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Thesis for Masters degree i 分类号:分类号:G421 G421 单位代码:单位代码:1011010110 学学 号号:S20100077S20100077 The Correlations of Native English Speaking Teachers Belief and Teaching Effectiveness at Oral English Class 口语课堂外籍英语教师信念口语课堂外籍英语教师信念和教学有效性的和教学有效性的 相关性研究相关性研究 Candidate 胡姝钰 Supervisor 芮燕萍 Major English Language these teacher beliefs of English major are both correlated and not correlated with their teaching effectiveness at oral English class. From the data analysis the author can find the strong correlations exist between teachers beliefs and teaching effectiveness on English and English learning. While the correlations are quite weak between the teachers beliefs and the learners. The correlation is moderate in teachers beliefs and English teaching ; giving some suggestions on how to promote their teaching effectiveness though adjusting parts of their beliefs on the following parts: adjust the teaching contents; diversification of instructive methods; how to adjust their teaching methods according to the difference between the Chinese and American cultures. Keywords: teacher beliefs; teaching effectiveness; native English speaking teachers; correlations Thesis for Masters degree iii 摘摘 要要 随着人们对于教师信念这一概念的关注度不断提高, 针对这一概念进行的研究也越来越多。通过阅读研究文献,发现国内外研究有的侧重于概念界定,有的涉及理论溯源方面,有的研究涉及到教师内在信念与外在表现或影响力的关系,但是缺乏以英语为母语的外籍教师为研究对象进行的实证性研究。 本研究在对现有国内外有关教师信念与教学有效行的学习和总结的基础上, 以中北大学 83 名大一、大二的英语专业本科生以及外籍教师为研究对象,探讨了教师信念与教学有效性的相关性。 本论文采取定量研究与定性研究相结合的方法,对于定量研究,使用调查问卷为研究工具,并通过 SPSS 17.0 软件进行了数据分析;对于定性研究,采用了访谈与课堂观察相结合的研究手段,并对内容进行了记录。最后得出以下结论:第一,以英语为母语的外籍教师对于英语本身、英语学习、英语教学和学习者的信念较为一致。第二,教师信念与教学有效性既有相关性又存在不关联之处。 笔者从数据分析可以发现, 相比之下,教师的信念和对英语教学的有效性与英语学习之间存在很强的相关性, 教师的信念和学习者之间的相关性是相当薄弱,教师的信念和英语教学的相关性是适度的。第三,对于如何修正教师信念以至于更符合学生要求最终达到高效的课堂, 给出了以下几个方面的建议: 第一,调整教学内容;第二,教学媒介多样化;第三,如何克服中美学生的差异而及时调整课堂教学方法。 关键词:关键词:教师信念;教学有效性;外籍教师;相关性 Thesis for Masters degree iv List of Tables Table 3.1 Structure of the questionnaire for teachers.14 Table 3.2 Structure of the questionnaire for learners.15 Table 4.1 Reliability Test of the Two Questionnaires.18 Table 4.2 Descriptive Statistics for Teachers Beliefs about English.19 Table 4.3 Descriptive Statistics for Teachers Beliefs about Teaching English .19 Table 4.4 Descriptive Statistics for Teachers Beliefs about Learning English.20 Table 4.5 Descriptive Statistics for Teachers Beliefs about Learners.21 Table 4.6 Descriptive Statistics for Teaching Effectiveness about English.21 Table 4.7 Descriptive Statistics for Teaching Effectiveness about Teaching English.22 Table 4.8 Descriptive Statistics for Teaching Effectiveness about learning English.23 Table 4.9 Descriptive Statistics for Teaching Effectiveness about learners.23 Table 4.10 Correlation Value of Teachers Beliefs vs. Teaching Effectiveness.24 Table 4.11 Contrast of Jim Beliefs and Classroom Practice.27 Table 4.12 Contrast of Cheryl Beliefs and Classroom Practice.28 Table 4.13 Contrast of Michale Beliefs and Classroom Practice.30 Thesis for Masters degree v Table of Contents Acknowledgements.i Abstract. .ii 摘 要.iii List of Tables.ivIntroduction.1 1.1 Background of the study.1 1.2 Purpose of the study.2 1.3 Significance of the study.2 1.3.1 Theoretical significance.2 1.3.2 Methodological significance.3 1.4 An overall structure of
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