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育明教育咨询育明教育咨询 QQ:1507879529 1378330584 1668816048 625361097 育明教育育明教育中国考研专业课第一品牌中国考研专业课第一品牌 对外经贸对外经贸大学大学英语翻译硕士英语翻译硕士(口译(口译 they go abroad. 修正方法二:去掉根据中文直译而多余的修正方法二:去掉根据中文直译而多余的“there be”,直接恢复成一个简单句,直接恢复成一个简单句:Many students go abroad. 句子简单明了,符合英文习惯。 修正方法三:将其中一个句子保留作为主体句,根据句子意义将另外一个句子变成某个从属成分或是从句修正方法三:将其中一个句子保留作为主体句,根据句子意义将另外一个句子变成某个从属成分或是从句:1)There are many students going abroad. 2) There are many students who go abroad.满足了某些学生希望使用复杂句型或是非谓语动词的需求。 在此提醒考生们,无论哪种方式,都是以遵守英文写作句式的基本法则作为基础的,将雅思写作简单地等同于育明教育咨询育明教育咨询 QQ:1507879529 1378330584 1668816048 625361097 头脑中观点的“翻译”是绝对行不通的。 我们再来看一个也属于“run-on sentence”的例子: Some people think that pets make too much noise and disturb the neighbor, however others consider keeping pets a good way to kill the time. 根据刚才我们对于“run-on sentence”的说明和分析,这个句子没有正确地运用连词来分隔句子,而是将将“however”这这个副词当做连词使用个副词当做连词使用。这种错误在雅思考生中间也十分常见,主要问题是由于对词性把握不够。我们先根据刚才的思路重新修正一下这个句子: 1)Some people think that pets make too much noise and disturb the neighbor;however, others consider keeping pets a good way to kill the time. 2)Some people think that pets make too much noise and disturb the neighbor,while others consider keeping pets a good way to kill the time. 英文写作中,不同词性后面所接的结构是很不同的,最容易混淆的三种就是“副词、连词及介词”,副词只能表达语气,不能改变句子原有结构;连词可以连接句子,起到连贯的效果;介词后接名词性短语。我们来试着翻译一个句子,区别一下三者的使用:“由于生活的快节奏,许多人选择在外吃快餐而不是自己做饭。” 1)连词:由于本句为因果关系,我们可以将前半句变成一个原因状语从句,as 作为连接词:As the pace of life accelerates, modern people prefer to have fast food outside than cook by themselves at home. 2)介词:还是在原因上进行变化,将其变成一个句子的状语结构,选择 with: With the fast pace of life, modern people prefer to have fast food outside than cook by themselves at home. 3)副词:将后半句变成一个具有结果意义的分句,选择 therefore:The pace of life accelerates; therefore, modern people prefer to have fast food outside than cook by themselves at home. 因此,要避免“run-on sentence”的第二个诀窍就是要分清不同连接词的词性,根据其语法特性搭配不同的结构。 育明教育咨询育明教育咨询 QQ:1507879529 1378330584 1668816048 625361097 总结一下导致这种错误的两个原因:句子结构的划分不清及词性的混乱使用。针对这两个问题,在雅思写作中,建议考生务必用两个标准来确认自己是否犯错: 1)检查句子中的谓语动词数量,如果是多个动词并用,且意思并列,会出现连词如 and;否则就应该被转化为非谓语动词(to do, -ing, -ed) ,或是从句中的成分。避免动词混用造成句子堆积。 2)确认所用连接词的词性,不要想当然地使用,借助词典,永远是学英语的好帮手。 (二)Comma-splice A comma splice is a type of run-on sentence that occurs when two independent clauses are incorrectly joined together How to Use Commas when you join two things that could be sentences on their own with a word such as “and,” “but,” or “or,” you need a comma before the conjunction: 1,Squiggly ran to the forest, and Aardvark chased the peeves. The sun is high, put on some sunblock. When two independent clauses are connected by only a comma, they constitute a comma-splice. When you use a comma to connect two independent clauses, it must be accompanied by a little conjunction (and, but, for, nor, yet, or, so). 2,The sun is high, so put on some sunscreenThe sun is high, so put on some sunscreen. 3,3,Most of those computers in the Learning AssistanMost of those computers in the Learning Assistance Center are broken already, this proves my point about American computer ce Center are broken already, this proves my point about American computer manufacturers. manufacturers. (三)(三)Sentence fragment 育明教育咨询育明教育咨询 QQ:1507879529 1378330584 1668816048 625361097 A phrase or clause that is punctuated and capitalized as a sentence but does not constitute a complete grammatical sentence. phrase or clause written as sentence but lacking subject or verb 即句子片段,指的是不完整的句子。?从语言学上说,一个句子通常应该具有完整的意思,完整的成分,完整的语法单位等等。?sentence fragment 有残缺句子,不完整句子的意思。?1,Mrs. Blanco gone to visit her mother at the hospital. 2,Finding a parking space there is usually easy during the week. 3,Driving in the city during the evening rush hour. 4, Many of his customers coming back three or four times over the summer. 5,His business been so busy that he has very little time for anything else. 方法: 1 Read aloud. If you read the sentence aloud and feel confused, then you most likely have a sentence fragment. 2Find the verb. “Bob ran down the road.” The verb is the action. In this case, “ran” is the verb. If the sentence has a verb, then your sentence has passed the first test. 3Locate the subject. The next sentence fragment test is to determine if your sentence has a subject. In the sentence, “Bob ran down the road,” the subject is “Bob.” Your sentence has passed test number two. 4Check for completeness. If the sentence read, “Because Bob ran down the road,” then that sentence would fail the third test. This sentence begins with a subordinate clause (a word or phrase such as “When” or “Because”). You would need to add more to this sentence to clarify the subordinate clause “because.” 育明教育咨询育明教育咨询 QQ:1507879529 1378330584 1668816048 625361097 5. subject-verb agreement agreement of pronouns with antecedents (四)四)Choppy Sentence Dangling Modifiers A dangling modifier is a modifier without a headword - a word or phrase that it can modify
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