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2011-2012 学年高二英语选修 5 Unit2 导学案 编号: 使用时间:班级:_小组:_姓名;_组内评价:_You never know what you can do till you try.1Book Unit2 The United Kingdom 课文阅读导学案课文阅读导学案编写人:耿家伟 审核人: 小组评价: 教师评价: 【学习目标学习目标】 1、分析掌握文章中的动词-ed 形式做宾语补足语的用法,深入理解课文,培养快速阅读、 提升文章概括理解能力。 2.、通过自主学习,整体理解课文,合作探究,大胆质疑。学会提炼主旨;捕捉细节和 推理判断,激情诵读,流利复述课文。 3、从地理、历史、政治、文化等多角度了解联合王国形成、发展,以及它的风土人情 和人文景观,拓宽知识面。激情参与课堂,享受学习的快乐。【使用说明与学法指导使用说明与学法指导】 要求:8 分钟迅速读文章第一遍,完成 Task I。 5 分钟读文章第二遍,提升文章概括理解能力,完成 Task II。 5 分钟大声朗读课文,深入理解课文, ,完成 Task III,Task IV。 10 分钟小组讨论探究。 10 分钟展示点评质疑。 2 分钟小结。 方法导引方法导引: 1 Task I 采用扫描式阅读(scanning) ,培养获取整体信息概的能力。 2 Task II 采用略读(SKIMMING) ,找出主题句,快速概括每段大意。3 Task III: 激情诵读, 。4 Task IV 仔细阅读文章,找出你的重点和难点句。 分层目标:分层目标:C 层完成 Task I,Task II,Task III。B 层完成 Task I,Task II,Task III,Task。A 层完成所有.【课前热身】About the UK1、A brief introduction about the UK. 1) The Uk is surrounded by water in all sides. 2) On the west of the Great Britain lies the Irish sea. 3) On the south of English lies the English Channel. 4)On the north is the North Sea. 5) It covers an area of sq km and its population is 60,600,000. 2、How much you know about the United Kingdom. 1). How many countries does the UK consist of? A. two B. three C. four 2). How long does it take to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport?A. about six hours B. about ten hours C. about sixteen hours 3). Who rules the UK : the Prime Minister or the Queen?A. The Queen B. the Prime Minister C. both 4). What are the provinces called in England?A. countries B. departments C. states 5). Which is the longest river in England?A. the River Avon B. the River Thames C. the River Severn 【预习案】Task1: Read the passage quickly and get the main ided of each paragraph. 1. The countries that make up Great Britain are . 2. If we speak England, we mean and .【方法导引】 简单了解有关 英国的基本情 况。Task1:速读课文,通 过略读,根据 原文,总结各 段大意,培养 快速寻找有效 信息的能力。2011-2012 学年高二英语选修 5 Unit2 导学案 编号: 使用时间:班级:_小组:_姓名;_组内评价:_You never know what you can do till you try.23. The United Kingdom includes , and . 4. The part of Ireland that seperated from England is called . 5. London is the capital city of . 6. The text mainly about a brief introduction to the UK about its and based on geography, history and cultere, etc. Task2:What is the text mainly about? A. A introduction to the United Kingdom about its development. B. A introduction to the United Kingdom about its culture. C. A introduction to the United Kingdom about its foundation and development based on geography,history,politics,and culture etc. Task 3:Scan the passage quickly again and judge the true or false. 1. The oldest castle in London was constructed by Norman rulers in 1066. 2. The three countries were united by war instead of peacefully. 3. London has the oldest port built by the Normans in the 1st century AD. 4. The oldest building in London was begun by the Anglo-Saxons in the 1060s. 5. The first invaders Norman left their towns and roads. 6. The Vikings influenced the vocabulary and place-names of the North of England. 7. Northern Ireland, England, and Scotland have developed different educational and legel systems but they do work together in some areas as well. Task4:Organization: Fill in the blanks. UKContains _, _, Scotland and _.In the 13th Century_ was linked to _.In the 17th Century_ and Wales were joined to _.Some time later_ Ireland broke away and _ Ireland joined with _ ,Wales and _. Thus _ come into being.Englandthe _ of the four countries, consists of the _, _ and _ of EnglandTask5: Read the passage carefully and write down the main idea of each Paragraph.Part1Part 1(Para1-3): _ _Part22(Para4): _ _Part33(Para 5-6):_ _Task6: Scan the text and underline the following phrases in red pen 1.consist of 由.组成 2. divide into 划分成 2.at war with 与交战 4. be linked with 与.相连接 5.have a good/bad effect on 对.有好的/坏的影响 6.refer to 指的是,提到,参考 7. be joined to 加入 7.Task2: 整体把握文 章,培养正 确组织语言, 概括语言的 能力Task3: 依据课文内 容,寻找细 节,培养抓 信息的能力。Task4 依据 课文内容, 寻找细节, 培养抓信息 的能力。2011-2012 学年高二英语选修 5 Unit2 导学案 编号: 使用时间:班级:_小组:_姓名;_组内评价:_You never know what you can do till you try.38. be unwilling to 不愿意干 9. take the place of 代替 10. break away 逃离,脱离 11. to ones credit 值得赞扬的是 12. educational and legel systems 教育和法律体系 13. for convenience 为了方便 14. leave out 省略 15. be furnished with 用装饰/布置Task7: Read the passage again and underline the sentences which you thinkare important and difficult.【课内探究案】 1、 自主学习,文章理解。 【探究一】Find a
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