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英譯宋詞 - 張先集English Translation of Song Poems written by ZHANG Xian英譯宋詞 - 張先集English Translation of Song Poems written by ZHANG Xian 譯者 / Translated by : 南緯 28 / 28utsc 2011.02.28 譯者 / Translated by : 南緯28 / 28utsc 2011.02.28p. 1 / 6英譯宋詞 - 張先集English Translation of Song Poems written by ZHANG Xian目錄Table of Contents.005 張先 - 千秋歲 3 005 ZHANG Xian Millennium Lyrics006 張先 - 菩薩蠻 3 006 ZHANG Xian Lyrics to Bodhisattva Melody 007 張先 - 醉垂鞭 4 007 ZHANG Xian Lyrics to a Tipplers Drooping Whip 008 張先 - 一叢花 4 008 ZHANG Xian Lyrics to a Thicket of Flowers 009 張先 - 天仙子 (時為嘉禾小倅,以病眠不赴府會) 5 009 ZHANG Xian Lyrics to the Heavenly Fairy010 張先 - 青門引 5 010 ZHANG Xian Lyrics to Blue Gate Prelude011 張先 - 生查子 6 011 ZHANG Xian Lyrics to Raw Haws Melody 譯者 / Translated by : 南緯28 / 28utsc 2011.02.28p. 2 / 6英譯宋詞 - 張先集English Translation of Song Poems written by ZHANG Xian005 張先- 千秋歲005 ZHANG Xian Millennium Lyrics中文原文數聲鶗鴂,又報芳菲歇。 惜春更選殘紅折, 雨輕風色暴,梅子青時節。 永豐柳,無人盡日花飛雪。莫把幺弦撥,怨極弦能說。 天不老,情難絕, 心似雙絲網,中有千千結。 夜過也,東窗未白孤燈滅。英文翻譯 / English Translation There rise chirps of cuckoos, again they have come to call blossoms end. To seize spring, I longingly pick the remains of the flowers in red. Sudden rains and stormy winds the season of green plums commence. Over the Yongfeng grounds, theres no-one but drifting catkins all day. Stroke not even a string, for even it can such reticent bitterness express. Unless the heaven mortal becomes, my love will never be laid to rest, My heart is a cobweb doubled over, tied and knotted with a million frets. The night is nearly over, the lamp has burnt out, the day hasnt broken yet.006 張先- 菩薩蠻006 ZHANG Xian Lyrics to Bodhisattva Melody 中文原文哀箏一弄湘江曲, 聲聲寫盡湘波綠。 纖指十三弦,細將幽恨傳。當筵秋水慢, 玉柱斜飛雁。 彈到斷腸時, 春山眉黛低。英文翻譯 / English Translation A Xiang River melody comes from a zither played plaintively, Its every note depicts every green river ripple of Xiang expressively. Slender fingers over thirteen strings Stroke and pluck her deep lament delicately. During the banquet, her eyes languors show, The zither neck placed at a slant the manner of dashing geese imposes. When her play comes to a segment that is most mournful, Her brows are like mountains in spring overcast with clouds that hang so very low. 譯者 / Translated by : 南緯28 / 28utsc 2011.02.28p. 3 / 6英譯宋詞 - 張先集English Translation of Song Poems written by ZHANG Xian007 張先- 醉垂鞭007 ZHANG Xian Lyrics to a Tipplers Drooping Whip 中文原文雙蝶繡羅裙, 東池宴、初相見。 朱粉不深勻, 閒花淡淡春。細看諸處好, 人人道、柳腰身。 昨日亂山昏, 來時衣上雲。英文翻譯 / English Translation Embroidered with a pair of butterflies was her dress, It was at a banquet by the East Pond, when we first met. With only a lightly powered and rouged face, She was a flower at ease in spring, delicate and dainty. Everything about her on close looks was fair. Everyone spoke praise of her willowy waist. Yesterday she seemed like someone from desolate hills at sunset, Tinged all over with dusky clouds as she came.008 張先- 一叢花008 ZHANG Xian Lyrics to a Thicket of Flowers 中文原文傷高懷遠幾時窮? 無物似情濃。 離愁正引千絲亂, 更東陌,飛絮濛濛。 嘶騎漸遙,征塵不斷, 何處認郎蹤?雙鴛池沼水溶溶, 南北小橈通。 梯橫畫閣黃昏後, 又還是,斜月簾櫳。 沈恨細思,不如桃杏, 猶解嫁東風。英文翻譯 / English Translation When could I not be saddened by heights and yearn for the distant no more? There is nothing as intense as love. Parting sorrow perturbs me like thousands of intertwining willows, In the fields further east, catkins drizzle and mizzle creating a haze. The sound of horse galloping distant becomes, unsettled is the dust theyve raised, Yet where could I find prints to your whereabouts trace? The waters ripple and riffle in the Mandarin Duck Pond, To cross between its north and south there is only a canoe and oars. After sunset I pull up the rope ladder of the waterside pavilion, What follows is the moon at an angle shining through screened windows. On deep regrets I ponder and dwell, unlike blossoms of peach and apricot trees, Which are free to easterlies engage as they drift towards their release. 譯者 / Translated by : 南緯28 / 28utsc 2011.02.28p. 4 / 6英譯宋詞 - 張先集English Translation of Song Poems writt
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