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More Oral Practice The First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Basic Aims:(1) Look and say(2) To learn the phonetic symbols: ei ai u au2.Developing Aims: To use the phonetic symbols nimbly.Main and difficult points: To learn the phonetic symbols: ei ai u auTeaching Aids: Pictures, cassette player, cards.Teaching Procedure:.Pre-task preparation:1.Song Home on the Range 在一定节奏下让学2.Chant 生说唱英语,为培3.Daily talk 养学生良好的语音语调打下扎实的基础。.While-task Procedure: 1.Look and say ( P20 ) 复习巩固所学过T: Look at the pictures and talk to your partner about the 的内容。sun and the shadows.T: Take out your paper and colour the pictures. Then talk 让学生在画画、说about the thing and the shadows. 说中进一步理解消化所学的知识。2.Phonetic symbols (1) T: Read the words together. 在读单词的过程paper name lake take baby game 中学会eiplay lay paint sail eight weight( Learn: ei ) (2) T: Look at this phonetic symbol. Its ai. 通过举例子说明,Please tell me some words. e.g. bike 让学生自己学会 aiP: light (3) Compare 通过比较发音,帮ei ai 助学生进行区分,lake like 以逸混淆。name ninerace riceMay my (4) T: look and read. u的发音较难,no ago those home show bowl 要反复操练,纠正( Learn: u ) 学生的发音。 (5) T: This is au. Please say some words.e.g. outP: how (6) Compare 通过比较,区分u au u和au的发close cloud 音。grow groundknow nowshow shout 3.Song Long, Long Ago 调节课堂气氛。 .Post-task activities 1.Listen and read the phonetic symbols together. 听录音跟读音标,帮助学生进一步巩固发音。 2.Are they the same or different? 通过练习,检查学many name ( ) how yellow ( ) 生的掌握程度。bag bake ( ) paint eight ( )fly tiger ( ) out down ( ) .Assignment: 1.Read the phonetic symbols fluently. 2.Do some exercises. 附:板书设计 ei ai u auThe Second PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Basic Aims:(1) Look, ask and answer(2) To learn the phonetic symbols: m n tr dr2.Developing Aims: To use the phonetic symbols nimbly.Main and difficult points: To learn the phonetic symbols: m n tr dr Teaching Aids: Pictures, cassette player, cards.Teaching Procedure:.Pre-task preparation:1.Song My Bonnie 2.Chant: ei ai u au 在有节奏的旋律中复习音标,学生琅琅上口,帮助记忆和运用。.While-task procedure: 1.Look, ask and answer ( P20 ) 增强学生的看T: Kitty and Alice are in the park. They are having a 图说话能力和picnic. Please complete the dialogue. Then act it out. 表演能力。T: Make a new dialogue like this. Then act it out. 培养学生的创2.Phonetic symbols 新能力和活用(1) m n 知识的能力。T: look and read the words. 通过读单词,milk cream 比较出m、nnight find 和的不同发sing thank hungry English 音。( Learn: m n )(2) Comparem n n am an thin thingterm turn win wingmice nice sin sing moon noon (3) tr dr 让学生观察老师T: look at my mouth and listen to me. 的嘴形和听单词“ tree, try, dress, dry ” 的发音,区发( Learn: tr dr ) tr和dr的发音。 (4) Comparetr drtry drytrip drilltrunk drunktree dream 3.Song Light Row 调节课堂气氛。 .Post-task activities: 1.Listen and read the phonetic symbols together. 听录音跟读音标,帮助学生进一步巩固发音。 2.Are they the same or different? 通过练习,让学mother grandma ( ) night win ( ) 生对本堂课的情sing English ( ) tree drink ( ) 况进行反馈。 3.Choose the different word.( ) cream my nine( ) try drill trip ( ) ring bank thin( ) tree dry dream .Assignment: 1. Read the phonetic symbols fluently. 2. Do some exercises. 附:板书设计 m n tr dr
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