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Unit 16Finding jobs一 Word study1.adviser n. 顾问 v. advisea financial 财务顾问 sb against sth. / doing sth. I would against going out on your own. 我劝告你别单 独外出。 that ( should do ) They that a passport becarried with you at all times.他们建议护 照要随身携带。 sb. on sth.Weemploy an expert to on new technology. 我们聘用一位专家作新技术顾问 。2 trainee n. 受训练 的人动词 加后缀 ee 表示“人” employee 雇员examinee应试 者, 考生trustee 委托人addressee 受信人refugee 难民, 逃难者absentee缺席者3. adore v. 热爱 , 敬爱可接名词,代词,动名词。没有进行时态 。 She adores good books and thetheatre. 她很喜欢读 好书和看戏。 They adore going to volleyball matches.他们喜欢看排球比赛。a.adoring崇拜的, 敬意的He gave her an adoring look. 他向她投以爱慕的目光。 She refused to play the part of the blindly adoring wife.她不愿当个盲目崇拜丈夫的老婆。 She looked at him with adoring eyes. 她用崇敬的目光看着他。adore 表示极度尊敬和爱慕adore sb for sth在某方面崇敬某人Thevillagers all adored him for his generosity. respect 表示一般的尊敬4. vacant 未专用的, 空着的 properties未专用的房地产 空缺的When the post finally became, they offered it to Kate. 这个职位最终空出来以后,他们给 了凯特。a look/ stare呆滞的目光, 木然的凝视无神的, 呆滞的 adv. vacantly5. outstanding优秀的, 杰出的 明显的, 重要的an player/ achievement 杰出的运动员 / 成绩 the features of thelandscape 这一风景的突出特征未支付的, 未解决的Shehas debts of over $500. 她拖欠的债务 超过 500 美元。 A lot of work is still . 许多工作尚未完成。adv. outstandingly 极其, 非常 优异, 极好 successful 非常成功 He performed well but not .他表演得很好, 但算不上完美。6. assess 评价, 测定He can quickly assess apersons character. 他对一个人的性格能很快作出评价。Sometimes its not easy to assess thepolitical situation. 有时政治形势不容易判断。估计的价值或数量They assessed thevalue of the houseat $ 250,000.他们估计房子的价值在二十五万美元。7. salary一般按月计算,常直接拨入领取者的银行户头 。Thecompany is offering a salary of $30.000 per year. 那家公司招聘职员 ,年薪三万。 income 一个人或单位所得的收入, 不仅限于工资。afamily with two incomes有双份收入的家庭pay一般指雇主定期付给的工资pay-day每星期或每月领取工资的日子。He doesnt like thejob, but thepay is good.wages一般指按星期或按日发放的工资, 通常为现 款, 一般按小时,日,星期计算。 Weexpect a fair days wagefor afair days work. 我们做好一天的工作,就希望得到一天应得的工资。fee 指付给律师,医生等的报酬。pay the lawyers fee8. personnel“员工 ”“人员”的总称, 通常指收雇人员的整体, 是集体名词, 作主语时 , 谓语动词词 或复数均可。 The are unhappy about these changes. 全体成员对这 些改变感到不快。 personnel 前可用数词修饰这个场地上我们有一百个雇员。We have 100 personnel employed on the site. personnel 可作定语,“管人事的”He is a officer.他是一名人事管理人员。Please report to the department tomorrow.明天请到人事处报 到。personal“个人的”, “私人的”Thats just my personal opinion.She has no personal ambition.她没有个人野心。In his personal life, hewas agood-natured kind man. 在私人生活上, 他是个天性善良和蔼可亲的人。9. addition 增加的人或事物 thelatest to our range of cars我们汽车系列新增加的款式。 加法 children learning and subtraction学习加减的儿童增加; 添加 Pastas basic ingredients areflour and water, sometimes with the addition of eggs or oil. 意大利面制品的主要成分是面粉和水, 有时加鸡蛋或食用油。in addition ( to sb./ sth. )除以外In addition to thesearrangements, extraambulances will be on duty until midnight. 除了这些安排以外, 另增救护车值 班至午夜。 二Language Points1accomplish通常接 task, aim, journey, voyage等名词 Theexplorers accomplished the voyage in five weeks. 探险队 在五周内完成了航程。complete比 accomplish 具体,可接建筑,工程, 书籍等名词, 指“按预期目的把未完成的工作经经 步的努力使之完成” Thebuilding will be completed by theend of this month. finish 在许多情况下可与 complete 换用, 但不及 complete 正式I have to finish writing the book by this weekend.2. offer提出, 提供offersb. sth.Theyoung man offered the old man his seat. I must offer them an apology for not going to attend their get-together. 我没去参加他们的聚会,必须想他们表示歉意。He offered me300 dollars for that television. 他出三百美元买我那部电视 机。offerto do sth. 愿意做某事They offered to help us.I have been offered alarge sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here. 有人曾向我提供一大笔钱让 我走,但我决心留在这里。offer n. “提供,提议”Thank you for your offer of help. 谢谢 你提供帮助。3 count起作用, 有价值 Every vote counts in an election.在选举 中每一张选 票都起作用。What really counts is not what you say but what you do. A babys promise counts for nothing.娃娃的诺言是不算数的。认为 , 视为 ,与 as , for, against 连用 He said that he counted me as his dearest person.I count myself lucky to be here with you.我认为 与你在一起很幸福。 数, 计数Count how many apples are in this box.After the votes arecounted, theelection result will be made public. 选票数点过之后, 就公布选举结 果。4do with处理, 处置 I dont know what is to bedone with it. 我不知道这件事该怎么处理。Theboys didnt know what to do with themselves when schoolended. 与有关I am interested in anything to do with music.Therise in prices all has something to do with the increased cost of oil. 物价上涨都与油价升高有关。5 hold back6. appealing踌躇, 退缩不前 Because of the uncertain stateof the market, buyers areholding back. 由于市场不稳定状态, 买主们都踌躇不前。 阻止, 抑制Jim was able hold back his anger and avoid a fight.They built banks of earth to hold back the rising flood waters. 他们修筑堤坝来阻挡上涨的洪水。They are accustomed to holding back their emotions. 隐瞒 , 扣留We weresurehewas holding something back from us.We must have thewhole story; dont hold anything back. 我们必须了解全部情况,你什么也不要隐瞒 。 有趣的, 吸引人的a very idea一个有趣的想法an smile迷人的微笑She does look in thedress. 她穿着那件裙子确实很有魅力。She looked at him with eyes.她以有感染力的目光注视着他。appeal v.恳求, 请求appeal to sb. for sth.I sha
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