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必修 1 人教新课标 Unit5 Period 4: Language Practicing 教案 Period 4: Language Practicing 必修 1 人教新课标 Unit5 Period 4: Language Practicing 教案 Period 4: Language Practicing Teaching goals Teaching goals 1. To discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions. 2. To learn Attributive Clauses part2 (where, when, why, prep. +which /whom) Step 1 Lead-in Step 1 Lead-in (By asking Ss some Qs about Elias, then lead in some attributive clauses in the reading text. Get Ss to learn the grammar from their book.) T: In Eliass story, Nelson Mandela acted an important role in his life, and a lot of things greatly changed because of him. So there are many unforgettable experiences in Eliass mind. Suppose you are /were Elias, can you tell us some of your impressive experiences? Ss: Yes/Ok T: Q1: When did you first meet Nelson Mandela? S1: I met Nelson Mandela in a very difficult period of my life. T: So you mean the time whenwhen you first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of your life. (Copy the sentence on the blackboard) Q2: Where was the school you studied? S2:The school wherewhere I studied only two years was three kilometers away. Q3: When was the day Nelson Mandela told you what to do and helped you? S3: The day when when Nelson Mandela told me what to do and helped me was one of the happiest days of my life. Q4: Where were the parts you blacks lived? S4: The parts of town wherewhere we lived were the places decided by white people. The time whenwhen you first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of your life. The school wherewhere i studied only two years was three kilometers away. The day when when Nelson Mandela told me what to do and helped me was one of the happiest days of my life. The parts of town wherewhere we lived were the places decided by white people. Step 2 Grammar review Step 2 Grammar review T: Now please look at these sentences. The words underlined are all modified by 用心 爱心 专心 1sentences. Do you still remember what we call these kinds of clauses? Ss: Attributive clause. T: Yeah, the attributive clauses are very useful in our expression. (Show a short flash of the dialogue between a couple) Now lets review some together. Will you fill in the proper words? Ex1: Ex1: 1. Is he the man who/that wants to see you? 2. He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday. 3. They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down. 4. The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. T: T: What do we call the words which you filled in just now?。 S: Relative pronoun. T: S: Relative pronoun. T: What are they? Relative pronoun :who, whom, whose, that, which 等。 Step 3 Grammar learning Relative pronoun :who, whom, whose, that, which 等。 Step 3 Grammar learning T: : Besides these words and sentences, we find another language using in our text. We were put in a position in whichin which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government The person to whomto whom you should be grateful for a peaceful South Africa is Nelson Mandela T: Whats the differences between these two and others? S: We have a preposition before the relative pronoun. T: But where is the preposition from? Lets observe the following sentences! Ex2: Ex2: 1. The speed at which light travels is 300000km per second.(由先行词的习惯搭配决 定) at the speed of 2. This is the teacher from whom I borrow the book. (borrow from)(动词词组) 3. Dont bring the children to see the animals of which they are afraid. (be afraid of) 关系代词 whom, which 前介词的选择由先行词的习惯搭配或后半句动词的搭配而决定。 Ex3 关系代词 whom, which 前介词的选择由先行词的习惯搭配或后半句动词的搭配而决定。 Ex3 2.This was a time at which you had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg 3.This was a time when you had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg 1.This was a time which you had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg at 1. Robben Island is the place which Mr Mandela once was kept in. 2. Robben Island is the place in which Mr Mandela once was kept. 3. Robben Island is the place where Mr Mandela once was kept. 用心 爱心 专心 21. Is this the reason which he was late for? 2. Is this the reason for which he was late? 3. Is this the reason why he was late? 关系副词:when, where, why. 关系副词可代替的先行词是时间,地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语,相当于“介词 +which”结构,经常交替使用。 Step 4 Grammar practice Ex1:关系副词:when, where, why. 关系副词可代替的先行词是时间,地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语,相当于“介词 +which”结构,经常交替使用。 Step 4 Grammar practice Ex1: Elias has had some problems with his messages for his friends. Can you help him form sentences with the following words and phrases. Match them please. Elias has had some problems with his messages for his friends. Can you help him form sentences with the following words and phrases. Match them please. Ex2: Now will you complete these sentences using an attributive clause with when, where or why? Ex2: Now will you complete these sentences using an attributive clause with when, where or why? 1. That wa
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