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智课网IELTS备考资料智课教育雅思 英语 让您自信面对雅思考试出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别智课教育雅思培训:看时尚美剧,轻松学雅思口语,掌握三大步骤,轻松开美剧学英语Step1: Watch soundtrack movie (of course!) and watch it with the subtitle on at the first time. Your eyes and ears should work equally at this stage. Try to understand the theme and the main idea of the movie。第一步:看有声电影第一遍的时候带着字幕看。这一阶段,你的眼睛和耳朵应当同时工作。试着理解片子的主题和大意。Step 2: Watch it again, still with subtitle on, but now try to minimize the use of your eyes on the subtitle. Listen as much as possible and look at the subtitle only when you really do not understand. Skip all small detail at the first time and slowly increase the amount of learning by decreasing the number of time you stop the movie。第二步:第二遍看,还是带着字幕,但是尽量少看字幕。努力用耳朵去听,只是在实在不懂的时候再看一眼字幕。刚开始的时候忽略掉听不懂的细节,不要一遇到听不懂的就暂停。然后慢慢的多听几遍,试着越来越少的暂停。Step 3: Watch it without subtitle. It sounds tough but believe me, after enough practice at the first two steps, you will find it easier to watch the movie in pure English。第三步:去掉字幕看。这听上去很难但是你要相信,只要你在前两步练习的足够充分,你就会发现去掉字幕没有想像的那么难。You may need to spend sometime to pass the first two steps. Do not reach the last step too early because it can greatly discourage you. However, if you reach it when you are ready you may never imagined that English is such a piece of cake for you。你应该在前两个步骤上多花些时间。不要过早的进入第三个步骤不然你会遭受打击的。但是一旦你达到了第三步,你就会出乎意料的发现原来英语不过是小菜一碟!
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