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EDWARD GREEN: Phil, thanks for coming. 爱德华格林:菲尔, 谢谢你的来访。 PHIL WATSON: I m sorry I m late. 菲尔沃森:对不起,我迟到了。 EDWARD GREEN: No problem. 爱德华格林:没关系。 PHIL WATSON: The traffic was very bad. 菲尔沃森:交通太糟糕了。 EDWARD GREEN: You have been here before, haven t you? 爱德华格林:你以前来过,对吧? PHIL WATSON: Once. A very short visit to Don Bradley s office. 菲尔沃森:来过一次。就用很短的时间参观了一下堂布拉德利的办公室。 EDWARD GREEN: Perhaps I could show you around after the meeting. 爱德华格林:或许会后我可以带你四处看看。 PHIL WATSON: Yes, please. 菲尔沃森:好,有劳了。 EDWARD GREEN: I ll give you the guided tour. 爱德华格林:我会带你参观的。 CLIVE HARRIS: Thanks for going to Southford Components yesterday. 克莱夫哈里斯:谢谢 你昨天亲临 Southford Components。 DON BRADLEY: It was no problem. 堂布拉德利:没什么。 CLIVE HARRIS: I want to keep Derek working on Big Boss. 克莱夫哈里斯:我想要德里克不要停下“大老板” 。 So what did you think of the Southford set up? 你认为南佛的布置怎样? DON BRADLEY: This is their sales brochure. 堂布拉德利:这是他们的销售手册。 They seem quite competent. 看起来很有竞争力 CLIVE HARRIS: Where is it? 克莱夫哈里斯:在什么地方? DON BRADLEY: It s just by the freeway near intersection eight. 堂布拉德利:就在八号立交桥附近的高速公路旁。 It s in a large Greenfield site in a new development. 就在新发展区的商场。 CLIVE HARRIS: Who did you see there? 克莱夫哈里斯:你都见了谁? DON BRADLEY: I had a long meeting with the C.E.O. 堂布拉德利:我和他们的总裁开了个长会。 They have excellent robotics and a hitech production line. 他们的机器人技术很棒,有一条高科技生产线。 CLIVE HARRIS: It looks impressive. 克莱夫哈里斯:看起来很不错。 DON BRADLEY: There are their R & D laboratories. 堂布拉德利:他们有研发实验室。 They have a very big budget. 预算很大。 They commit five percent of their profit to that department. 他们把 5%的利润都投到了这个部门。 And they re doing some very innovative work in solar energy. 他们在太阳能方面做了些创新的工作。 CLIVE HARRIS: Okay, so what s the down side? 克莱夫哈里斯:好的,那么不好的一面是有那些? DON BRADLEY: Well, I m slightly unhappy about a couple of things. 堂布拉德利:哦,我对几件事不是很满意。 They are expensive. 他们有些贵。 We could buy in components cheaper from another source. 我们可以从其他供应商那里买到更便宜的部件。 And they do supply a lot of companies, including one or two of our rivals. 他们确实为很多公司供货,包括一、两个我们的竞争对手。 However they took me out for an excellent lunch! 不过,他们带我去吃的午餐确实不错! CLIVE HARRIS: So what do you think? 克莱夫哈里斯:那你认为怎么样? DON BRADLEY: Well, I can see that they re a strong option, 堂布拉德利:哦,我认为他们是个强有力的选择, but I am seeing a couple of other suppliers next week. 不过下周我会见几个其他的供货商。 CLIVE HARRIS: Well, let s wait and see. 克莱夫哈里斯:那就等等看。 CLIVE HARRIS: Come in. 克莱夫哈里斯:近来。 EDWARD GREEN: Sorry to interrupt but Phil is here with the designs. 爱德华格林:抱歉打断了你,不过菲尔带着设计过来了。 DON BRADLEY: Okay, I m coming right now. 堂布拉德利:好的,我马上来。 HOTEL RECEPTIONIST: I m very sorry about Ms. McKenna s booking. 宾馆接待员:麦凯纳女士预订的事,我很抱歉。 It s my fault. 是我的错。 How stupid of me. I didn t check. 我真笨,没检查一下。 ASSISTANT MANAGER: Don t worry about it, Samantha, but please be careful in the future. 助理经理:别担心,萨曼塔,但今后要细心。 KATE MCKENNA: Sorry to interrupt, 凯特麦凯纳:对不起,打扰一下, but before I go, I would like to speak to someone about conference facilities. 在我离开之前我想了解一下会议设施。 ASSISTANT MANAGER: Of course. Let me show you what we can offer. 助理经理:当然。让我来向你展示我们能做什么。 How many people are involved? 有多少人? KATE MCKENNA: I need to arrange a day s presentation to about sixty agents. 凯特麦凯纳:我需要安排约 60 人的演示,时间是一天。 ASSISTANT MANAGER: Have you time now to look at our facilities? 助理经理:你现在有时间看一下我们的设施吗? KATE MCKENNA: I ve ten minutes.Could we do it fairly quickly? 凯特麦凯纳:我有 10 分钟的时间。我们能不能行动快点? ASSISTANT MANAGER: Of course. You say you need a room for sixty people? 助理经理:当然。你说要 60 人的房间? KATE MCKENNA: Yes, that s right. 凯特麦凯纳:是的。 ASSISTANT MANAGER: And it s a presentation, isn t it? 助理经理:是做演示,是吧? Here s our main conference room. 这是我们的主会议室。 It has excellent projection facilities. 有很好的放映设备。 We have full stereo sound, video, 35 mm slides. You name it, we have it. 我们有立体声、视频及 35 毫米幻灯片。只要你说出来,我们都有。 KATE MCKENNA: How much is this for the day? 凯特麦凯纳:那一天是多少钱? ASSISTANT MANAGER: We have a standard rate of $900 per half day which includes coffee and biscuits. 助理经理:我们标准收费是 900 美元半天,包括咖啡和饼干。 KATE MCKENNA: That s quite expensive. 凯特麦凯纳:那很贵啊。 ASSISTANT MANAGER: Perhaps we could work something out. 助理经理:也许我们可以再商量。 Shall we go back to my office? 去一下我的办公室怎样? PHIL WATSON: This is the outline design concept. 菲尔沃森:这是设计理念的大体轮廓。 This goes with that and this copy goes on the side of the box over here. 这个和那个相搭配,这个放在这边的箱子的上边。 So, what do you think? 你认为怎么样? DON BRADLEY: What do you think, Edward? 堂布拉德利:你认为怎么样, 爱德华? EDWARD GREEN: I think the design is very good. But not for this product. 爱德华格林:我认为设计很棒。但不适合这款产品。 DON BRADLEY: I agree. I m sorry Phil but it seems rather young for our market. 堂布拉德利:我同意。对不起菲尔,但对我们的市场而言有点不成熟。 EDWARD GREEN: Yes, it s very bright. 爱德华格林:是的,颜色太艳。 It looks re
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