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河北师范大学硕士学位论文初中生父母教养方式、应对方式与自立人格的关系研究姓名:曹砚芳申请学位级别:硕士专业:发展与教育心理学指导教师:白晋荣20100520III摘 要 初中生思维往往具有易走极端的特点, 尚未形成辩证的自立人格, 遇到应激事件时,又缺乏有效的应对方式。父母大都期望孩子能达到较高自立水平,成功应对生活中的压力,但对于如何积极促成孩子的顺利发展,却又缺乏科学的教养方式。考虑到父母教养方式会对其子女的自立人格的形成产生深远的影响, 而个体的人格特质又会对应对方式的选择确定一个基调, 本研究试图对初中生自立人格发展特点进行深入调查并探寻父母教养方式、应对方式与自立人格的关系。本研究以 873 名初中生为研究对象,以青少年学生自立人格量表 、 中学生应对方式问卷和父母教养方式评价量表为测验材料,采用问卷法对初中生的自立人格、应对方式特点及父母教养方式进行了调查。结果表明。 1.初中生自立人格特点: (1)总体达到较高水平; (2)存在显著的性别、年级、居住地的差异。在人际自立领域的四个维度男生显著高于女生;在个人自立领域的两个维度女生显著高于男生;在人际主动与人际开放维度有年级差异;居住地方面的差异大都表现在城市、县城、农村学生得分依次降低; (3)部分维度在年级和居住地方面的交互作用显著。 2.父母教养方式特点: (1)从高向低排序为温暖理解、过干涉过保护、拒绝否认、惩罚严厉; (2)存在显著的性别、年级、居住地的差异。在父母温暖理解维度存在性别差异;在父母温暖理解维度、父母惩罚严厉、拒绝否认维度存在年级差异;在父母温暖理解维度,城市、县城、农村学生得分依次降低; (3)母亲惩罚严厉维度在性别和年级上交互作用显著;父亲温暖理解、惩罚严厉、过分干涉及母亲温暖理解维度在年级和居住地方面的交互作用显著。 3.初中生使用的应对方式特点: (1)从高向低排序为问题解决、退避、忍耐、求助、发泄、幻想; (2)存在显著的性别、年级、居住地的差异。女生在发泄维度的得分显著高于男生;在问题解决维度与求助维度上,存在年级差异;在求助及忍耐两个维度,都是城市学生显著高于县城与农村学生;(3) 发泄维度在性别和居住地方面交互作用显著;问题解决、退避、求助三个维度在年级和居住地方面交互作用显著。 4.在父母教养与初中生自立人格的关系上,父母的温暖理解与大多数自立人格维度呈正相关,其它教养方式则与大多数自立人格维度呈负相关。 5.在初中生自立人格与应对方式的关系上,人际主动、人际责任、人际灵活、个人IV独立、个人主动、个人责任、个人开放七个维度均与积极应对呈正相关,个人灵活与积极应对呈负相关;人际独立、人际责任、人际开放、个人责任、个人灵活五个维度均与消极应对呈显著负相关,人际灵活、个人独立、个人主动、个人开放四个维度均与消极应对方式呈显著正相关。 6.在父母教养与应对方式的关系上,父母的温暖理解均与积极应对方式呈显著正相关,父母的惩罚严厉与拒绝否认都与积极应对方式呈显著负相关;父母教养方式各维度都与消极应对方式呈正相关。 7. 在母亲温暖理解与积极应对方式的关系中, 人际灵活、 个人主动起着部分中介作用;在母亲温暖理解、拒绝否认及惩罚严厉与消极应对方式的关系中,个人灵活和个人开放起着部分中介作用;在母亲温暖理解及惩罚严厉与消极应对方式的关系中,人际灵活起着部分中介作用。在母亲温暖理解、拒绝否认与消极应对方式的关系中,人际责任起着部分中介作用。 关键词:初中生 自立人格 父母教养方式 应对方式 VAbstract Junior high school students always have an obvious character that they are easy to go to extremes and they havent formed the dialectic self-supporting personality. They are also lacking in effective coping styles when they come across stress events. Parents always hope that children can reach a higher level of self-supporting so that they can successfully face the stress in their lives. However, the parents are lack of scientific methods when they face the problem that how to positively help their children develop smoothly. In view of the profound influences parents have on self-supporting personality of their children and the tone personality traits set for choosing coping styles, this study attempts to conduct in depth an investigation of the development characteristics of Junior high school students self-supporting personality and to explore the relationship among parental educating patterns, coping styles and self-supporting personality. In this study, 873 junior high school students are selected as the research objects, Self-supporting Personality Scale for Adolescent Students, Coping Styles Questionnaire for Middle School Students and EMBU are taken as the test materials. The study use questionnaire method to conduct junior high school students self-supporting personality, coping styles and parents educating patterns. The results show that: 1. The characteristics of Junior high school students self-supporting personality: (1) Achieving a higher level as a whole; (2) There are significant differences in genders, grades and places of residence. In the four dimensions of the field of interpersonal self-supporting, boys scores are significantly higher than girls; in the two dimensions of the field of personal self-supporting, girls scores are significantly higher than boys; in the dimensions of interpersonal activeness and interpersonal opening-up, there are differences in grade; the differences of places of residence are mostly reflected in that the scores of the city, county and rural students are decreasing in sequence. (3)Some dimensions in the grades and places of residence are in significant interaction. 2. The characteristics of parents educating patterns: (1) From high to low sort: warm understanding, excessive interference and protection, refusal and deny, severe punishment; (2) VIThere are significant differences in genders, grades and places of residence. In the dimension of parents warm understanding, there are gender differences; in the dimensions of parents warm understanding, severe punishment, refusal and deny, there are grade differences; in the dimension of parents warm understanding, the scores of the city, county and rural students are decreasing in sequence.(3) In the dimension of mothers severe punishment, gender and grade are in significant interaction; in the dimensions of fathers warm understanding, severe punishment, excessive interference as well as mothers warm understanding, grade and places of residence are in significant interaction. 3. The characteristics of Junior high school students coping styles:(1) From high to low sort: solving problems, retreating, enduringness, seeking help, giving vent and imagining. (2) There are significant differences in genders, grades and places of residence. In the dimension of giving vent, girls have higher scores than boys; in the dimensions of solving problems and seeking help, there are differences in grades; in the dimensions of seeking help and enduringness, urban s
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