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1华东师范大学第三附属中学高二上学期华东师范大学第三附属中学高二上学期 1212 月份月考月份月考II. Grammar and vocabulary 21. Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we _ during the day. A. may have done B. would have done C. should have done D. must have done 22. The moment she _ the report tomorrow, she will hand it in at once.A. will finish writing B. finishes writingC. finishes to write D. has finished writing 23. The two friends have been known for 40 years and never once _ with each other.A. they had quarreled B. they have quarreledC. have they quarreled D. had they quarreled 24. _ on the new definition of a planet in August 2006, Pluto is no longer a planet.A. Being based B. To base C. Based D. Having been based 25. He worked as IT engineer in Microsoft _ when he was in _.A. in 1990s; his thirties B. in 1990s; the thirtiesC. in the 1990s; his thirties D. in the 1990s; the thirties 26. He who has a good sense of responsibility dares to admit his own mistake, _he?A. darent B. doesnt C. hasnt D. dare 27. It is said that few situations are more annoying than struggling with a computer that _start.A. mustnt B. cant C. wont D. shant 28. _ many of the athletes complained that the weather conditions made for slow, uncomfortable race, Lydia, the womens champion, said shed been ready for it.A. Since B. As C. While D. Unless 29. _ it with me and Ill see what I can do.A. When left B. Leave C. Leaving D. If you leave 30. -The plan _ for the trip is important, I think.-I see, but Joseph is sure to work it out on time.A. made B. to be made C. making D. has been made 31. -Where is the pen?-It is on the desk _the physicist used to do his experiments.A. which B. in which C. that D. where 32. I try to understand _ that prevents so many Chinese from being as happy as one might expect.A. why is it B. what is it C. why it is D. what it is 33. At present, when purchasing a house, we have to take the fact into account _ we are still faced with the global financial crisis.A. whether B. what C. that D. which234. The valley was flooded with water from the river, _ changed.A . whose the course B. course of whichC. of which the course D. which course ABCCC BCCBB DCCC Section B A. fulfill F. represent B. assume G. possibly C. demands H. welfare D. particularly I. presence E. personal J. symbolic When Michelle Obama became first lady of the United States on January 20, she began to join her husband in a partnership to transform the public face America presents to the world. In the process, she is expected to _35_ a new role that offers exciting opportunities and challenges. Although the position of first lady is unelected and unpaid, a presidents spouse has many official duties, some practical and some ceremonial or _36_. As first lady, Michelle Obama will _37_ her country when traveling overseas, and she will preside(担任) as hostess at White House state dinners and other important functions. In addition, she will _38_ continue meeting with citizens across the United States, much as she did during the 2008 presidential campaign. Modern U.S. first ladies often devote part of their time to a public-service agenda of their own choosing. Michelle Obama already has indicated she is _39_ interested in the _40_ of military families, and her efforts on their behalf almost certainly will ensure that those families needs receive high-level attention. On a more _41_ level, the first lady has told reporters she intends to _42_ her obligations as “mom-in-chief” to the Obamas two young daughters, Malia and Sasha, as the girls adjust to their new home at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Her balancing act should be familiar to working mothers everywhere as she strives to meets the _43_ of a fast-paced job while carving out time with her husband and children. 41-49 BJFGDHEACII.II. ReadingReading ComprehensionComprehension SectionSection A(15)A(15) Have you ever heard the phrase, “Love is blind”? If so, you are already 44 with a type of mistake in our attempts to understand others: halo effects. This type of mistake 45 to the fact that once we form an overall impression of somebody, it could have strong effects on our 46 of his personality. 47 , halo effects are both common and powerful. For example, most organizations contain one or more “superstars”- people who have earned the reputation for being unusually 48 and capable. Once they have gained such a “halo”, everything they do receives good 49 . Ideas that would
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