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UnitUnit 7 7 ItIts s raining!raining!【短语归纳短语归纳】1.1. notnot badbad 不错不错 2.2. atat thethe parkpark 在公园在公园3.3. havehave a a goodgood timetime / / havehave a a greatgreat timetime / / havehave funfun / / enjoyenjoy oneselfoneself 过得很愉快过得很愉快4.4. taketake a a messagemessage forfor 为为捎个口信捎个口信5.5. callcall sb.sb. backback 给某人回电话给某人回电话 6.6. nono problemproblem 没问题没问题 7.7. rightright nownow 现在现在 8.8. talktalk onon thethe phonephone 通过电话交谈通过电话交谈 9.9. somesome ofof 当中的一些当中的一些 10.10. byby thethe poolpool 在游泳池边在游泳池边 11.11. drinkdrink orangeorange juicejuice 喝橙汁喝橙汁 12.12. studystudy hardhard 努力学习努力学习 13.13. onon a a vacationvacation 在度假在度假 14.14. inin thethe mountainsmountains 在山里在山里 15.15. callcall sb.sb. 给某人打电话给某人打电话 16.16. writewrite toto sb.sb. 给某人写信给某人写信17.17. rightright forfor 适合适合 18.18. 给给拍一张照片拍一张照片知识点归纳:知识点归纳:一、询问天气的句型及其答语一、询问天气的句型及其答语.1.例句:例句: -Hows the weather ? 天气怎么样天气怎么样?- Its cloudy./Its sunny./Its raining.多云多云./晴天晴天./在下雨在下雨.2.询问天气的句型询问天气的句型:常见的询问天气的句型有:常见的询问天气的句型有:Hows the weather? Whats the weather like ?两个句型后面都可以加?两个句型后面都可以加“in+ 地点地点” ,用以询问,用以询问“某地天气如何某地天气如何”3.回答天气状况回答天气状况回答询问天气的问句时,通常用:回答询问天气的问句时,通常用:“Its +表示天气的形容词表示天气的形容词” 。常见的该类。常见的该类形容词有:形容词有:fine(晴朗的晴朗的) dry(干燥的干燥的) warm(温暖的温暖的) cold( 寒冷的寒冷的) cool(凉爽的凉爽的) hot(炎热的)(炎热的) rainy(下雨的下雨的) snowy(下雪的下雪的) sunny(晴朗的晴朗的) cloudy(多云的多云的)等。等。同时也可以用现在进行时进行回答:同时也可以用现在进行时进行回答:Its raining/snowing 正在下雨正在下雨/ 下雪。下雪。例句例句: -Hows the weather in your city?Its warm.-Whats the weather like in Shanghai?Its raining now.例例 1:Hows the weather in Shanghai?( 同义句转换同义句转换 )例例 2.- _-Its sunny today.A.How was the weather yesterday? B.How are you doing?C.What fine weather! D.Whats the weather like today?例例 3.Hows the weather there?-Great. Its _.I can make a snowman tomorrow.A.rainy B.sunny C.cloudy D.snowy例例 4.连词成句:连词成句:is What Beijing like the weather in_例例 5.单句改错:单句改错:1. How is the weather like? ( )_A B C D2. The weather is windy and rain. ( ) _A B C D二二 、现在进行时、现在进行时1 例句:例句:-What are you doing?-I am cooking.-What are they doing?-Theyre playing basketball in the park.-Whats he doing?-Hes studying at his friends home.2.用法:用法:(1)表示说话时动作正在发生或进行。)表示说话时动作正在发生或进行。They are watching TV.他们正在看电视。他们正在看电视。(2) 表示现阶段正在发生或进行的动作,并不限于说话时特定的时间范围内表示现阶段正在发生或进行的动作,并不限于说话时特定的时间范围内进行的动作。进行的动作。Hes working hard at his lesson this year. 今年他一直在努力学习。今年他一直在努力学习。(3)有些动词的现在进行时用来表示按计划或安排将要进行的动作。如)有些动词的现在进行时用来表示按计划或安排将要进行的动作。如come,go,arrive,leave,start,stay 等。等。Im leaving tomorrow.我明天动身。我明天动身。My parents are coming back tomorrow.我的父母明天回来。我的父母明天回来。(4)有些动词,如)有些动词,如 know,lie(位于位于),have,own(拥有拥有),belong to(属于属于),like,love,want,hope 等,通常不用于进行时态。等,通常不用于进行时态。I like going shopping with my friends.This book belongs to me.这本书是我的。这本书是我的。例例 6.单句改错:单句改错:Are his parents watch TV? ( )_A B C D例例 7.-Look at the picture! Whats the man doing?-He is _ a camel(骆驼骆驼)Aride B. to ride C. rode D.riding例例 8. There are come boys_ soccer in the playground.A.play B.playing C. are playing D.plays例例 9.用括号括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。用括号括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.-What _ they _(do) over there? -Theyre talking about a movie. 2.My father _(cook) in the kitchen now. Hes a good _(cook).注:注:cook “做饭做饭” “厨师厨师” cooker“炊具炊具”3. It _(snow) in Moscow now.4.Jeff often _(play) computer games.5.Its 6:00 in the evening .The Green family _(have) dinner.6.Vera often_(do) some reading in the morning.三、常见的打电话用语三、常见的打电话用语Its Steve.“我是史蒂夫。我是史蒂夫。 ”是打电话的常用语。在打电话时一般用是打电话的常用语。在打电话时一般用 it 或或 this表示表示“我我” ,that 表示表示“你你” ,而不用,而不用 I 和和 you 来表示。来表示。Eg:-Hi, is that Laura? 嗨,你是劳拉吗?嗨,你是劳拉吗?-No ,its / this is her mother. 不,我是她的妈妈。不,我是她的妈妈。总结电话语:总结电话语:1.打招呼:打招呼:Hello!/Hi!2.找某人接电话:找某人接电话:May/ Could/ Can I speak to.? 我可以和我可以和.通电话吗?通电话吗?Id like to speak to .我想和我想和.通电话。通电话。3. 询问对方是谁及其答语:询问对方是谁及其答语:-Whos that (speaking)? 你是谁?你是谁?/谁在讲话?谁在讲话?-This is .(speaking). 我是我是.-Is that .(speaking)? 你是你是.吗?吗?/是是.在讲话吗?在讲话吗?-Yes, this is . (speaking) 是的,我是是的,我是./是的,是的,.在讲话。在讲话。4.请求某人稍等:请求某人稍等:Hold on for a moment.等一会儿。等一会儿。 Hold on please.请稍请稍等。等。5.为某人稍口信:为某人稍口信:Could I take a message?我可以捎个口信吗?我可以捎个口信吗?例例 10.-Hello! Whos speaking? - Hi,Rose._Linda.A. This B. Its C. This is D. That is 四、四、-Hows it going? 最近怎么样?最近怎么样?-Not bad,thanks. 还不错,谢谢。还不错,谢谢。用法:用法:Hows it going?“最近怎么样最近怎么样”是询问是询问
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