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济南沃尔得国际英语1www.jnworld.cn状语状语引引言言在这个单元中我们将讨论状语。状语是修饰名词和代词以外任何词的,可修饰(1) 动词,(2)形容词,(3)另一副词,(4)介词,(5)连词,或(6)整个句子。下面 例句中加引号的为被修饰词,状语为斜体部分:(1) He“works” patiently(2) It is extremely“easy”(3)He slept very“soundly”(4) He sat just“behind” me(5)He got ill partly“because” he was worried(6) Honestly,“I am as poor as a beggar”状语可以是(1)副词,(2)短语,(3)分词,(4)不定式,(5)介词+非谓语动 词,或(6)状语从句:(1)He came yesterday(2)He came from time to time(3)He came to my office,wanting to have a talk with me(4)He came to say goodbye(5)He came after finishing his work(6) He came only when he wanted to borrow money可以从句中删去状语而不影响句子的基本结构:“Yesterday”“at five”“ when it began to dawn”,he“secret- ly”left“for a distant city”(SIV)He left(SIV)也可在句子里加上这种修饰语,而不影响句子的基本结构:Mary fell ill(SLVA)“After she had been to a dinner party”,Mary“suddenly” fell ill(S LVA)He killed himself(STVR)“Becoming bankrupt”,he killed himself“at a hotel”“ by jumping down from the twelfth storey”(STVR)从上面例句中可以看出,状语在语法上并不是必不可少的,但在意义上却很重要,因 为它修饰一个词,对它作更细致的描述。状语修饰动词时最多。在修饰动词时,它可以放在几个位置,不过放在某个位置可能 比放在其他位置更合适。(定语的位置却比较固定,一般放在所修饰的名词前面或后济南沃尔得国际英语2www.jnworld.cn面。)例如 yesterday 可以放在下面数字代表的5个位置上,不过在一定的上下文中只有 一两个位置比较合适:1 Lee 2 was 3 driving his car 4 into the country 5谓语动词的修饰语谓语动词的修饰语A A副词(短语)副词(短语)1 1副词(短语)概说副词(短语)概说a副词分类根据其意义副词可以分为5类:1)时间副词:表示某个时间的副词(回答 when 提出的问题):today,now, tonight, nowadays, presently, immediately;yesterday, earlier,lately,before,recently,ago;tomorrow, soon, shortly, after, later, afterwards; when? then,early,late,meantime,punctually表示频度的副词(回答 how often 这个问题):always,perpetually,eternally;continually,repeatedly,generally, usually;frequently,often;sometimes;occasionally;rarely,seldom;never; once,twice;daily,weekly,monthly,yearly;nights(=each night),mornings (Am)表示时间长度的副词(回答 how long 这个问题):everlastingly,eternally,forever;long;temporarily,brieflyquickly, awhile2)地点副词:表示地点或方向的副词(回答 in what position 或 to what position 这个问题):here,there,yonder;far,afar,near,by;on,off,away; before,behind; left, right;up, down;in,out;back,forth;aback,ahead,athwart, overboard;longways,side ways;over,under;above,below,beneath; outside,in- side, aside;within,without;along, across;together,济南沃尔得国际英语3www.jnworld.cnseparately, asunder,apart;centrally, around,about;nowhere,everywhere, anywhere,somewhere;vertically,horizontally,slantwise;downtown,uptown; downstairs,upstairs;abroad, home方向副词(回答 to what position 这个问题):backward,forward;upward;downward;inward,out- ward注:地点副词常修饰表示移动的动词,说明“到某地”,如 He went there,He ran away,He walked across,It flew outside,It fell down如果它修饰不表示移动的 动词,则说明“在某地”,如 He lives thereHe kept away from usA log lay across,so the car could not passHe waited down there, He stood outside另外,许多地点副词可以用作名词,作介词 from 的宾语。这种 from 短语表示“来自某处”,试比较下面的句子:He went abroad,He came from abroad;He came downtown, He came from downtown;It appears somewhere, It appears from somewhere3)方式副词:以-ly 结尾的副词:slowly,justly,foolishly,honestly,steadily(and many others)不以-ly 结尾的副词:fast,hard,thus,how,ill,well,so;peasantstyle, Soviet-style,dogfashion,Mongol- fashion;likewise,otherwise,somehow4)肯定副词:表示肯定的副词:certainly,indeed, surely,really, doubt- less, truly表示不肯定的副词:perhaps,probably,possibly,maybe5)程度副词:可表示各种不同程度:接近于“不”:not,hardly,little较小程度:lightly,somewhat某种程度:fairly,rather,pretty济南沃尔得国际英语4www.jnworld.cn较大程度:very,much,highly,greatly,deeply,extraordinarily极大程度:entirely,utterly,absolutely,completely,fully渐渐:increasingly,steadily,gadually,slowly足够:enough,sufficient几乎:nearly仅仅:only,justb副词短语的结构副词短语指起副词作用的短语。它常常包含一个介词,如 by the way,one after another;有时它包含一个名词和一个形容词,如 this year,next week,five days,a long time;有时包含 and 或 or,如 again and again,sooner or later;偶尔包含一 些其他词,如 sure enough,as usual它可以是非成语型短语,也可以是成语型短语。 它至少有16种类型。非成语型短语非成语型短语1)介词+宾语(名词、动名词、疑问词+不定式、疑问词从句、介词短语):at Hong Kong,to the city;after meeting her,by travel- ling;on how to do it,about where to eat Philippine food; as to how they do it,as to when young people should get married;till after lunch,from behind the door2)“介词+名词+介词”+宾语:in case of failure,by reason of his illness,by means of sweet words,on behalf of my country, in spite of the rain, in place of his position,in the light of his great work, with a view to helping the poor(这种“介词+名 词+介词”是一个固定短语。)3)“副词+介词”+宾语:together with John, along with his son, apart from his fol- ly, out of the house, down to the modern times, agreeably to their instructions, conformably to his promise,aside from money(“副词+介词”也是固定短语)4)副词+“介词+名词”:济南沃尔得国际英语5www.jnworld.cnearly in the day,sometime in the evening,late in May, Sunday at seven, back in the stone age,far out at sea,beyond on the horizon,high up in the sky,out in the street,once for all5)指示词+表示时间的名词:this week, next year,one day,each week,some day, every hour,that moment,this time(of year or day),a moment,a Sunday,the moment(he shouted), the day(John left Paris)(在指示词前 in,on,at 均省略)6)表示数目或数量的形容词+表示时间长度、距离、重量、价格等的名词:(for) three days,(for)all week,(for) a short moment; (for) five miles,(for) a long distance, three blocks;(for several) weeks,(for seve
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