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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福口语模板之Subject分享到:摘要: 新托福口语满分范文分享之subject,希望能帮助大家整理一些自己的新托福口语模板,提供一些借鉴。新 托福 口语满分范文分享之subject,希望能帮助大家整理一些自己的 新托福 口语模板,提供一些借鉴。SubjectThe subject: mathThe reasons you chose the subject- difficult to understand- not relevant to my life- no time to catch upMy worst subject in school was mathematics. I didnt understand it as well as other subjects. Furthermore, it was hard for me to see the relevant of math in my life. I just never saw the point of studying so many formulas and equations that seem so abstract. I think I could have been good in math if my teacher were to have taken more time to explain it to me.Maybe I needed a different approach to math. In as much as I was weaker in math, I was stronger in art, literature and even biology so there was balance in my subjects and in my marks.上述就是关于subject的 托福口语 模板,建议大家可以参考一下托福口语范文思路和展开方式,不要照搬照抄,总结自己的模板才是托福口语高分王道。以上就是小编为大家整理的“托福口语模板之Subject”部分内容,更多资料请点击托福资料下载频道!相关推荐:托福口语黄金80题下载一托福口语考试重点句型下载20140830托福口语机经下载相关字搜索: 托福口语模板之Subject
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