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Australian Business Deans Council - Journal Ratings List National Journal Consolidated (Alpha)Journal NameISSNDiscipline AreaFinal Recommended Ranking 4OR: Quarterly Journal of Operations Research1619-4500BUSINESS MANAGEMENTB A S E A N Economic BulletinECONOMICSC ABACUS0001-3072ACCOUNTING AND FINANCEA Academia Economic PapersECONOMICSC Academy of Business and Economics. Journal: JABEECONOMICSC Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal1528-2686BUSINESS MANAGEMENTC Academy of Management Executive (now Perspectives)0896-3789BUSINESS MANAGEMENTA Academy of Management Journal0001-4273BUSINESS MANAGEMENTA* Academy of Management Learning and Education1537-260XBUSINESS MANAGEMENTA Academy of Management Perspectives1558-9080BUSINESS MANAGEMENTA Academy of Management Review 0363-7425BUSINESS MANAGEMENTA* Academy of Marketing Science Review1526-1794MARKETINGB Academy of Marketing Studies Journal1528-2678MARKETINGC Accident Analysis and Prevention0001-4575TRANSPORTATIONA* Accountancy Business and the Public Interest1754-7718ACCOUNTING AND FINANCEC Accounting Accountability publishes relevant papers - cited by regualtory authorities - in network economicsECONOMICSB Computational EconomicsECONOMICSB Computational Management ScienceECONOMICSB Computational Optimization and Applications0926-6003INTERDISCIPLINARYB Computational Statistics0943-4062INTERDISCIPLINARYB Computational Statistics and Data Analysis0167-9473INTERDISCIPLINARYA Computer and Telecommunications Law Review1357-3128INTERDISCIPLINARYC Computer JournalINFORMATION MANAGEMENTC Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine0169-2607INTERDISCIPLINARYB Computer Supported Cooperative WorkINFORMATION MANAGEMENTB Computers and EducationINFORMATION MANAGEMENTB Computers and Industrial Engineering0360-8352BUSINESS MANAGEMENTB Computers and Law0811-7225 INTERDISCIPLINARYC Computers and Operations Research0305-0548BUSINESS MANAGEMENTA Computers and SecurityINFORMATION MANAGEMENTC Computers in Higher Education Economics Review (CHEER)ECONOMICSC Computers in Human BehaviorINFORMATION MANAGEMENTC Conflict Management and Peace ScienceECONOMICSB Constitutional Political EconomyECONOMICSBABDC Journal List Consolidated (Alpha) Page 11Construction Information Quarterly1469-4891INTERDISCIPLINARYC Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management1471-4175INTERDISCIPLINARYB Construction Law Journal 0267-2359INTERDISCIPLINARYB Construction Management and Economics 0144-6193INTERDISCIPLINARYA* Consumption, Markets and Culture1025-3866MARKETINGB Contemporary Accounting Research0823-9150ACCOUNTING AND FINANCEA* Contemporary Clinical Trials1551-7144INTERDISCIPLINARYB Contemporary Economic PolicyECONOMICSA Contemporary Sociology0094-3061INTERDISCIPLINARYC Contemporary Southeast Asia0129-797XINTERDISCIPLINARYC Contemporary Wales: an annual review of economic and social researchECONOMICSC Contributions to Economic Analysis and Policy (BE Press Journals)ECONOMICSB Contributions to EconomicsECONOMICSC Contributions to Macroeconomics (BE Press Journals)ECONOMICSB Contributions to Political EconomyECONOMICSB Contributions to Theoretical Economics (BE Press Journals)ECONOMICSB Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly0010-8804TOURISM-HOSPITALITYB Cornell International Law Journal0010-8812INTERDISCIPLINARYB Cornell Law Review0010-8847INTERDISCIPLINARYA*Corporate Board: Roles, Duties 1563- 5104 (online)BUSINESS MANAGEMENTA International Journal of Global Energy Issues 0954-7118INTERDISCIPLINARYA International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business1479-3059BUSINESS MANAGEMENTC International Journal of Green EconomicsECONOMICSC International Journal of Health Care, Finance and EconomicsECONOMICSB International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and InformaticsINFORMATION MANAGEMENTC International Journal of Healthcare Technology and ManagementINFORMATION MANAGEMENTC International Journal of Heritage Studies1352-7258TOURISM-HOSPITALITYC International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration1525-6480TOURISM-HOSPITALITYC International Journal of Hospitality Management0278-4319TOURISM-HOSPITALITYA International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis 1753-8270PROPERTY AND REAL ESTATEC International Journal of Human Computer StudiesINFORMATION MANAGEMENTB International Journal of Human Resource Development and Management1465-6612 BUSINESS MANAGEMENTC International Journal of Human Resource Management0958-5192BUSINESS MANAGEMENTA International Journal of Industrial EconomicsECONOMICSB International Journal of Industrial OrganizationECONOMICSA International Journal of Information and Communication Technology EducationINFORMATION MANAGEMENTC International Journal of Information ManagementINFORMATION MANAGEMENTC International Journal of Information SecurityINFORMATION MANAGEMENTC International Journal of Information Security and PrivacyINFORMATION MANAGEMENTC International Journal of Information Systems and Change ManagementINFORMATION MANAGEMENTC International J
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