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SINCE 2003AN ELITE CAR LIFESTYLE 品味汽车设计读本满载知识、 趣味和生活的品味汽车设计读本AN ELITE CAR MAGAZINE FULLY LOADED WITH KNOWLEDGE, FUN AND LIFESTYLE.品牌精神 BRAND SPIRIT汽车与我们的密切关系, 不单是汽车上的专业领域, 也是生活里的贴心品味。The relationship between auto and life is not only about auto culture but also the taste of life. 出版宗旨 PUBLISHING AIM透过汽车带出生活里的不同体验和文化。 让读者从生活、 文化、 艺术、 技术的角度欣赏汽车, 体会汽车所带来的更辽阔、 更多姿多彩的生活和经历。Showing various life experiences and cultures introduced through car ownership. Our aim is to lead readers to appreciate cars from the perspective of living, culture, art and technology and experience a wider and more colourful life.希望和目标 WISHES AND GOAL不止是汽车的专业报道, 也同时透过“生活” 两个字, 在栏目的图片拍摄类型, 和公司的出版风格上, 打造成与别不同的汽车杂志, 让读者感受到全新的阅读乐趣。More than just professional auto reports, through the cooperation of genre photography and Modern Medias strong design style, we to create an exclusive magazine based on the study of “Auto Life”, offering readers a great reading experience.定位 POSITIONING既追求新视野, 也热爱生活设计文化, 追求不一样的杂志。Seeking new horizons, loving life and design culture, pursuing a different reading experience.口号 SLOGAN汽车满载生活Fulfill Your Driving Dream汽车满载生活 FULFILL YOUR DRIVING DREAM出版日期 PUBLICATION DATE每月1号1st of every month定价 PRICE人民币20元RMB 20页数 PAGES160-192 P目标受众 TARGETED READERS有车族及爱车族爱汽车也爱生活年纪在25至45岁之间, 男性为主中高层管理者Car lovers and ownersCar lovers who enjoy lifeMale oriented, aged 25 to 45Middle to Senior Management杂志后盾 PILLARS四大元素构成主刊内容用更宽的视野, 从生活的角度体验汽车带来的知识和趣味。 分为四个内容, 每个栏目也具有其独特性和生活感, 使读者感觉到汽车杂志并非只有专业类门径, 更可以靠向生活类层面。The main content consists of four major elements.Experience knowledge and fun through your passion for cars, broaden your vision and life experience.非一般生活类汽车刊物 THE STRONGEST EDITORIAL TEAM AMONG CHINESE AUTOMOBILE PUBLICATIONS由香港号外编辑人员带领的编辑团队, 将不会是一般的汽车专业杂志, 反而更着重在生活感觉、 图片构图风格和版面设计上, 结合北京汽车编辑部不同范畴的资深编辑, 必定能够一新中国汽车杂志耳目。Our editorial team of car experts and enthusiasts will ensure that Auto Life is no ordinary car magazine. The magazine will focus on lifestyle issues, stylish images, superior design supported by our team of senior editors in Beijing.覆盖南北的创意编辑部 NATIONWIDE CREATIVE EDITORIAL TEAMS编辑部覆盖上海、 北京、 广州和香港等地, 集国内汽车月刊信息资源采编之大成, 可制作更广泛、 更创新的内容。Auto Lifes editorial team spans Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong. In addition we have expert input from professionals in other cities to provide extensive reach and innovative content. 新登场汽车生活文化栏目 NEW COLUMN AUTO LIFE AND AUTO CULTURE全新构想栏目, 全是有关汽车类的文化题目, 包括汽车与科幻设计奢华居住建筑艺术享乐等, 扩阔汽车天空, 享受全面驾驶生活。A new column with the theme of Auto Culture: exploring the connection between cars and sci-fi, design, luxury, architecture, arts and enjoyment.现代传播高端风格 SUPPORTED BY THE STRONG MODERN MEDIA RESOURCES与众不同的高端定位, 让读者深层次地认识汽车和当中的文化, 以及汽车所带来的幸福。现代传播集团高端时尚的支持, 以及集团内部刊物的技术交叉支持。Distinctive high-end positioning to give readers in-depth understanding of the automotive industry and its inside culture, as well as the felicity it brings to us. Modern Media Group provides and expert resources and opinions technological support from other publications within the group.主要栏目 MAJOR COLUMNS全书分为四个主要频道, 每一频道风格类型清晰独特, 定位分明。The book contains four main sections, and each section has a clear and unique style.速报 UP FRONT 各种车坛新闻消息, 以简、 短、 快、 杂为主旨。 以十多页的版位, 迅速描绘出当月内, 包括产品和产业的各种新闻。This upfront section comprises news from the auto world, delivered in short, sharp and concise style, over more than ten pages.新品 FIRST IMPRESSION 每年每月都有非常多的新车出品, 把国内外的第一手数据带到读者面前, 车型品牌无疆界, 只要是最值得期待的汽车, 便是我们的选择。Information on the latest car launches.试驾 TEST REPORT 专业的试驾, 人性化的文字选写, 抛弃数据化和名词堆砌, 也不是导购的报告。所有试车文章都是可读性高的小品,不但包括一个个想法, 更是灵感和启发, 让读者在阅读中欣赏, 在领悟中回味。This column carries test-drive evaluations in a highly readable format. We aim to introduce facts that are delivered in an inspiring and enjoyable way.在路上 ON THE ROAD 大路之歌, 每一段路途都有她的汽车故事。 倡导On The Road文化, 着眼于游历和体会人文生活。 开车四处闯荡, 有风景, 有食物,更重要的是人文。 这不是自驾游, 而是体验不同地方的生活文化和人民生活。 Leading readers to experience different ways of living while travelling On The Road. This section starts with both worldwide and local famous roads, with the appropriate car story, driving readers to On The Road culture. We inspire readers to experience different cultures by driving through beautiful scenery, truly experiencing life. 01AUTO CLUB 汽车专业频道02AUTO LIFE 汽车生活频道整本杂志的中心点, 也是构成汽车生活当中汽车与生活的主要元素, 发掘各种与汽车息息相关的生活事。The main focus of the whole magazine, it is also the main element of connecting “auto” and “life”. 科幻 SCI-FI 汽车在电影的科幻世界里, 或者在设计师的无穷想象之中, 天马行空, 什么都有可能发生, 也不保证这些疯狂, 不会成为日后的事实。We journey into the imagination of designers and film makers where auto can be abstract. Who knows, it might happen one day - anything is possible.奢华 LUXURY 最穷极奢华的汽车生活是如何打造的?抑或最奢侈的汽车改装是如何出现的?How to create a luxury auto lifestyle and modify a car in the most luxurious way.设计 DESIGN 汽车的设计, 设计的汽车。 现代人生活里最不能缺少的生活元素, 不谈设计, 还可以谈什么?The design of the car and the auto in the design. These elements cannot be ignored in modern day living.居住 LIVING 有了汽车, 等如生活里有了空间。 空间可以是有关时间, 有关地方, 有关生活上的各种可能性。Having a car means having more “space“ which is rela
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