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象棋术语中英文对照 一 般 术 语 General Terms 象棋 xiangqi 棋盘 board 棋子 piece 棋例 xiangqi rules 棋证 arbiter, referee, judge 计时 time control 限着 movecount 封棋, 保留 adjourn, adjournment 暂停 break 超时 lost on time 评注 commentation, commentory, annotation 复盘 review, play back, post-mortem analysis 对局记录 record (of game) 先走 move first, play red 后走 move next, play black 开局 opening 应局 responding 中局 middle game, mid game 残局 end game 排局 composed game, end game composition 实用残局 practical end game 胜局 winning game, won game 死局 lost game, forced mate 认输 resign 弃权 retire 例胜 won position 例和 draw position 判和 judged draw 巧胜 positional win 巧和 positional draw 欠行 stalement, stalemate 正着, 官着 right move, correct move 妙着 excellent move 紧着 strong move, pressing move 阴着 tricky move 软着 weak move 虚着 plausible move 空着 useless move 劣着 bad move 漏着 blunder 大漏 big blunder 棋谱着法 text move 闲着 idle move 停着 waiting move 诱着 Tempting move, inducing move 变着 alternative, variation 先手 initiative 得先, 反先 gain initiative 失先, 失一先 lose initiative, lose a tempo 后手, 被动 passive 优势 advantage, superior 劣势 disadvantage, inferior, awkwark position 均势 even positions 局势, 局面 position, siduation 将 check 捉 chase, pursue 杀, 催杀 mate, mating threat 解杀 dissolve mating 循环 repetition of position 兑 exchange, trade 拦 block 跟 follow 闲, 停 wait 封锁 seal off, blockade 进 move forwards, advance 退 move backwards, retreat 平 move sidewards, traverse 吃子 capture piece 得子 gain piece 失子 lose piece 兑子 exchange piece 弃子 sacrifice piece 长将 perpetual check 长捉 perpetual chase, perpetual pursuit 长兑 perpetual exchange offer 长杀 perpetual mating threat 长拦 perpetual blocking 长跟 perpetual follow 一将一停 check & wait 一将一捉 check & chase 一将一杀 check & mating 一杀一停 mating & wait 一杀一捉 mating & chase 一捉一停 chase & wait 捉双 fork, attacking two pieces 有根 rooted, protected 无根 unrooted, unprotected 兵种 piece-kind 搏杀 combat, wrestle, sharp attacking each other 攻势 attack 反攻 counter attack 入局 mating assault 空门 undefended sector, weak sector 分先 play at par 让一先 1-move handicap 让长先 perpetual 1-move handicap 让二先 2-move handicap 让三先 3-move handicap 让单马 1-horse handicap 让双马 2-horse handicap 平稳局势 calm game, secured position 散漫局势 disorderly position, scattered position 可胜形势 winning position 子力活跃 Active pieces 子力呆滞 passive pieces 后继手段 combination moves 尚可支持 Tenable situation 位 置 名 称 Descriptions of positions (为方便读和写, 可尽量用括弧内的简称) 直线 file 横线 rank 河头 river bank (RB) 骑河 cross-river (CR) 卒行 pawn rank (PR) 己方底线 base, 1st rank 对方底线 bottom rank 炮位线 cannon rank 中士线 throat rank 中线, 中路 central file 边线 edge files 三七路 elbow files 四六路 armpit files 一路 1st file 二路 2nd file 三路 3rd file 四路 4th file
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