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11LESSON 11, If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, it is time for you to _fertilize_(施肥) your lawn.2, Just enjoy the little things you are doing. When you look back, you will _realize_(意识到)they were the big things.3,Walt Disney _summarized_(总结)how he made his dreams come true in four Cs : Curiosity , Confidence , Courage and Constancy . 4, Xiao Wang broke a leg last week and is _hospitalized_(住院治疗) 。5, Some travelers adapt themselves so successfully to foreign customs that they are criticized for having become “ _westernized_” (西化)by their less adaptable fellow countrymen .6, The plan was _criticized_(批评)as too idealistic and impractical.7, We dont want to freeze everything the way it is forever; we want to develop and _modernize_(现代化).8, The water isnt fit to drink unless it is further _purified_(净化). 9, The training course aims to _qualify_(使合格)them 22as teachers of English.10, How can you _justify_(说明有正当理由的)your behavior?11,Mrs. Jones _identified_(认出物品)the purse as hers. 12, The freshmen will first read some _simplify_ (简写)stories.13,Books can be _classified_(分类)in different ways . 14, I was really _terrified_ (害怕的)when I was told that 500 million people would watch my performance. LESSON 21,We must read the instructions carefully before we use the new laptop (在使用这台新笔记本电脑之前).2,I used to cycle to school when it was fine (天气好的时候).3,Jane was about to say yes when she heared a familiar voice calling her (突然听到一个熟悉的声音叫她)4,The young man didnt realize that money wasnt everything until his father was killed in an accident (直到他父亲在一次事故中丧生).5,It may be years before the two countries can reach any agreements (这两个国家才能达成协议).336,I am getting ready for bed when I heared someone downstairs.(听到楼下有人).7,I telephoned the police as soon as I heared the strange noise. (一听见可疑的声音).8,She had just be enrolled by a teachers college when the letter of admission arrived from Peking University. (北京大学的录取通知书就到了).9,You have to work at least for five years in the workshop before you can expect a promotion.(才能指望提升).10,We had no idea what China had achieved over the past twenty years before we arrived there. (我们到达之前).LESSON 4一:1, The road to success is always under _construction_(construct).2, _Creativity_ (creative) is finding new things or expressing old ideas in new ways.3, High _motivation_(motivate)will always beat more talent .4, Wining organizations will be those that give individuals the chance to make a _difference_ (differ)445, Hard work is the best _investment_ (invest)a man can make.6, Learn to take risks and stretch beyond what you think your _capability_ (capable) are.7, Progress is the _activity_ (active) of today and the assurance of tomorrow. 8,The Nazi war criminals were condemned for crimes against _humanity_ (human).9, _Poverty_ (poor) is the root of all evil. 10, The more a man learns, the more he realizes his _ignorance_ (ignorant).11, Misfortune tests the _sincerity_ (sincere)of friends.12, _Politeness_ (polite) costs nothing and gains everything.13, _Curiosity_ (curious) keeps us moving forward, exploring new ways and opening new doors. 14, Often those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain about its _shortness_ (short) 二:1, The doctors did all they could(医生做了最大的努力)to save the injured miners .2, Much as I respect the professor, I dont always agree 55with everything he says. (我并不总是同意他说的一切)3,Some parents cant say no to their children and never deny them anything they ask for(他们所要的任何东西)4 , All he got from a week of hard work(他一个星期辛勤劳动所得)was a sack of rotten rice .5 , All that is written in his wifes letter(他妻子信里所写的)is one word : forgiven.6, Nothing the doctors said(医生说的话没有一句)could shake her belief that though her son was physically crippled he was not mentally so.7, Well take seriously anything you suggest.(你所提出的任何建议).8,Something he read in a popular magazine(他在一本通俗杂志中读到的一些东西)aroused his interest in folk medicine .9,All that can be done is done(能做到的都已经做了), but the patient has shown on sign of improvement.10,Anything the artist painted(这位艺术家所画的所有作品)was eagerly sought after.11, Each human being is born as something new, something that never existed before. (一种以前不存在的东西)。LESSON 5一:661,Anns answer to the question was quite _logical_ (逻辑的)2,William Faulkners novels have been praised for their _poetic_(带诗意的)quality.3,This will make the plan less _romantic_(浪漫的)and more _realistic_(切合实际的).4,We are all _optimistic_(乐观)about the future.5,Population statistics are beginning to reveal a _dramatic_(戏剧性的)imbalance between the sexes.6,His unhappy experience has made him rather _cynical_(玩世不恭的).He does not trust anyone and has few friends.7,_Economics_(经济学)and _statistic_(统计学) are the main subjects we are studying.8,Shakespeares plays are literary _classics_(经典作品).9,The economic boom and recession is a _periodical_(周期性的)occurrence.10, The mountain scenery is _typical_(典型的)of that country.二:1,Do y
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