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深蓝阅读深蓝阅读资料来源育明考研考博资料来源育明考研考博2011 年北京师范大学翻译硕士英语1.20 个单项选择 主要考察单词和词组,不考察语法,考了ecstacy,incentive,prevalent 等等。这题需要大家扩充词汇量。2.阅读理解 第一篇 演讲中逻辑和修辞的作用,想要说服人们,仅有逻辑是不够的, 必须发挥修辞的作用。第二篇 印象派画家的兴起, 风格与画法。第三篇 日本企业雇佣制度进行了改革,以前是终身制,职员为企业尽心尽力,老年享受公司退休制度的福利,升职靠资历。(以上三篇考的是选择题)第四篇 关于快乐的两个发现,人的快乐程度受基因和年龄影响。考的是问答题。阅读理解文章都不是很难,难词不多,但做题时得好好思考。3.作文 people send gifts on important occasions likeweddings,funerals,promoion,graduation,etc.some people think gift is a token of goodwill,others think expensive giftswill harm peoples relations and are just vanity.Write a composition about300-400words,and express your own opinion.英语翻译基础英译汉 the Authorized Version;flesh and blood;a wet blanket;puppylove;the Analects;contact lenses;crime police;proof positive;track andfield;childs play;danger money;pull sbs leg;in for a penny,in for apound;between the devil and the deep blue sea;real economy.汉译英 音译;国内生产总值;八折优惠;左上角;淡酒;老于世故的人;硬性推销;天道酬勤;隔墙有耳;三三两两;耐用消费品;招领启事;拦路虎;可持续发展;新兴市场国家英译汉 I was slow to understand the deep grievances of women. This wasbecause, as a boy, I had envied them. Before college, the only people Ihad ever known who were interested in art or music or literature, the onlyones who read books, the only ones who ever seemed to enjoy a sense ofease and grace were the mothers and daughters. Like the menf*d about money,they scrimped and made-do. But, when the pay stopped coming in, they were深蓝阅读深蓝阅读资料来源育明考研考博资料来源育明考研考博not the ones who had failed. Nor did they have to go to war, and that seemedto me a blessed fact. By comparison with the narrow, ironclad days offathers, there was expansiveness, I thought, in the days of mothers. Theywent to see neighbors, to shop in town, to run errands at school, at thelibrary, at church. No doubt, had I looked harder at their lives, I wouldhave envied them less. It was not my fate to become a woman, so it waseasier for me to see the graces. Few of them held jobs outside the home,and those who did filled thankless roles as clerks and waitresses. I didnt see, then, what a prison a house could be, since houses seemed to mebrighter, handsomer places than any factory. I did not realizebecausesuch things were never spoken of-how often women suffered from mensbullying. I did learn about the wretchedness of abandoned wives, singlemothers, widows; but I also learned about the wretchedness of lone men.Even then I could see how exhausting it was for a mother to cater all dayto the needs of young children. But if I had been asked, as a boy, to choosebetween tending a baby and tending a machine, I think I would have chosenthe baby. (这在网上找到原文,汗)汉译英 书信作为人际交往中传递信息,建立,发展和改变人际关系,联络和加深思想感情,以至评论时政抒发己见的主要形式,古时就已有之。在古代“书”是指信,“信”是指信使,“书信”连用首次出现于晋书,到唐代已十分普遍。古代书信传递在书信篇幅和传递速度上有限制,鉴于当时书写材料昂贵,交通也不发达。有的用信鸽传递,有的用竹筒传递。政府组织的官方驿传,分为足递,马传,急脚递三等。传书之人称为“雁足”“鸿雁”,出自“鸿雁传书”的传说。(全靠记忆,有不太准确的地方,基本内容都在了)汉语写作与百科知识1.先是 25 个选择题,只记得基本知识点1.唐装形成于哪个时期?2.中国有“东方的巴黎”之称的城市是哪个?深蓝阅读深蓝阅读资料来源育明考研考博资料来源育明考研考博3.清明上河图4.绘画技巧(气韵生动什么之类的,记不清了)5.秦“书同文”规定的字体是?6.郑和使用的“牵星术”是指?7.“天人合一”是指?8.水墨画是哪个诗人根据道家和禅宗哲学创造的?9.哪个佛教流派是佛家思想与中国本土文化结合的产物?10.书法各流派(颜真卿,欧阳询之类的)11.苏州说唱(不确定是说唱还是弹唱还是说弹)艺术形式伴奏使用的主要乐器是什么?12.下列哪个名称不是指古代中国(震旦,塞里斯,中土,大秦)13.蜡染技术14.冰裂纹15.生旦净丑16.下列哪个人物既在前四大须生之列,又在后四大须生之列17.明朝中叶,哪个外国人带来的思想和西器,只有徐光启识之18.董仲舒说:“仁而不智,则爱而不别;智而不仁,则智而不为”要表达的意思是什么?19.韶指的是什么?20.汉字造字有象形,指事,会意等等方法,下列是用指事方法的是(富,刃,瓜,穷)21.中国的园林分为皇家园林,还有什么什么22.天津杨柳青年画,江苏桃花坞年画(还有三个题忘了)应用文写作你是北京某文化传播公司职员,公司地址新迁至北京汤成路,并准备举行公司10 年庆典活动,为公司写一封商务邀请函,邀请全国同行业各机关单位参加,字数不得少于 450 字。命题作文深蓝阅读深蓝阅读资料来源育明考研考博资料来源育明考研考博根据漫画,以“发短信的蒙娜丽莎”为题写一篇议论文,不得用文言文和韵文,字数不得少于 800 字。漫画内容是蒙娜丽莎在给画家当模特,手在不停地“啪啪”发着短信,画家站在画板前,气的帽子都飞起来,大喊:“不要再发短信了!”题目不全,欢迎补充。以前我准备考研时,在网上怎么也找不到北师大真题,北师大不卖真题,连回忆版都没有,心中甚是郁闷,希望各位学弟学妹以后考完也奉献一下,回忆一下真题,为后来人提供点帮助,另外,祝大家考研成功!翻译硕士考研常见特色词汇大全翻译硕士考研常见特色词汇大全国庆节 National Day中秋节 Mia-Autumn Festival春节 Spring Festival元宵节 Lantern Festival儿童节 Childrens Day端午节 Dragon Boat Festival妇女节 Womens Day泼水节 Water-Splashing Day教师节 Teachers Day五四青年节 Youth Day中国独特的传统饮食(Unique Traditional Chinese Foods)馄饨 wonton深蓝阅读深蓝阅读资料来源育明考研考博资料来源育明考研考博锅贴 guotie (fried jiaozi)花卷 steamed twisted rolls套餐 set meal盒饭 box lunch; Chinese take-away米豆腐 rice tofu魔芋豆腐 konjak tofu米粉 rice noodles冰糖葫芦 a stick of sugar-coated haws(or apples, etc.)火锅 chafing dish八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding粉丝 glass noodles豆腐脑 jellied bean curd中国新兴事物(Newly Sprouted Things)中国电信 China Telecom中国移动 China Mobile十五计划 the 10th Five-Year Plan中国电脑联网 Chinanet深蓝阅读深蓝阅读资料来源育明考研考博资料来源育明考研考博三峡工程 the Three Gorges Project希望工程 Project Hope京九铁路 BeijingKowloon Railway扶贫工程 Anti-Poverty Project菜篮子工程 Vegetable Basket Project温饱工程 Decent-Life Project安居工程 Economy Housing Project扫黄 Porn-Purging Campaign西部大开发 Go-West Campaign具有文化特色的现代表述大陆中国 Mainland China红宝书 little red book红色中国 socialist China四化 Four Modernizations终生职业 job-for-life铁饭碗 iron rice bowl大锅饭 communal pot深蓝阅读深蓝阅读资料来源育明考研考博资料来源育明考研考博关系户 closely-related units外出打工人员 migrant workers关系网 personal nets, closely-knitted guild五讲(讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生、讲秩序、讲道德)the Five Meritsfocus on decorum, manners, hygiene, disciplines and morals四美(心灵美、 语言美、 行为美、 环境美)the Four Virtues are goldenheart,
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