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河南科技大学硕士学位论文发动机混流装配生产线规划与仿真姓名:张朋俊申请学位级别:硕士专业:机械电子工程指导教师:颉潭成20091201摘 要 I论文题目: 发动机混流装配生产线规划与仿真 论文题目: 发动机混流装配生产线规划与仿真 专 业: 机械电子工程 专 业: 机械电子工程 研 究 生: 张朋俊 研 究 生: 张朋俊 指导教师: 颉潭成 教授 指导教师: 颉潭成 教授 摘 要 摘 要 汽车发动机混流装配生产线是对不同型号发动机顺序装配的流水线工艺过程,混流装配生产线规划设计的好坏决定了能否实现生产线负荷、品种、产量的均衡化生产。为了提高装配质量和生产效率,充分利用资源,满足市场多样化需求,必须对发动机混流装配生产线规划设计的平衡问题和投产顺序问题进行研究。随着离散事件仿真理论的完善和计算机仿真技术的发展,国外逐渐将计算机仿真运用到发动机装配生产线规划设计和运行分析中,而国内还处于起步阶段。为了与世界接轨,并达到省时、省力、省钱的要求,因此对发动机混流装配生产线进行仿真分析和研究。 本文在考虑汽车发动机的约束条件的情况下,建立了混流装配生产线平衡问题的多目标优化数学模型,设计了改进的遗传算法。该算法设计了编码方式,设计了算子的选择交叉变异方式,引进罚函数构造适应度函数,用加权平均值的方法解决多目标优化问题。提出的算法有效地提高发动机混流装配生产线的工作站负荷均衡水平和生产能力,充分利用了资源。 本文建立了混流装配生产线投产顺序问题的多目标优化数学模型,设计了混合粒子群算法。该算法改进了个体极值和全局极值的选取方式,用两个目标函数共同指导全局最优解,增加种群的多样性,增强了算法的优化性能。提出的算法降低了闲置与超载时间,最小化生产循环周期,有效地提高了装配生产线的产量和平衡率,满足了市场多样化需求。 以一拖集团的LR系列汽车发动机多品种混流装配生产线为例,采用数字化仿真解决发动机混流装配生产线平衡问题和产品投产顺序问题。最后利用仿真软件AutoMod对发动机装配生产线进行动态仿真,验证数字化仿真的实用性和有效性,最终保证整个装配生产线负荷均衡,达到产能要求。 关 键 词:关 键 词:汽车发动机混流装配生产线, 平衡, 投产顺序, AutoMod 论文类型:论文类型:应用研究摘要 IIISubject: Planning and Simulation of the Mixed Engine Assembly Line Specialty: Engineering of Mechanical and Electronic Name: Pengjun-Zhang Supervisor: Professor Tancheng -Xie ABSTRACT Mixed engine assembly line is the process to assemble a sequence of different models of engine. Whether it can achieve load, variety and yield the balance of production, depending on the assembly line planning and designing. In order to improve assembly quality, production efficiency and make full use of resources to meet the diverse needs of the market, we must study the balance and production sequence of mixed engine assembly line planning and design. With the improvement of discrete event simulation theory and computer simulation technology, computer simulation gradually applied to the engine assembly line planning and design and operation analysis in foreign, while it is still in the initial stage in domestic. In order to keep up with the world and achieve saving time, effort, money demand, we must do much analysis and research to the engine assembly line simulation mixed-flow. Taking into account the constraints conditions, this paper established multi-objective optimization mathematical models of the mixed assembly line balancing problem and designed the improved genetic algorithm. The algorithm designed method of mutation operator and the choice of cross, recommend penalty function to construct the fitness function and use weighted average method to solve multi-objective optimization problem. The proposed algorithm improved the engine assembly line workstations mixed load balancing level and production capacity effectively and made full use of resources. This paper established multi-objective optimization problem mathematical model of the mixed assembly line production sequence problem and designed a hybrid particle swarm algorithm. The algorithm improved selection method of the individual extreme and the global extreme, used the two objective functions to guide the global optimal, increased the population diversity and enhanced optimize performance, The proposed algorithm reduced the idle time of overload, minimized the production cycle, 河南科技大学硕士学位论文 IVimproved the assembly line production and a balanced ratio effectively and meet the diverse needs of the market. At last, taking LR series mixed engine assembly line for example, used digital simulation to solve the balancing problem and production sequence problem. In order to guarantee load balancing of the entire assembly line and achieve production requirements, used AutoMod to dynamic simulate engine assembly line, verify the practicality and effectiveness of digital simulation. KEY WORDS: Mixed engine assembly line of automobile, Balance, Production sequence, AutoMod Dissertation Type: Application Research 第 1 章 绪论 1第1章 第1章 绪论 1.1 课题研究的背景 课题研究的背景 伴随着近两年来全球金融危机的形势,汽车工业作为全球工业的龙头行业之一,遭受巨大冲击。汽车工业进入新的一轮竞争,掀起了质量和价格之战。中国汽车市场同样受金融危机的影响,整个车市持续低迷,对于自主品牌来说,竞争更是残酷。中国汽车工业如何抓住机遇,迎接挑战,增强市场竞争力,在世界上立于不败之地,已经成为迫在眉睫的问题。 发动机是汽车的整个心脏,其装配过程是整车制造技术的集中体现。发动机的装配过程是通过发动机装配生产线实现的,理想的发动机装配生产线规划设计能使整个装配生产线负荷均衡且满足市场响应1-2。 一方面,为了提高装配质量和生产效率,充分利用资源,要解决发动机混流装配生产线的平衡问题(Assembly Line Balancing Problem)。发动机混流装配生产线是对发动机零件顺序装配的流水线装配过程,整个装配过程分成大量的独立作业单元,然后将这些作业单元合理安排到流水线的各个工作站。分工作业导致各工作站的作业时间不能完全相同,造成工时损失和在制品堆积,即所谓的“瓶颈效应”3-4。因此发动机装配生产线平衡问题历来受到人们的重视。 另一方面,为了满足市场多样化需求,要解决发动机混流装配生产线的投产顺序问题(Assembly Line Production Sequence Problem)。在混流装配生产线上,不同装配工作站对不同产品装配的作业时间相差很大,产生闲置和超载现象,装配时所需零部件也不完全相同使装配过程中各种零部件的消耗速率变化很大,导致零部件的需求量产生很大波动。每个工作站的闲置和
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