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1 a/an ability able abnormal aboard abortion about above abroad abrupt absolute absorbed abstract abuse academy acceptable acceptance access accession accident accidental accommodate accompany accomplish accord according to accordingly accountant accuracy accurate accuse accustomed achieve achievement acquaint acquaintance acquisition acre across act action active activity actor actress actual adapt add addition additional address adjective adjust administration administrative admire admission admit adopt adult advanced advantage advantageous adventure adverb advertise advertisement/ad advice advisable advise advisory advocate affair affect affirmative afford afraid after afternoon afterward afterwards again against age agency ago agony agree agreeable agreement agriculture ahead aid AIDS aim air- conditioning aircraft airline airplane/aeroplane airport airway alarm album alcohol alike alive all allergic alliance allow ally almost alone along alongside aloud alphabet already also although altitude altogether aluminum always amateur amaze amazing ambassador ambulance amid among/amongst amount amuse amusement amusing analyse/- yze analysis ancestor ancient and angel angry animal ankle anniversary announce annoy annual another ant anxious any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apologise/- ize apology apparent appeal appear appetite applaud applause apple applicable applicant application applied apply appoint appointment 2 appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approximate approximately April architect architecture archive area argument arise arithmetic arm armo(u)r around arouse arrange arrangement arrival arrive arrogance arrow artery article artificial artist artistic as ash ashamed aside ask asleep aspect aspiration assembly assert assess asset assignment assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assure astonish at athlete atmosphere atom atomic attack attain attempt attendance attention attorney attract attraction attractive auction audio August aunt author authority auto automate automatic automation automobile autumn auxiliary available average avoid await awake awaken award aware away awful awkward ax(e) baby back background backup bacon bacteria badge bag baggage bake bakery balance balcony ball balloon bamboo ban banana bandage bang bank bankrupt banner banquet bar barber barely bargain bark barn barrel barrier base baseball basement basic basically basin basis basket basketball bat bath bathe bathroom battery battle be beach bean beard bearing beast beat beautiful beauty because bed bee beef beer before beg beggar begin beginning behavioral behind being belief believe bell belly belong belongings beloved below belt bench beneath beneficial benefit besides best bestseller bet 3 betray better between beyond Bible bicycle/bike bid big billion bind biology bird birthday biscuit bit bite black blackboard blade blanket blast blend block blog bloody bloom blouse blow blur boast boat body boil bolt bomb bone bonus book booklet bookmark boost border bore boring born borrow boss both bother bottle bottom bounce boundary bow bowel bowl boy brain brake brand brass brave bread breadth break breakfast breast breath breathe breeze bribe brick bride briefcase bright brilliant bring broad broadcast broaden broken broom brother brow brown browser brunch bubble bucket bud build building bulb bulk bullet bulletin bunch bundle burden bureau burial burn burst bury bus bush business busy but butcher butter butterfly buy by bypass cab cabbage cabin cabinet cable cafe cafeteria cage cake calculate calculator calendar call calm camel camera camp campaign campus can canal cancer candle candy cane canteen capable capacity capital captain capture car carbon card care careful cargo carpenter carpet carriage carrier carrot carry cart cartoon case cash cashier cassette castle casual cat catalog(ue) catch category cattle cause cautious cave CD- ROM cease 4 ceiling celebrate celebrity cellar cent centigrade centimetre/- ter century cereal ceremony certain certainly certainty certificate chain chairman chalk chamber champagne chance change chaos chaotic chap chapter character characteristic characterize charge charity chart chase chat cheap cheat check/cheque cheek cheer cheerful cheese chemical chemist chemistry chess chest chew chicken chief child childhood childish childlike chill chimney
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