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Unit 7 Lesson 28Unit 7 Lesson 28Look before you leap.Look before you leap.although even though虽然 尽管 注意: although或even though不能与but同时在句中使用. _ she joined the company only a year ago, shes already the manager now.She joined the company only a year ago, _ shes already the manager now.AlthoughAlthoughbutbut_ he is rich, he never gives money to the poor.Even thoughEven thoughfairy talefairy talefolktalefolktalefablefable童话民间传说寓言The Frogs and the WellThe Frogs and the Wellb. Look before you leap.The word “wiser” means _. A.nicerB.strongerC.smallerD.smarterD DThe Milkmaid and Her PotThe Milkmaid and Her Potc. Do not count your chickens before they hatch.After she sold the milk, the milk maid would buy _. a new dress and a beautiful hat some hens some eggs a new potABABThe Lion and the MouseThe Lion and the Mousea. Little friends may prove great friends.“Pardon” in the text means _. forget forgive excuse sorryB B1.Why didnt the second frog jump into the well immediately?2.Why did the milkmaid break the milk pot?3.Was the lion tied to a tree? Why? Why not?Because he thought when the well dried up like the wetland, they couldnt get out again.She thought about what she would do with the money after she sold the milk. While she was thinking of buying a new hat, she touched her old hat.Yes, it was. Because the hunters wanted to carry him alive to the King.Read the fables and answer Read the fables and answer the questions.the questions.dry up干涸 look for寻找 seem to看起来 lay eggs下蛋 so that以至于 throw away扔掉 fall off(从某处)摔下来 fall to摔到 up and down上上下下 laugh at嘲笑 happen to碰巧遇到 pass by路过P PHHR R A A S S E E S Suntiluntil whenwhenwhilewhileafterafteras soon asas soon asasasbeforebeforeonceonce直到 直到才 一就 当(与其他动作同时发生) 当(与连续性动词连用) 当 在之前 在之后 曾经 自从_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _not untilnot untilsincesince I cant leave _ she comes back. The driver stopped the car _ he saw the pedestrian. _ I ran home, I fell on the ground. He stopped trying _ he was going to succeed. Look _ you leap.untiluntilas soon asas soon asAs As whenwhenbeforebefore(2.1)(2.2)I didnt realize that I had the wrong book until I arrived home.B. I realized that I had the wrong book. Then I arrived home.A. I arrived home. Then I realized that I had the wrong book.He called me as soon as he heard the news. A. He called me and then, he heard the news. B. He heard the news and then he called me immediately.I saw Robert as I was getting off the bus. A. When I was getting off the bus, I saw Robert. B. I saw Robert after I got off the bus.当我沿街散步时碰见了Jim。 I met Jim _ I was walking along the street当我们到达机场时,天正下着雪。 It was snowing _ we got to the airport 他边走边唱。 He sang _ he went along 回到家后,他休息了一会儿。 _ he reached home,he had a little rest 我一直等到他到来。 I waited _ he arrived asaswhenwhenwhilewhilewhenwhenasasAfterAfteruntiluntilBob到来之前,我们不会走。 We wont go _ Bob comes上次我和你见面之后,你到哪里去了? Where have you been _ I saw you last time? 我一到北京就给你打电话。 Ill phone you _ I arrive in Beijing我一到美国就给你打电话。 Ill ring you up _ I get to America昨天直到雨停了,孩子们才离开学校。 The children _ leave school _ the rain stopped yesterday untiluntilsincesinceas soon asas soon asas soon asas soon asdidntdidntuntiluntilP P186, (3), (5)186, (3), (5)
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