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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料雅思考试复议流程指导当同学们雅思考试成绩查询完之后,发现雅思考试内容中的某部分 考试成绩有较大差异,就可以提出复议了。这也算是雅思考试流程中的 一附加流程吧。接下来,智课留学小编就来为同学们说一说雅思考试复 议的事情,希望对你能起到一定的雅思辅导作用。 一、雅思考试复议流程 智课雅思辅导老师介绍:如果考生雅思考试成绩 查询之后对自己的IELTS成绩不满意,可以申请成绩复议。这在雅思考 试流程中,也不算很罕见的事儿。 1成绩复议费:人民币950元(考生可 以申请复议一项或多项成绩,费用相同)。 2.复议申请时限:成绩单打 印日期后4周(28天)内。该时限以英国文化协会(在中国作为英国使/领馆 文化教育处运作)考试部收到下列材料为准: (1)完整填写的“成绩复议 申请表”。请考生务必提供准确的通讯地址,邮编及日间联系电话。 (2)IELTS成绩单原件。 考生所有的考试材料将由EOR考官进行重判,整个过程需要8周时间。 3雅思考试成绩复议两种结果: (1)如果复议后成绩有所变化,新的成绩 单将签发给考生。请注意您的新成绩不会更新在IELTS报名网站上,考 生可在新成绩单打印日期1个月内申请免费寄送5份额外成绩单。复议费 将在新成绩单发出1个月后通过邮政汇款退还给考生。 (2)如果复议后成绩不变原成绩单将退还给考生。 注:复议结果为最终 成绩,再次申请将不被受理。复议过程中,考生成绩将被冻结,不能用 来申请国内外院校或提交移民机构。在此其间提出的额外成绩单寄送将 被视为无效申请。 4付款方式:您可以通过邮局汇款,或者到英国文化 协会(在中国作为英国使/领馆文化教育处运作)办公室支付现金。请不要 邮寄现金。如果您通过邮局汇款,请使用普通汇款方式并注明考生姓名 和考号。 二、雅思考试复议申请信模板 (1)Dear Sir,My name is XXX. I took part in the IELTS test(General training) on 25th May in your cenetr for the purpose of immigration. 0227 is my candidate number. I am writing to apply for the reassessment of my test results. As apre-requisites of profession assessment, I need to take a IELTS test and reach at least level 6 on all four components. However, my writing is only at level 5. I have been in Australia for one year and have published several papers in English. I think my English writing should have reached at level 6. My poor score of writing maybe is due to my poor handwriting on the test paper. I will have lots of trouble if I wait for three month for the next test. Therefore, I want my writing part to be remarked. Enclosed are my original test results and payment for this application. Any help from you will greatly be appreciated. Regards. XXX (2)Dear Sir or Madam, My name is XXX. I took part in the IELTS test (Academic Training) on mm-dd-yy in your center for the purpose of pursuing theMaster Degree of XXX abroad. XXX is my candidate number. I am writing to apply for the reassessment of my speaking test results. As pre-requisites of profession assessment, I was informed that I have to take an IELTS test and reach at least level 6 on all four components by a university. However, my speaking is only at 5. I have been prepared the IELTS for nearly one year. I talked to my father in English everyday at least 2 hours in the past year. My father is an interpreter, who is working at a harbor bureau nearly fortyyears. I think my English speaking should have reached at level 6. My poor score of speaking maybe is due to little nervous during the speaking test, after all that is my first time to take part in the speaking test of IELTS. I will lose the golden opportunity of applying the good reputation university if I wait for three months for the next test. Therefore, I will appreciate if my speaking part to be remarked. Enclosed are my original test results and the payment for this application. Any helpsfrom you will greatly be appreciated. Regards. XXX 希望以上 的雅思考试复议指导信息,能对你有帮助。做为雅思考试流程的一附加 流程,虽然绝大多数同学不需要用到,但部分同学还是很需要的。尤其 是自己的成绩和估算出来的成绩差很大值的。更多雅思辅导信息,尽在 智课留学网雅思考试频道,欢迎同学们多多来关注。 智课六步曲为您进行海外求职服务,我们具体的服务项目如下: 1. 海外求职技能培训-包括简历制作、求职信书写、模拟面试等 2. 指导海外职场生存法则、求职方法和途径 3. 协助搭建海外人际关系网,提供海外求职相关信息 4. 简历进入智课猎头人才库,免费提供海外实习及工作信息 5. 优秀人才 经过严格挑选进入智课精英网,分享智课全球资源和事业发展机会
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