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思玛特中小学教育思玛特中小学教育思玛特中小学教育思玛特中小学教育每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯1 1 1 12 2011011 年度第二学期初二期中考试年度第二学期初二期中考试八年级八年级( (下下) )英语英语(本试卷共 100 分考试时间 100 分钟)第第 I I 卷卷(选择题选择题 共共 5050 分分)一一. .听力听力( (共共 1515 小题小题; ;每小题每小题 1 1 分分, ,满分满分 1515 分分) )A)A) 根据听到的句子根据听到的句子, ,从所给的从所给的 A A、 B B、 C C 三个选项中选择符合题意的图画三个选项中选择符合题意的图画, ,每个句子听一每个句子听一 遍。遍。1.A1.A1.A1.AB B B BC C C C2.A2.A2.A2.AB B B BC C C C3.A3.A3.A3.AB B B BC C C C4 4 4 4 A.A.A.A.B B B BC C C C5.A5.A5.A5.AB B B BC C C CB) 听对话,选择正确答案.每段对话听两遍。 6. When will the report be? A. November 12.B. November 13.C. November 29. 7. Where are they talking?思玛特中小学教育思玛特中小学教育思玛特中小学教育思玛特中小学教育每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯2 2 2 2A. At the shop.B. At the station.C. At a restaurant. 8. What was the mans old job? A. An office worker.B. A guide.C. A head of the school. 听下面一段对话听下面一段对话, ,回答回答 9 91010 小题。小题。 9. Where are they going? A. To London.B. To Paris.C. To New York. 10. How are they going on a trip? A. By boat.B. By plane.C.By train. C)C) 听短文听短文, ,根据所给问题选择正确答案,听两遍。根据所给问题选择正确答案,听两遍。 11. What does Jim do? A. A teacher.B. A student.C. A player. 12. Why does Jim often miss a lot of important football matches? Because _. A. he hasnt enough money to buy the tickets for the matches B. his parents dont let him watch them C. he has to go to school 13. Why couldnt Jim watch the biggest football match that afternoon? Because_. A. he didnt get any tickets B. something was wrong with the TV set C. he had to get ready for the science test 14. Why did Jims mother feel sorry? A. Because they had no money. B. She had no time to record the match. C. She couldnt borrow a video. 15. How did Jim get a video? A. He borrowed some money to buy the video. B. Jims mother bought the video for him. C. He sold the TV set and got the money to buy a video.二二. . 单项填空单项填空( (共共 1515 小题小题; ;每小题每小题 1 1 分分, ,满分满分 1515 分分) ) 16.-Jack likes playing _ chess, but he doesnt likeplaying _piano. A./;/B. the;/C. the; theD. /;the 17.- Its said that few people like the music. - Thats true. It sounds_ A. goodB. wellC. terribleD. terribly 18. - Why not go to see the dolphin show with me? -Because I _ it. A. sawB. will seeC. seeD. have seen 19. The old man is _ in a lonely house, but he doesnt feel_. A. alone,lonelyB. lonely, alone C. alone,aloneD. lonely,lonely 20. This kind of CD-ROM is very popular. Why not buy one before it_ ?思玛特中小学教育思玛特中小学教育思玛特中小学教育思玛特中小学教育每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯3 3 3 3A. comes outB. is come out C. sells outD. is sold out 21. -Do you mind if I open the door ? - _. A. No, of course notB. Never mind C. Yes, pleaseD. No, you cant open it . 22. Jack _ to help our Chinese teacher carry books yesterday morning. A.tellsB. toldC. is toldD. was told 23. - How long have you _ HongKong ? - For two weeks. A. been toB. gone toC. been inD. arrived in 24.- Whats your brother? -He _ a teacher ,but now he is a doctor. A. used to beB. was used to C. use to beD. is used to be 25. - Another cup of coffee ? -No. thanks. I _ be off. Marry is waiting for me. A. canB. mayC. mustD. might 26. - Did you and your friends ride to the mountain last Sunday? - Yes. _ we had ! A. How good timeB. What a good time C. What good timeD. How fun 27. Please come here next time. Mr White _ to Shanghai. A. has beenB. wentC. has gotD. has gone 28. I saw a strange cloud _ questions _ it in the game. A. have; inB. with; on C. with ; inD. has; on 29. - How long have you worked here? - _. A. Five years agoB. For five years ago C. Since five yearsD. Since five years ago 30. Dont get off the bus _ it has stopped. A. afterB. whenC. ifD. until 三三. .完型填空完型填空 ( (共共 1010 小题小题; ;每小题每小题 1 1 分分, ,满分满分 1010 分分) ) 阅读下面短文阅读下面短文, ,从短文后所给各题的选项从短文后所给各题的选项(ABCD)(ABCD)中中, ,选出可以填入空白处的选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。最佳选项。 Shyness(害羞) means feeling frightened when youre around other people. Some children are31shy. Some become very shy later because of their life experience.32, everybody gets a little shy sometimes. Its just how much they feel shy. Most people have red faces and talk in33sentences when they are shy, but some become34shy that they wont go to a restaurant, because they are too nervous to35and pay for their food. Some are afraid of meeting36people, so they seldom go outside. This kind of shyness can be37for a person.思玛特中小学教育思玛特中小学教育思玛特中小学教育思玛特中小学教育每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯每天进步一点,让考试变得简单,让优秀成为习惯4 4 4 4If shyness doesnt stop you from doing something you want to do, being shy isnt a big38. Some experts(专家) say shy people are good at working because they think more and39less. But remember not to let good opportunities(机会) pass you by just because of it. If you have to40 a song at a birthday party or give som
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