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www.kaobo100.comwww.kaobo100.com 中国考博辅导首选学校中国考博辅导首选学校 考博英语翻译真题模拟考博英语翻译真题模拟- -介词短语介词短语翻译练习翻译练习(二二) 56Weather is a product of many pLysical factors operating in and on the troposphere with the principal ones being the unequal heating of the earths surface by the sun and the rather rapid rota tion of the planet on its axis 天气是许多自然因素在对流层中起作用并对其施加影响的结果, 其中太阳对地球表面加热不均等和地球自转比较快则是主要的因素。(with 引导的复合结构作定语,用来修饰 factors,ones 代替factors。) 57It is the village which suffers most,for it is not easy to break the traditional bonds uniting agriculturist families to families of craftsmen,nor to dispel the idea that some one who follows the traditional calling of this caste is acting in a more“suitable“ way than some one who takes up a different occupation 乡村受害最大,因为从事农业家庭与从事手工业家庭的传统结合是很难分割的。此外,一些人认为一个人遵照等级制度的传统职业来办事要比从事不同的职业更为“合适” ,这种想法也很难去掉。 (his which 为强调句型,强调主语 the village原句是简单句,The village suffers mostfor是连词, “因为” 。uniting to, “把与连接” ,是分词短语作定语修饰 bonds。nor 连词,连接两个并列成分, 把 to break 和 to dispel 两个不定式短语连接起 来。 that occupation为同位语从句, 用来揭示 idea 的概念内涵。 calling 意为 “职业” , 与 occupation 相呼应。 ina way,“以方式” 。) 58Forging and press-production methods of shaping metal are of tremendous importance in machine-building in general,and in automobile and tractor industry in particular 金属成形的锻压加工方法, 一般在机器制造业、 特别是在汽车和拖拉机工业中具有重大意义.(be of.“具有” 。in general, “通常” ;in particular, “特别” ,这两个短语介词在句中作插入语用。) 59In fact, in the nineteeth century people used to make gardens in the shape of aclock face,with different flowers opening at different times 在19世纪,人们常常把花园做成钟盘形,不同的花在不同的时间开放。 (with 引导的复合结构有定语的意味,用来对 the shape of a clock 进行修饰。) 60The modern scientific method Was born with Galileo in the 17th century;however,the development of the natural sciences began to gain speed only in the latter part of the 18th and the early part of the 19th centuries 现代科学方法产生于17世纪的伽利略时代;然而,只是在18世纪后期和19世纪初期,自然科学才开始迅速发展。(with Galileo century 有表示时间与空间范围之意,这里是表示时间即伽利略时代。) (:(:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba ;QQ:wu si qi ling liu san ba liu er) 61All of the atoms of an element contain the same number of protons in their muclei, and the atoms of one element differ from those of all other elements in the number of protons so contained 同一种元素的所有原子的原子核中含有的质子数都是相同的, 而一种元素的原子与其他一切元素的原子的不同点,就在于它们含有的质子数不同。(AdiffersfromBinCA 与 B 在 C 方面是不同的。www.kaobo100.comwww.kaobo100.com 中国考博辅导首选学校中国考博辅导首选学校 句中 in the number 是 differ 要求的。) 62The kinds of evidence for the roundness of the world that led finally to its general accep tance included such data as the shape of the shadow of the earth on the moon during an eclipse of the moon,the fact that as one sails from port on a ship the building of the port gradually seem to sink below the surface of the water,and,most convincing,the fact that it is possible to sail all around the world and return to the starting point of the voyage 最终为人们普遍接受的有关地球是圆形的种种论据, 包括: 月蚀时地球投在月球表面的阴影形状;当人们乘船离开港口时, 港口的建筑物似乎逐渐沉入水下; 而最令人信服的是, 人们环绕地球航行时,有可能又回到原来的起航点。(The kinds 为主句中的主语,谓语是 included。 介词 as 引导三个并列同位语:shape,the fact,the fact,说明 data。在两个 fact 后的 that 都引出同位语从句。) 63The technological breakthrough and the lndustrial Revolution brought with them a mastery of food production and control of infectious disease that reduced the normal death-rate to below 1.5 per cent 技术革新和工业革命促进了食品生产,控制了传染病的流行,这使人口正常死亡率降到1.5以下。(to below 是双重介词,reduce tobelow, “降到以下” 。) 64There are a few specially designed homes that are heated primarily by the sun but there is no practical and economic means for converting solar energy directly into that great convenience,electricity 现在已有一些专门设计的住宅主要利用太阳能取暖, 但还没有一种实用和经济的办法把太阳能直接转化为便于使用的电能。(介词短语 for electridty 用来修饰 means。 ,oonverting into,“把转化为” 。) 65A balance consists of an arlTl balanced at its middle, with known weights hung on one hand and the object whose weight is to be found on the other 天平由一个在中央平衡的臂组成, 已知重量的砝码挂在平衡臂的一端, 而把要称出重量的物体挂在平衡臂的另一端。 (分词短语 balanced at its middle 用来修饰 arm。with.weights hung是介词复合结构,用来对 balance 作补充说明,过去分词 known 作定语,修饰 weights。hung 是 hang的过去分词。) 56Weather is a product of many pLysical factors operating in and on the troposphere with the principal ones being the unequal heating of the earths surface by the sun and the rather rapid rota tion of the planet on its axis 天气是许多自然因素在对流层中起作用并对其施加影响的结果, 其中太阳对地球表面加热不均等和地球自转比较快则是主要的因素。(with 引导的复合结构作定语,用来修饰 factors,ones 代替factors。) 57It is the village which suffers most,for it is not easy to break the traditional bonds uniting agriculturist families to families of craftsmen,nor to dispel the idea that some one who follows the traditional calling of this caste is acting in a more“suitable“ way than some one who takes up a different occupation www.kaobo100.comwww.
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