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第 1 页 共 12 页 山东德州 2014 届高考英语一轮复习完形填空加强训练 351.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。It was like any other mid-September dayI was teaching maths, like I typically did each day at 10:00 am Students were busy working on the 36 I previously askedAll you could 37 was the sound of pencil tips tapping the desks“Boys and girls, eyes up here please“ As expected, students focused on me, eager, ready, 38 “I need a volunteer to write the answer on the board“ A silent sea of 39 shot up into the airI quickly looked at the hands raised, and tnen 40 my eyes on one hand in particular, a hand different from the rest,John Does handJohn Doe was a little boy with Cerebral Palsy (脑瘫). His balance was shaky and he could easily be 41 His body was very rigid and his movements were never smoothHis writing was at most times unreadable, and speaking was difficult for himEverything was a( n) 42 for John DoeHowever, John loved 43 and would come every day with a smile on his faceHis determination to succeed was remarkable for a child so young who was facing so many 44 in his daily lifeGetting back to the maths lesson, students were waiting to be calledOne of those 45 hands was John Doe s“John, come on up and answer the question“ I called He got out of his seat 46 and walked to the frontHis moving was 47 and with each shaky step, it looked as if the slightest misstep could lead to him falling overAll eyes were on himThe class was 48 He made it up to the board after spending so much energy to get thereAs I gave him the chalk I thought to myself “What have I just done? Did I set him up to 49 ? What if he gives a wrong answer?“ I was getting really 50 Grasping the chalk and with great 51 , he wrote down the answer, which looked as if a kindergartener wrote it, but was at least 52 Immediately a sense of 53 overcame me“ Excellent job! John Doe, you are right!“ I said 54 .At that very moment, my entire class spontaneously (自发的) began clapping for himJohn stood there, smiling the biggest smileHe was admired for his strong will and 55 .第 2 页 共 12 页 That moment left an unforgettable mark on my heart36Astory Bpicture Cquestion Dproject37Ahear Bsee Ctell Dwrite38Athinking Bwaiting Cobserving Ddiscussing39Ahands Bbooks Cpencils Dpapers40Alowered Bnarrowed Cfixed Drolled41Aturned away Bknocked over Cpulled down Dstepped on42Acompetition Bexperience Cadventure Dchallenge43Amaths Blife Cschool Dteachers44Achoices Bdangers Cpressures Dbarriers45Aeager Bfirm Cshaky Dpowerful46Aproudly Bhurriedly Cnervously Dslowly47Aawkward Bsteady Ccautious Dunnatural48Ahopeful Bsilent Cnoisy Dcalm49Ahelp Bregret Cfail Dpractise50Acurious Bworried Cpuzzled Dannoyed51Apatience Beffort Ccourage Dconcern52Aobjective Brelevant Creadable Dcreative53Ahonor Bguilt Cprivilege Drelief54Ainterestedly Banxiously Cexcitedly Dformally55Adrive Bpotential Cdiligence Dtalent2.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Streit was an experienced safecracker who never used force either against people or safes. He was a real 11 of his trade and it took him only 19 minutes to open the most difficult 12 he had ever met. In about 10 years, 13 by his brother Stefan, he took about 33,000,000 from the safes of 28 banks in Austria. On his last job, he 14 the safe door open and 80,000 behind. With the 15 was a note, We dont need all that much. A 第 3 页 共 12 页 witness 16 his car and Streit was caught by the police. Then he was sent to Austrias Stein Prison to serve a six-year 17 . He boasted (吹嘘) at his trial that he would continue 18 the law, Im a thief and I shall use every opportunity. In spite of the 19 , prison officials moved Streit to the prisons blacksmith shop. One day during the week before Christmas, Streit 20 . Searchers found all his doors were well locked. Streit had 21 to make a set of keys and let himself out. Not to 22 , though. After crossing into Bavaria, Streit 23 the suspicion (怀疑) of German customs police on purpose and got himself 24 . I want to be in a German prison, he 25 to the surprised police. As German courts give much milder (温和的) sentences for 26 like mine and will 27 the time I would otherwise have served in Stein Prison. In prison, Streit 28 his keepers to let him telepho
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