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The Old City: LeviathanWritten by Nathaniel Berens December 3, 2014 The Old City: Leviathan belongs to the burgeoning story-driven exploration subgenre pioneered by the divisive Dear Esther and exemplified by games like Gone Home and Proteus, interactive experiences that put a premium on atmosphere and narrative over puzzles or action even to the point of cutting out these other elements altogether. The result has sparked heated debates as well as some of the more interesting experimental games in recent history, an honor to which The Old City seemingly aspires. It mostly succeeds, too, though it offers a less distinct impression than the games whose template clearly inspired it. 故事探索类游戏,是由备受争议的亲爱的艾斯特所发起的,而后被到家和变形发 扬光大。鬼影旧城:利维坦就属于这一类新兴游戏的变种。它的互动体验,较之以往的解 密和动作,更强调氛围和叙事,甚至完全去掉了动作解谜要素。结果引起了激烈的讨论,也导 致了近来更多有趣的实验性游戏的产生,鬼影旧城似乎在向它们致敬。鬼影旧城明显 受到了这些游戏的启发,虽然它没有像它们一样让人眼前一亮,可毕竟也获得了某种意义上的 成功。 This is a game where you walk and look and listen in free-roaming first-person. There are no puzzles, no characters to converse with or fight, and no platforms to surmount. Over the course of ten chapters, youll explore a variety of areas mostly sewers and observe stuff. Occasionally, at scripted points, the narrator will speak briefly. The only controls besides WASD movement keys are use, jump, and zoom, all of which are needed only rarely. You can interact with doors, some of which open, and with the mysterious green boxes found in each chapter that unlock notes by another character that fill in details of the world. And thats it. On a surface level, The Old City is about a survivor in a post-apocalyptic world. After an unexplained calamity, the remaining humans left the cities and restored a semblance of order to society by splitting into various ideological groups kept in balance by a council. These groups are given confusingly interchangeable names like The Guild and The Order, which is either very intentional or very lazy. Those who existed outside the groups were dubbed Minotaurs and sent to live in a labyrinthine (get it?) sewer system. The council controls rations of sustenance in the form of “clean water“ pumped out from The Source, warning others away from “unclean water” of dubious origin. Your character, accompanied by an unseen, unheard entity he calls Leviathan, is attempting to reach The Source in The Old City. 在这个游戏中,你可以以第一人称,自由漫步,环顾四周,耳听八方。里面没有谜题,没有可 以与之对话或战斗的角色,也没有可以攀登的平台。纵览十个章节,你将探索各种各样的区域 大部分是下水道,并且观察物品。有时在设定好的地方,主角会简短地读一段旁白。除了上 下左右键,少有的几个控制键就是使用,跳与缩放,不过这些都很少用到。你可以与门互动, 有些门会开,也可以与每个章节发现的绿色盒子互动,你会解锁由另一个角色所写的笔记,用 一些细节补充世界观。这就是全部了。简单的说,鬼影旧城是关于一个后天启世界里的幸 存者的故事。在经历了一场未知的大灾难后,剩余的人类离开了城市,并在议会的调停下划分 为几个意识形态集团,表面上恢复了社会秩序。它们被赋予了几个奇怪的,可以互换的名字, 如公会和修会,它们不是非常有目的性的就是非常懒惰的。那些不属于这些组织的人被称作牛 头人,并被送往迷宫般的(明白了吗?)下水道居住。议会控制着物资的配给,也就是从源头 处流出的“净水”,同时警告他人远离来源不明的“污水”。主角和他称作利维坦的同伴一个看 不见也听不见的实体,一起试图到达鬼影旧城的水源。 Or something. I think. This games weird. 或者诸如此类的剧情。我觉得,这个游戏很古怪。 Helpfully, youre informed up front that you are stepping into the mind of a deeply misanthropic schizophrenic. That explains why the games reality is confusing and unreliable, with messages displayed on the walls, corpses appearing on repeat visits to certain areas, and incongruous architecture such as a childs playroom placed in the middle of a sewersystem. The narrative reflects this confusion as well. The Old City has a story, but it is deliberately obfuscated in an attempt to model the fragmented perception of a schizophrenic mind. That is, until you encounter notes (one in each chapter) by a side character who exhaustively gives not only his own novella-length backstory, but also explains nearly the entire plot in no uncertain terms. These entries are absurdly long, with many taking ten minutes to read in their entirety. They are also so rambling that I started skimming them, only to realize that I had missed critical explanations of key plot points buried amidst the thousands of extraneous words. 还好,在一开始就有提示说,你要深入一个愤世嫉俗的精神分裂者的内心世界。这就解释了游 戏里的世界为什么如此错乱,令人难以置信。这里既有墙上写着各种讯息,又有当你再次来到 某些地方时地上出现的尸体,还有不协调的建筑风格比如下水道中间出现的儿童游戏室。从叙 事中也可以看出这种混乱。鬼影旧城是有故事的,但为了模拟精神分裂者的破碎的世界 观,剧情被扭曲了。也就是说,除非你发现一位次要角色的笔记(每个章节一篇)。这位次要 角色不但详尽地,用小说般的篇幅叙说了背景故事,也用一种比较精确语言解释了整个剧情。 这些笔记都长的离谱,许多都要花十分钟来读完。这些笔记杂乱无章,我只好略读,结果发 现,我早已迷失在这些千言万语中,根本看不懂它们对于关键剧情的解释。 The writing isnt bad it ranges from inoffensive armchair philosophizing to smart and scathing indictments of modern society but it is often so abstract in nature that it doesnt give you a reason to engage. The game is so concerned with its aloof strangeness that I never found myself caring a whit about anyone I encountered. To be fair, the game literally opens with a message declaring that neither your character nor the people he refers to are likeable, but the unavoidable consequence is that I felt no concern for even a single person in the game. 笔记写的倒不错,内容涵盖从温和的空想哲学,到机智尖锐的对语现代社会的控诉。但它经常 太过抽象,让人难以投入。这个游戏十分注重塑造一种奇怪的冷漠感,以致我一点也不在乎我 遇到的任何人。为了公平起见,这个游戏的开场白就说了无论是主角或是主角提到的人,都不 讨人喜欢,但不可避免的结果是我一点也不关心游戏里遇到的任何人。 As someone who fe
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