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华工华工广州学院广州学院 123 大学英语期末考试大纲(笔试)大学英语期末考试大纲(笔试)A 班班一、考试宗旨:一、考试宗旨:通过考试,使学生全面地、牢固地掌握所学教材的知识点和语言点,逐步地提高学生的听、读、写、译能力。初步培养其文化赏析意识。二、考试题型和范围:二、考试题型和范围:考试含五五大部分:听力、阅读、词汇与结构、段落翻译和写作。具体分述如下:Part I Listening Comprehension 25% Section A (10%):此部分为 10 个小对话,每个对话后有 1 小题,对话和题目读一遍,题型为多项选择题multiple choice(4 选 1)。每题 1 分 Section B (5%):此部分为 1 篇短文,后有 5 个小题,短文和题目读一遍,题型为多项选择题multiple choice(4 选 1)。每题 1 分。Section C (10%) 此部分为 1 篇复合式听写(compound dictation)。一篇 120 字左右的短文读三遍,总共 10 个空, 包括单词和词组,需要听后填上。每题 1 分,共 10 分。 (Section C 的指令如下:的指令如下: Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, check what you have written. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. )Part II Reading Comprehension 30% Section A Skimming and Scanning (10%) 此部分快速阅读为 1 篇长文,选自新世纪大学英语阅读教程 3,题型为多项选择题multiple choice(10 小题,全部用选择题,不再设 3 个填空题)。共 10 个题目,每题 1 分。 (仿照原四级考题出)Section B Detailed Reading (20%)此部分阅读理解为 2 篇短文,选自新世纪大学英语阅读教程 3。题型为多项选择题multiple choice(4 选 1)。共 10 个小题,每题 2 分。Part III Vocabulary & Structure 15%词汇/语法题主要考本学期学过的新世纪大学英语综合教程第三册的第 1,2,3, 5,6单元中的词汇和语法,题型为多项选择题multiple choice(4 选 1)。共 30 个题目,每题 0.5 分。 (题目尽量出自课后相关练习题中,可做适当修改。词汇题占 60%,即18 题;语法点约占 40%,即 12 题。 )Part IV Translation 15%段落翻译题从本学期学过的新世纪大学英语综合教程第三册的第 1,2,3,5,6 单元的 Text A 和 Text B 要求背诵的段落中选两段短文,给出段落的中文翻译,让学生译回英文。两段短文中,一段较长,约 110 中文字,分值 10 分,另一段较短,约 60 字,分值 5 分。可在选择好合适的段落之后做适当的删减或修改。Part V Writing 15%写作题目与新世纪大学英语综合教程第三册的第 1,2,3,5,6 单元的主题相关,字数不少于 120。广州学院广州学院 12 级级 A 班第三学期班第三学期新世纪大学新世纪大学英语综合教程英语综合教程3课文背诵段落课文背诵段落Book ThreeUnit 1 Text A: Paragraphs 3-5 (Friendship based on utility. but true friendship does not.) Text B: Paragraphs 6-8 ( “Twenty years ago tonight,” He will keep his promise.”) Unit 2 Text A: Paragraphs 11-13 (The last three paragraphs)Text B: (略)不出题 Unit 3 Text A: Paragraphs10-12 (We live in an age of unprecedented individualism. In this way we might all become less self-centered and more happy) Text B: Paragraphs 8-10 ( The last three paragraphs) Unit 5 Text A: Paragraphs 18-20 (The last three paragraphs) Text B: Paragraphs 8-10 ( What we shall build in the twenty-first century is a learning society founded on the acquisition, all people can get the most out of their own specific educational environment all through their lives. Unit 6 Text A: Paragraphs 3-5 (Now when an individual enters a strange culture, the foreigner should listen but not enter into the criticism.) Text B: (略)不出题
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