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1初二英语下册初二英语下册 Unit 3 教案教案交际任务交际任务 :谈论近期的活动安排或计划 语法要点语法要点 : 特殊疑问词的用法小结。 用现在进行时表示马上要发生的或按计划近期即将发生的动作。 任务设置任务设置 : 提示词: what (干什么) , where (去哪) , why (为什么) , who (谁 / 和谁) , how (怎么去) , when (何时) , how long (呆多长时间) 1. 今天下午 / 明天 / 本周末你的活动安排是什么?说完后可让同学转述。 2. 十一黄金周你的旅游计划是什么?画出简易路线图并描述行程安排。 3. 神探柯南正在追踪一名国际大盗,一名线人向他提供了该大盗的近期的行程安排。让学 生为这两个角色自由设计对话内容并做 role-play 。 4. 自由分组成立旅行社,每个旅行社为大家提供一条旅游线路并安排好行程中的所有细节 (包括优惠条件等) ,向班级其他同学推销这条线路。由学生投票选择出最受欢迎的旅游安 排。如时间允许可做出宣传海报。 5. 道听途说。教师从学生所写的行程安排短文中抽取部分难度和长度接近的范文交给每组 最后一名同学。由他用耳语的形式一句一句地依次传给前面的同学,每句只说一遍。每组 第一名同学记录下来他听到的那句话,重复这一过程直到第一名同学记录完所有句子,然 后分组核对。由每组最后一名同学念出原文,再由第一名同学读出最终记录,进行对比。 对比基本一致的组胜出。失败的组可以回头清查哪一句是在哪个人的环节出了问题,然后 罚该同学为大家唱段英文歌或用英语讲个小笑话,也可以让他在课下准备,下一节课再让 他表演。 教学步骤(略) 建议把以上特殊疑问词的用法以例句的形式呈现给学生,然后再把与它们相关的句子穿成 一个小短文,让学生在理解的基础上记忆、套用和改写,先入为主,由浅入深,由简及繁。相关要点描述相关要点描述 : 描述将要发生的动作或事件的几种方法: 主语 +will/shall+ 动词原形 + 表示将来的时间状语 译为“将要 , 将会”,指按计划安排好了的,这种用法最为普遍。 e.g.She will go to Shanghai next week. 主语 + be going to + 动词原形 + 表示将来的时间状语 译为“有意要,打算”(主观意愿)或“就要,即将”(人力无法控制) e.g.She is going to ring us from the station. 她打算 Its going to rain. ( 人力无法控制之事 ) 注: be going to sp. 实际上可以理解为 be going to go to sp 的变体。 e.g.Im going to (go to) the USA next year. 主语 + be about to + 动词原形,其后不加具体的时间状语 译为“刚要,就要”,表示刚刚准备好或马上就要做某事 e.g.We were about to start, when it rained. come, go, arrive, leave, fly, start 等一些动词可用于现在进行时态表示马上要发生的或按计 划 近期 即将发生的动作。 e.g.Im coming. 2Shes arriving here at 2 oclock this afternoon. 表示时间的词或短语与介词的搭配 in the morning/afternoon/evening the day/night June 1999 June, 1999 three days (如用在将来时里,译为“三天后”) at noon/night two oclock 11:30 on Sunday the 12 th Nov. 12 th , 1999 Sunday morning a cold morning of last winter 注: 1. 在 day/night/morning/afternoon/evening 前如果除了 the 以外的其他的定语或限定语,介 词一律用 on 。 2. 由 every, this/that , last/next 这几个词引导的时间状语前不需要搭配介词。 E.g.I saw an old man here last night. 3. today , yesterday , tomorrow , the day before yesterday , the day after tomorrow 这几个词或短语前也不需要介词。 以 ed 和 ing 结尾的同词根形容词的区别 bored boring interested interesting relaxed relaxing tired tiring ed 表示自身感受; ing 表示人或事物令他人感到 E.g.Im bored. 我很心烦(无聊,什么也不想做) 。 He is a boring man./This book is boring. 几个重点动词的用法 help help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事(亲自帮助做了其中一部分) help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事(指导或促成,但未亲自做) help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人(没有动词,使用 with ) help oneself to 请尽情享用 / 慢用(某种食物) cant help doing sth. 忍不住做某事 want want sth. want to do sth. want sb. to do sth. ask ask sb. (not) to do sth. ask sb. about sth. need ( 否定为 dont need ) 3need sb./sth. need to do sth. 需要做某事 need ( 否定为 neednt) need do sth. 需要做某事 ( 不能用于肯定句 ) leave leave sp. 离开某地 leave for sp. 启程去某地 leave from sp. 从某地出发 leave sb. sp. 把某人留在某地 leave sth. sp. 把某物留 / 落在某地 ( 不能用 forget 代替 ) hope hope to do sth. hope (that) + 从句 注意 : hope sb. to do sth. 这种用法不存在。 forget forget to do sth. 忘了去做某事 forget doing sth. 忘了做过某事 该用法与 remember 相同。 finish finish sth. finish doing sth. Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? 教案示例教案示例(2)教学过程教学过程 Task One : Who has the most exciting vacation plan? Step one: lead in Ask students a question, “The National Day Vacation is coming, and we are having a seven-day holiday. What can we do for vacation?” List the things they cite. Finish activities 1a and 1b of Section A. “Now lets listen to the conversation between Peter and Carol and find what they are doing for vacation. Please circle the things you hear. Peter: The summer vacation is coming. Where are you going, Carol? Carol: My parents will take me to China for a visit. We are flying from New York on June 20. We are visiting the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum, the Temple of Heaven, and the Great Wall. We are also visiting some Chinese homes and trying some Chinese food. Peter: That sounds great! But I want to go to the mountains. I am going hiking there. I am having a picnic on the top of a mountain. I like going fishing, so I am going to a lake. I am going fishing and boating there. Carol: Thats a good idea. I will spend two days in Guilin. I am going boating and fishing, too. I am sure we will have a wonderful time. Step Two: Who has the most exciting vacation plan? 4 Now, you are planning for the seven-day National Day vacation for your family. First, lets listen to how other people plan for their vacation. Finish activities 2a, 2b and 3a of Section A. Now, please read Lins vacation plan and answer a few questions. Whats your vacation plan? How about your partners? Please do a survey in a group of four and find out who has the most exciting vacation plan in your group. Task Two : A National-Day Vacation Plan for Homestay Students Step One: Now the National Day is coming. What are you doing for this seven-day vacation? Are you traveling with your parents
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