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全球价格最低,师资最强,课时最长,错过就是过错! www.31xuewei.com 全球价格最低,师资最强,课时最长,错过就是过错! www.31xuewei.com 陕西学位英语试题精讲:状语从句陕西学位英语试题精讲:状语从句 1. You can, _ the sky is clear, see as far as the old temple on top of the mountain, but not today. A. when B. where C. though D. because 【答案】A。本题考查时间状语的应用。根据句子意思和结构可以判断_ the sky is clear,为 插入的成分,主干是 you can see 而且后面还有 but not today, 显然前面是说今天以外的某 一天, 所以是时间状语, 选择 when。 其他的三项, where 表示地点, though 表示让步, because 表示原因。天气晴朗的时候,你能最远看到山顶上的古老寺庙,但是今天不行。 2. I recognized John _ he entered the room. A. hardly B. the minute C. no sooner D. at once 【答案】B 句意:约翰一踏入房间我就认出他。the minute 和 the monent 一样,可以引导 时间状语从句,表示“一 就”,如:she woke up the moment /the minute the thief slipped in . 小偷刚刚偷偷摸摸的进来,她就醒了。虽然也有“立刻”的意思,但都只相当于副词,不能连 接两个句子。比如要用项的话,应该用以下形式: 项次傲视“几乎不”,是副词,而且在句 意上说不通 3. No sooner had she entered the house _the telephone rang. A. when B. than C. as D. while 【答案】B no soonerthan,hardlywhen:固定搭配:一就。本句的意思是:“她 刚进门,电话就响了。” 4. She has wanted to become a nurse _ since she was a young girl. A. long B. often C. always D. ever 【答案】D 她想成为一名护士,自从她还是个小女孩开始。 5. _ I catch a cold, I have pain in my back. A. Every time B. Though C. Even D. Where 【答案】A 每次感冒,我都背痛。 6. She was _ tired _ she could not move an inch. A. so, that B. such, that C. very, that D. so, as 【答案】A 她累得一点都动不了。 7._ absurd was his manner that everyone stared at him. A. Too B. So C. Very D. Much 【答案】B 他的举止如此荒唐,以致于每个人都盯着她看。 8. They are _ students that they all performed well in the nationwide examinations. A. so diligent B. such diligent C. so much diligent D. such very diligent 【答案】B。so+ 形容词(副词)+that, such+名词+that.两者都表示结果,如此以至。 9. The child was _ immediately after supper. A. enough tired to go to bed B. too tired to go to bed C. so tired that he went to bed D. very tired, he went to bed 【答案】C 孩子们太累了以致于饭后立刻就睡了。 全球价格最低,师资最强,课时最长,错过就是过错! www.31xuewei.com 全球价格最低,师资最强,课时最长,错过就是过错! www.31xuewei.com 10. It was _ that they planned to have a picnic. A. such fine weather B. so fine a weather C. such a fine weather as D. such a fine weather 【答案】A 天气很好以致于他们计划去野餐。 11. The doctor will not perform the operation _ it is absolutely necessary. A. so B. if C. for D. unless 【答案】D。本题考查的是连词辨析。Unless 是除非的意思,符合题目,即医生不会实施手 术,除非有绝对的必要 12. _ youre early you cant be sure of getting a seat. A. If B. Unless C. When D. Because 【答案】B 此题考查的是连词辨析。根据题意,应是:除非你早到,你无法确定一定有座。 Unless”除非”. 13. The man said he would hit me _ I told him where the money was. A. until B. unless C. soon after D. as 【答案】.B 句意为“那个男人说除非我告诉他钱在哪里,否则他会袭击我。”unless“除非”。 14. _ Im mistaken, Ive seen that man before. (QE01-40) A. Unless B. If C. Because D. Provided 【答案】 :A。unless:若不,除非。You will fail unless you work harder.你若不更加努力就会 失败。I wont phone you, unless something unforeseen happens.我不打电话给你,除非发生意 外。本句话的意思是“如果我没有弄错的话,我以前见过他。”因此 A 最符合题意。provided 及 providing “只要, 以为条件”后接 that 从句中的 that 可以省略, 一般都可以由 if 来代替。 We shall go provided (that) the weather is fine .要是天晴,我们就去。Provided (that) no objection is raised, we shall hold the meeting here.如果没有人反对的话,我们就在这开会。 because:因为 15. Well be only too glad to attend your party _ we can get a baby-sitter. A. so far as B. provided that C. unless D. except that 【答案】B 本句考查连词的用法。provided that:假如,以为条件,相当于 if,例如: I will lend you my book provided that you keep it clean只要你保证书的干净整洁,我就把书 借给你。本句的意思是:“如果我们能找到保姆的话,我们将非常乐意参加您的宴会。”因此 B 最符合题意。unless:除非,如果不。except that:除了Your article is quite good except that there are several spelling mistakes 你的文章很好, 除了几个拼写错误。 so(as)far as: (表示程度,范围)就,尽至于,as far as I know 就我所知。 16._ we stood at the top of the building, the people below were hardly visible. A. As B. Although C. Unless D. In spite of 【答案】A 当我们站在楼顶的时候,在下面的人群很难进入我的视线。 17.I didnt go abroad with her _I couldnt afford it. A. because B. although C. unless D. in spite of 【答案】A 我不想和她出国,因为我负担不起。 18. The metal _was first used was copper _ it was easily obtained in its pure(纯 的)state. A. whatbecause B. thatwhere C. whichas D. thatwhen 【答案】C 最开始被使用的是铜,因为它很容易得到纯的状态。 全球价格最低,师资最强,课时最长,错过就是过错! www.31xuewei.com 全球价格最低,师资最强,课时最长,错过就是过错! www.31xuewei.com 19. A solid is different from a liquid _ the solid has its definite shape. A. in that B. in which C. in what D. because of which 【答案】A 本题考查的是 in that 引导原因状语从句的用法。In that 由于,因为。固体是不同 于液体的,因为固体是有确定的形状。 20. Wed better hurry _ it is getting dark. A. and B. but C. as D. unless 【答案】C 因为天快黑了,我们最好快一点。 21. Speak to him slowly _ he may understand you better. A. since B. so that C. for D. because 【答案】B 慢慢对她说,以便于他能够更好的理解。 22. I wrote it down _ I should forget it. A. in case B. in case of C. in order that D. for fear of 【答案】A。in case:(连词)免得,以防万一。本句的意思是:“我写了下来,免得忘了”。 又如:Keep the window closed in c
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