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The features of processed cheese products Page 1 of 24 31/Dec 2008 德国乐嘉文北京办事处 01065102266 再制奶酪加工技术及市场前景再制奶酪加工技术及市场前景 德国乐嘉文北京办事处德国乐嘉文北京办事处 王学军食品加工机械部经理王学军食品加工机械部经理 1 . 前言前言 2. 全球化的口味全球化的口味- 新产品开发的基础新产品开发的基础 3. 再制奶酪特性再制奶酪特性 3.1. 原料与成分原料与成分 3.2. 再制奶酪的种类再制奶酪的种类 3.3. 加工工艺加工工艺 3.4. 包装形式包装形式 4. 再制奶酪会在中国获得成功的三个理由再制奶酪会在中国获得成功的三个理由 4.1. 口味及配方的多样性和丰富的营养含量口味及配方的多样性和丰富的营养含量 4.2. 包装的多样性包装的多样性 4.3. 保质期和分销渠道保质期和分销渠道 5. 其它国家再制奶酪的生产,发展趋势其它国家再制奶酪的生产,发展趋势 6. 结束语结束语 1. 前言前言 The features of processed cheese products Page 2 of 24 31/Dec 2008 德国乐嘉文北京办事处 01065102266 2. Globalisation of taste the soil for new product acceptance 2. 全球化口味全球化口味- 新产品的沃土新产品的沃土 The world is changing fast in all aspects of daily life probably as fast as never before in the history of mankind. This dramatic changes have also touched the consumer eating habits regarding kind and taste of food products. 在日常生活的各个领域,我们的世界正迅速地发生着变化-其变化速度之快也许是人类历史上前所未有 的。这一戏剧性的变化也触及了消费者的饮食习惯,在食品的种类和口味方面 Only 100 years ago we had natural barriers of time and distances between the different nations and their individual country typical eating habits. It was only possibly and necessary for a few people- for traders and sailors (and soldiers of course) to cross this distances. Therefore it took a long time to exchange typical cultural features between the nations. 仅仅在 100 年以前,我们还受到自然环境的局限,国家与国家之间,同一国家不同饮食习惯的地区之间 在距离和时间上的局限。只有少数人,商人、水手(当然还有士兵)才有可能并有必要跨越这种时空的 局限。因此国家间典型文化的交流需要很长时间。 Nowadays we can cross the oceans within one day, we can exchange a tremendous amount of information within seconds by internet and we are permanently influenced by mass media like news papers, radio and televison. People are travelling as tourists through the world and get physically in touch with foreign nations and cultures. 现如今,一天内我们可以穿越大洋;通过互联网,几秒钟内我们可以交换大量的信息,同时我们受到大 众传媒,如报纸、广播及电视的绝对影响。人们通过旅行到世界各地,感受异国文化。 All these influences combined with the natural character of human beeiings curiosity - have a certain effect on the young generation: they are open for new food products and they are longing for new tastes. Eating is not anymore only getting nutrition to keep the body alive, eating is also an event to meet friends and to express an individual lifestyle. 所有这些与人类的自然特性-好奇心-结合,影响着年轻的一代:他们乐于接受新的食品,渴望新鲜的 口味。饮食已不仅是为保持生存而获取营养,同时也是交遇朋友、张显个人生活方式的场合。 The general globalisation is particularly also a globalisation of taste and therefore the soil for the acceptance of new products and it is also the reason why we talk about processed cheese here and today. 因此广意的全球化也带来口味的全球化-这一接受新产品的沃土。这也是为什么我们今天在这里讨论再 制奶酪的原因。 3. Processed cheese features 3. 再制奶酪特性再制奶酪特性 3.1. Raw materials, ingredients The features of processed cheese products Page 3 of 24 31/Dec 2008 德国乐嘉文北京办事处 01065102266 3.1. 原料与成分原料与成分 The definition for processed cheese and what is allowed in processed cheese can be found in the food codex and can vary from country to country. In general processed cheese is a mixture of one or more kinds of natural cheese to which other ingredients such as dairy proteins, butter, cream, vegetable fats, emulsifying salts, water, other food stuffs have been added. This mixture is pasteurized or sterilized and transformed in machines by mechanical actions into a homogenious mass and packed in different shapes. 再制奶酪的定义及再制奶酪中可以添加哪些食品,在食品法典中可以找到并随国家的不同而变化。一般 来说,再制奶酪是一种或多种原制奶酪和其它添加成分的混合物,这些添加成分包括乳蛋白、黄油、奶 油、植物油、乳化盐、水、以及其它食品添加成分。这一混合物经巴氏杀菌或灭菌处理,并通过机器的 机械作用使其形成均匀的浆液并包装成不同的形状。 3.2. Types of processed cheese 3.2. 再制奶酪的种类再制奶酪的种类 Generally processed cheese products can be devided into four bigger groups: 通常,再制奶酪被分成以下四大类: 1. Spreadable processed cheese and processed cheese preparations 可涂抹型再制奶酪及添加其它配料食品的再制奶酪 2. Processed cheese slices, IWS (individually wrapped slices) and SOS (slice on slice) for catering 片状再制奶酪,IWS(独立片装)和 SOS(片摞片)用于餐饮业 3. Block processed cheese, in slices, as blocks or as grated cheese for pizza production 浇注成大块再制奶酪,成型冷却后进行切片、切块或加工成碎条用于比萨饼生产 4. Imitation processed cheese (made from powders, water, oil/fat, salts) 仿再制奶酪(由奶粉、水、油脂和盐等原料制成的再制奶酪) 3.3 Processing technologies 3.3. 加工工艺加工工艺 Processed cheese is made from natural cheese and other ingredients, that means a processed cheese producer does not necessarily need milk in order to start a processed cheese production. He can buy cheese from the world market as well as the other necessary ingredients and start a production. 再制奶酪由原制奶酪和其它添加成分制成,这意味着再制奶酪生产商无需使用原奶来开始再制奶酪的生 产。他们可从国际市场上购买原制奶酪和其它必要的添加成分来开始再制奶酪的生产。 The processing technology is devided into pasteurisation up to 110C and sterilisation up to 142C and between batch processing and continuous processing or a combination of both. 再制奶酪的加工工艺可分为间歇式和连续式的巴氏杀菌工艺(温度最高至 110C)及灭菌工艺(温度最 高至 145C),或两者的结合。 The features of processed cheese products Page 4 of 24
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