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November 26, 2014 Page 1 of 13 TOOLING TERMS AND CONDITIONS 模具合同条款 1. General Guidelines总则 a. These “Tooling Terms and Conditions” shall apply to all tooling purchase orders and shall be construed, to the extent possible, as consistent with the Nexteer General Terms and Conditions and as cumulative. In the event of an inconsistency between these Tooling Terms and Conditions and the Nexteer General Terms and Conditions, these Tooling Terms and Conditions shall control as to all Tooling. Capitalized terms used in these Tooling Terms and Conditions, but not defined, shall have the meanings given such terms in the Nexteer General Terms and Conditions. 该“模具合同条款”适用于所有可能的与耐世特公司其他合同条款相一致的模 具订购。若本合同条款中出现与耐世特公司的总合同条款不一致的地方,则本 合同条款适用于所有与模具相关的合同与条款。如无特别指明,在本合同条款 中出现的固定术语含义与耐世特公司总合同条款中一致。 b. “Tooling” means any die, jig, machine, fixture, mold, pattern, template, samples, models, gage, testing device, equipment, supplies, materials or other item which is purchased by Buyer or specially constructed for Buyers use or the use of its outside suppliers on Buyers behalf in the manufacture of parts for specific models, assemblies, or products and which has a normal physical life of one year or more. The determination of what constitutes “Tooling” is based on the items physical aspects and use, the specific characteristics of the production and service parts or assemblies to be produced, and upon its intended life which is generally limited (without substantial modification or alteration) to the production and service life of specific models, assemblies or products. “模具”指任何由买房购买、为买方使用而铸造的冲模、夹具、机械、固定装 置、铸型、样式、样板、样品、模型、规格、测试设备、装备、替代品、材料 及其他物品,或指由代表买方的外部供应商生产的特殊型号、流水线之部分或 产品,且其有通常一年或以上的实用寿命。所谓“模具”是指基于产品的物理 特性、使用及将投入使用的生产线的产品及服务部分,其实用寿命通常限于 (在无重大修订或改变的情况下)指特殊型号、生产线或产品的生产及服务寿 命。 c. The Supplier is expected to invest in and own its facilities, machinery, and other capital equipment. However, to the extent that any Contract between Buyer and Supplier covers Buyers purchase of, reimbursement to Supplier for, or other ownership of, any Tooling to be used in connection with Suppliers actual or anticipated supply of goods to Buyer, the Buyer will own the Tooling that is used with the Suppliers equipment to make parts for the Buyer. Buyer may file any legal notices or documents to protect its ownership interest, including but not limited to a UCC-1 financing statement. It is therefore essential that the Tooling be clearly identified and marked, in a durable and legible manner, as the property of the Buyer. The Supplier may not take any action concerning the tooling that is inconsistent with the Buyers ownership of the tooling. Supplier shall assign to Buyer any contract rights or claims in which Supplier has an interest with respect to such Tooling. Supplier shall establish a reasonable accounting system that readily enables the identification of Suppliers costs. November 26, 2014 Page 2 of 13 供应方将投资于并拥有其设备、机械及其他固定设备。但就任何在买方与供应 方间签订的涉及买方的购买、或对供应方的补贴、或其他与供应方实际及预期 的向买方提供的与模具有关的拥有权问题上,买方将拥有与供应方设备一起使 用来为买方生产部分产品的模具。买方可能就保护其所有者权益而提出法律告 示或文件,包括但不限于美国统一商法典1。因此,以持久且合法的方式 清 晰地阐明及标记作为买方财产的模具是很有必要的。供应方不可以采取任何与 买方对模具的拥有权相违背的行动。供应方应该向买方阐明与供应方的权益或 发布表明供应方与模具相关联的声明。供应方应建立一种合理的记账系统以记 录其花费。 d. All Tooling and Materials which Buyer furnishes, either directly or indirectly, to Supplier or which Buyer buys from, or gives reimbursement to, Supplier in whole or in part (collectively, “Buyers Property”) will be and remain the property of Buyer and be held by Supplier on a bailment basis. Title to all replacement parts, additions, improvements and accessories purchased by Supplier will vest in Buyer immediately upon attachment to or incorporation into Buyers Property. Supplier releases, discharges and waives any lien, action, suit, debt due, sum of money, account, claim and demand whatsoever in law or in equity or other rights that Supplier might otherwise have on or in any of Buyers Property for work performed on, or utilizing, such property or otherwise. 所有买方直接或间接向供应方提供、由买方购买或给予供应方补贴的部分及全部模具 及材料(总称为“买方财产”)将持续作为买方财产并交由供应方委托保管。所有由 供应方购买的零部件、附加、改进及配件将作为附件即刻属于买方财产。供应方可基 于普通法或衡平法发布、免除、放弃和使用任何与为买方工作或买方财产相关的留置 权、诉讼、起诉、债务到期、资金、账号、索赔和声称的其拥有的其他权利。 e. Tool models and tool prints are considered part of the Tooling and are also the property of the Buyer. 模具模型和模具图案被认为是模具的一部分,因此它们也是属于买方的。 f. Unique computer software required to operate the Tooling is considered part of Tooling and is also the property of the Buyer. 用以操作模具的特殊电脑软件被认为是模具的一部分,因此它们也是属于买方 的。 g. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties, the Supplier will be paid in full for the Production Tooling after Part Submission Warrant (PSW) full approval is submitted and provided along with the proper documentation which is further described in section 2 herein. 除非在双方间有书面形式约定,买方将在供应方提交已通过的零件提交保证书 (PSW)后一次性支付模具生产的全部费用。此外,供应方还需提交一些文 件,这部分内容将在下面的第2部分提到。 h. The Supplier is responsible for ensuring that its sub-supplier(
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