分析二、单元教材分析本单元主要围绕“寻找物品”这个话题展开教学,同时给学生介绍了动词 be 的过去式 was,were。本单元安排的教学情景贴近学生的生活,从运动会入手,引出寻找物品这一话题,语言的交际性和实用性均较强。教师在教学时,应先从学生会说的语言材料开始,在比较自然真实的情景中过渡到新句型,同时要注意利用身边的资源来引导学生开展生动活泼的交际活动,在此基础上学习课文并引导学生进行拓展表演。UnitUnit 3 3 (第一课时)(第一课时)一、一、 教学内容教学内容B Look read and learn & C Look and say二、二、 教学目标教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇:was, moment, ago, were, a mobile phone, glasses能正确地听、说、读词汇:a CD Walkman, roll, film, earphone, diary2、能正确地听、说、读、写句型: Wheres your?Its on/in/near/behind/under It isnt there now. It was there a moment.Where are your? Theyre on/in/near/behind/under They arent there now. They were there a moment ago.3、 能正确根据图片提供的情景进行描述。三、三、 教学重点教学重点1、 掌握本单元四会单词和句型。四、四、 教学难点教学难点1、 引导学生正确理解 be 动词的过去式,并会用相关句型表达和谈论。五、五、 教学准备教学准备戒烟最好的方法 www.jieduke.cn 戒烟产品 戒烟产品排行榜 cfr287wrt 1、 教具准备a 有关单词的实物或图片。b 录音机和磁带。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、六、 教学过程教学过程A. Free talk and revision1 Talk freely with some students 2 Listen and follow the ordersT: Take out your rubber ,please. Put it on your pencil box.Where is your rubber?Ss: (边做动作边说边做动作边说) Its on my pencil box.变换多种位置如:变换多种位置如: under, behind, near, in B. Presentation and practice1 T: Today well learn a new unit- Unit 3 It was there! First Let me showyou a photo of three girls. Who can you see in the photo?This little girl is Gao Yun. Shes Su Yang and Su Hais cousin.根据三个女孩的年龄变化呈现:根据三个女孩的年龄变化呈现:was, ago, wereT: Gao Yun was four five years ago. ( 板书生词:板书生词:was, ago )How old is she now? Ss: She is nine now.T: Su Yang and Su Hai were six five years ago. ( 板书生词:板书生词:were )How old are they now?Ss: Now they are eleven.T: Today Gao Yun is visiting Su Hai and Su Yang. Su Hai is showing her the things in their sitting-room. Whats in their sitting-room? Letsgo and have a look.2Learn the new words of Part B T: ( show the students a mobile phone)Look, this is a mobile phone. Its my mobile phone.Ss: ( Read and spell the word after the teacher) T: (Ask some questions)Whats this in English?Where is my mobile phone now?Do you have a mobile phone?What colour is your fathers mobile phone? 用同样的方法学习操练其它单词。用同样的方法学习操练其它单词。3Listen and read Part B 4Look and guess what it is.分别出示六种物品,但只能看到部分,要求猜出是什么。分别出示六种物品,但只能看到部分,要求猜出是什么。C. Presentation and practice1 以变魔术的方式呈现:以变魔术的方式呈现:It isnt there now. It was there a moment ago.用实物操练,如:(把用实物操练,如:(把 CD Walkman 放在桌上)放在桌上)T: Can you see a CD Walkman?Ss: Yes, I can.T: Where is the CD Walkman?Ss: Its on the desk.T: Close your eyes, please. (将东西移走将东西移走) Look, it isnt there now.Ss:(引导学生说出):(引导学生说出)It was there a moment ago.戒烟最好的方法 www.jieduke.cn 戒烟产品 戒烟产品排行榜 cfr287wrt 2 变换实物和位置进行师生、生生操练。变换实物和位置进行师生、生生操练。3 Practise in pairs. 同桌利用图片交流。同桌利用图片交流。(P25)4 用以上步骤呈现并操练复数句型:用以上步骤呈现并操练复数句型:They arent there now. They were there a moment ago.5Practise in pairs. 同桌利用图片交流。同桌利用图片交流。(P26)D. Consolidation1 Play and act T: Excuse me, wheres your mobile phone?S1: Its beside my book.T: Close your eyes , please. One, two, three, four, five. Look, it isnt there now.S1: It was there a moment ago.T: Yes, but where is it now? Can you find it?S1: Is it in your desk?T: No, it isnt.S1: Is it under my book?T: Sorry, you are wrong. Look, its in my hand.教师示范两例后,学生同桌表演对话。教师示范两例后,学生同桌表演对话。2 Look, remember and sayT: ( 利用实物利用实物) Where is the diary ?S: Its beside the earphones.T: Where is it now? S: Its in the bag.T: Yes, the diary was beside the earphones a moment ago, but its in the bag now.教师将教师将 B 部分所学的单词实物放入书包,学生说出:部分所学的单词实物放入书包,学生说出:The was/were a moment ago, but its/theyre now.E. Homework1 Read and copy the new words (Part B)2 Ask and answer ( Part C) ( 选几幅图做为书面练习选几幅图做为书面练习)3 Preview Part A Listen, read and say七、板书设计Unit 3 It was there!ago 以前以前 Wheres the CD Walkman?was (is 和和 am 的过去式)的过去式) Its on the desk.were (are 的过去式的过去式) Its isnt there now.It was there a moment ago.Where are the earphones?They are beside the desk.They arent there now.They were there a moment ago.八、教后记八、教后记戒烟最好的方法 www.jieduke.cn 戒烟产品 戒烟产品排行榜 cfr287wrt UnitUnit 3 3 (第二课时)(第二课时)一、教学内容一、教学内容A Listen, read and say二、教学目标二、教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇: excited,just now2、能正确地听、说、读词汇:ground, Sports Day, running race, exciting。3、能正确地听、说、读、写句型:Where was/were a moment ago/just now?It was/were 4、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语三会句型:It is Sports Day. Can I have them, p
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