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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料【双语】美版西游记,只求不要毁童年!又到暑假西游记在N个台N集连播的日子,喜欢西游记的小伙 伴们能想象唐三藏与孙悟空说英语的样子么?近日,美国AMC电视台宣 布将把这部中国经典名著改编成一季六集的电视剧,一起去围观是什么 个情况? 又到暑假西游记在N个台N集连播的日子,喜欢西游记的小伙 伴们能想象唐三藏与孙悟空说英语的样子么?近日,美国AMC电视台宣 布将把这部中国经典名著改编成一季六集的电视剧,一起去围观是什么 个情况? It has been more than four centuries since Wu Chengen, a poet and novelist from the Ming Dynasty, wrote Journey to the West.Over the course of 400-plus years, the third of Chinas Four Great Classical Novels has been adapted into a number of mediums, including: an animated series, dance pieces, films, musical numbers and plays. 中国明代诗人、小说家吴承恩成书西游记,至今已有400多年 。在这400多年间,作为中国四大名著的第三部作品被多次改编,包括 动画、舞台剧、电影、音乐剧等等。Now AMC Networks Inc is reimagining the story for a new television martial arts drama, Badlands.Badlands, which is a working title, is loosely based on the popular 16th century Chinese epic, which chronicles the travels of a Buddhist monk and his compatriots who endeavor to find a series of sacred texts. 现在,美国AMC电视台打算把西游记改编成一部新的动作电视 剧:Badlands。Badlands只是这部剧的暂定名,而剧集也仅将 中国这部十六世纪讲述师徒四人西天取经的“史诗”作为大框架。 On July 11, AMC Networks announced plans for the program to be broadcast on AMC, its cable and satellite channel.AMC, short for American Movie Classics, is best known for its hit shows like Breaking Bad, Mad Men and The Walking Dead.7月11日,AMC电视台宣布该剧将在AMC有线卫星频道播出。AM C是美国经典电影有线电视台的简称,大热美剧广告狂人,绝命 毒师以及行尸走肉都是其代表之作。 The pact between AMC and the creators of Badlands call for six one-hour episodes and a premiere date that is either late 2015 or early 2016, according to a press release.The deal gives AMC its third straight-to-series production, joining The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad. 据悉,Badlands将于2015年年末或2016年年初开播,首季共 6集,每集时长1小时。继行尸走肉与绝命毒师之后,Badla nds将是AMC电视台第三部直接整季制作的剧集。 Joel Stillerman, AMCs executive vice-president, said the company is excited “to help bring Badlands to life“. AMC执行副总裁乔尔斯蒂尔曼说,公司将大力支持Badlands 的制作。 “This creative team has so much expertise in bringing a fresh take to classic genres from their film and television experience, and their take on martial arts will be no exception,“ Stillerman said in a company statement.斯蒂尔曼在公司声明中还说到,“这部剧的制作团队经验丰富,在 改编经典作品、令其焕然一新方面颇有心得,他们制作动作剧集的能力 也是毋庸置疑。” “Along with a beautiful story, theyve also assembled the A-Team of martial arts fight choreography in Daniel Wu and Stephen Fung,“ Stillerman said. “除了动人的故事,参与制片的吴彦祖与冯德伦也将携他们一流的 武指团队加入其中。”斯蒂尔曼说。 The screenwriting duo of Alfred Gough and Miles Millar are both familiar with Chinese martial arts elements from their work with Beijing-born actor Jet Li on the set of The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008) and Hong Kong-bred movie star Jackie Chan in the films Shanghai Noon (2000) and ShanghaiKnights (2003). 担任编剧的阿尔弗雷德高夫与迈尔斯米拉尔也对中国武术元素了 如指掌。他们不仅曾为李连杰主演的木乃伊3:龙帝之墓(2008)创 作剧本,也是成龙主演的西域威龙(2000)与上海武士(200 3)两部电影的编剧。 Jessica Beinecke, the founder of Crazy Fresh Chinese, a Chinese/English online-based cross-cultural platform, said AMCs Badlands could provide “a great gateway“ into understanding Chinese culture for millions of Americans. 美国女孩白洁是中英在线文化交流网站疯狂新鲜汉语的创始人 ,在她看来AMC电视台的Badlands将会为成千上万的美国人了解 中国文化开启一扇大门。 “Any opportunity for people to experience Chinese culture from their living room is a great idea,“ Beinecke said. 她说,“这部剧也许能让人们宅在家中就能体验中国文化,这简直 太棒了!”John Tinker, a media analyst who covers AMC Networks for Maxim Group LLC, a New York-based securities and investment-management firm, said AMC “came out of nowhere and started developing hit shows“ in the better part of the last decade. 约翰汀克则是马克西姆集团(一家总部设在纽约的证券投资管理 公司)的媒体分析师,负责研究AMC电视台的数据。在约翰汀克眼中 ,仅仅十年,AMC电视台就从名不见经传变为开始制作热播剧的公司。 “What AMC has done is come up with interesting, slightly different ideas that are targeted at niches,“ Tinker said Monday in an interview with China Daily. “AMC is basically an older movie channel, but what has helped is that their record is better than most. And of course theyve executed very well.“ 约翰汀克在接受中国日报的采访中还说:“AMC的成功源自 于其定位准确,创意有趣而不落俗套。这家公司本来只是一个老牌电影 频道,唯一的优势就是胜于大多数电视台的口碑。当然,他们运营得很好。” AMC Networks, launched in 1980 as Rainbow Media Holdings LLC, is an American entertainment company with headquarters in New York City. It was a subsidiary of Cablevision until spun off as a publicly traded company in July 2011.AMC Networks International (AMCNI), the global division of AMC, delivers content and programming to more than 140 countries. AMC成立于二十世纪八十年代,前身是一家总部设在纽约的娱乐公 司,名为彩虹传媒控股有限公司。这家公司一直是美国有线电视的一家 子公司,直到2011年才独立出来,公开上市。目前,AMC的国际分支 AMC网络国际,播放的节目和内容已涵盖全球140多个国家。 Tinker, with the Maxim Group, said in recent years AMC has tried to reinvigorate some of its older movies to appeal to new viewers.“The question here would be does this new show tie in more Chinese or kungfu films,“ Tinker said. 汀克还透露,AMC近年来还将其出品的一些旧电影重新搬上荧幕, 以吸引新一批观众。他认为这部新剧“要面临的主要问题就是能否使中 国元素或动作戏做到很好地结合。 相关推荐: 【双语】天价中国圣杯 鸡缸杯2.8亿创纪录必杀技巧之5招搞定雅思阅读 课程名称 授课课时 班型 咨询 雅思达标班 雅思6分钻石小班 雅思6.5-7分钻石小班 150课时 全日制 了解详细 了解详细 了解详细 雅思7分名师班 120课时+2次全真模考 全日制 了解详细
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