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BIS Question Time!BIS Question Time!Each group to take several questions and work on answers15-20 mins to be spent discussing the answers in your groupsOne person from each group will feedback their answers to the groupAfter each group feeds back we can discuss any alternative answers/issuesGroup 11.Ive always used haemodynamics to assess anaesthetic effect and patient response shouldnt that be adequate?2.Why do I need BIS if I have an end-tidal agent analysis and know the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) for the agent I am using?3.Ive used BIS and it didnt change my practice4.How can BIS help me when Im doing MAC cases5.I see no value for BIS on short cases6.Are all brain monitors the same? Will I get the same results if I use another monitor? What is the difference?Group 21.Ive also seen a BIS value in the 80-90 range and the patient is unresponsive. Why?2.Ive seen a BIS value below 40, and yet the patient still moves or develops hypertension. Why is that? 3.I read about patients with BIS numbers less than 60 talking during their anaesthesia. How could that happen?4.Does BIS really help prevent intraoperative awareness? 5.Ive never had a patient complain about awareness do I need to be concerned now? It cant happen as often as everyone keeps talking about.6.What if an awareness case goes to court? Will Aspect stand behind me/their product?7.Ive read a lot of case reports about awareness occurring despite BIS monitoring. How reliable is BIS if these case reports keep showing up?Group 31.How does BIS really work? No one has ever seen the algorithm! 2.Why does Aspect keep changing the BIS algorithm?3.How was BIS developed? 4.Isnt it better to measure more than one channel of EEG? 5.Is the BIS an instantaneous, real-time value? 6.How often is BIS value updated? 7.I had problems in the past with the BIS value blinking or blanking during electrocautery. Has this changed? Group 41.Can the BIS sensor be placed anywhere on the patients head? 2.What publications are there about BIS in the scientific literature? 3.On how many patients has BIS technology been routinely used? 4.What information does BIS provide about the analgesic state? 5.Are there different BIS monitors available? 6.What do the following parameters mean? a. SQI b. EMG c. Suppression Ratio d. Smoothing RateThis is a Divider SlideCovidien | April 21, 2010 | Confidential7 |
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