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教教 案案 正正 文文随堂记录随堂记录Unit 7 How do you make a banana smoothie ? Period 1TeachingTeaching contentscontents :Section A 1a ,1b ,1c ,2a ,2b , 2c .TeachingTeaching goalgoal : :1. vocabulary :blender , yogurt , turn on , cut up , peel , pour , put into , ingredient , cinnamon , teaspoon , amount ,watermelon .2. Patterns: How do you make a banana smoothie ?How many bananas do we need ?How much cinnamon do we need ?3. 能力目标:学会使用 how many 和 how much 分别对可数名词和不可数名词的量提问.4. 情感目标:培养学生热爱劳动的习惯.TeachingTeaching aidsaids : tape , tape-recorder , cards .TeachingTeaching procedures:procedures:StepStep 1 1 LeadingLeading ininGreeting .StepStep 2 2 Pre-taskPre-task教教 案案 正正 文文随堂记录随堂记录SBSB PagePage 4141 , , 1a1a . .Look at the picture .What can you see ?Point out the blank likes in the picture .Ask Ss to write the names of the actions .Choose the correct words .Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .Check the answers .SBSB PagePage 41,41, 1b1b . .Point out the actions in the picture and the list of actions in activity 1b .Play the recording and check the answers .StepStep 3 3 While-taskWhile-task SBSB PagePage 4141 , , 1c1c . .Point out the instructions in activity 1b .Ask Ss to talk with a partner .SBSB PagePage 4242 , , 2a2a . .Point out the two columns in the chart and read the headings .Say , Maria and Katie are talking about making fruit salad .Listen carefully .What do they need ?Write the names of the ingredients .教教 案案 正正 文文随堂记录随堂记录Play the recording and check the answers .SBSB PagePage 4242 , , 2b2b . .Say ,Now listen again .This time listen to the amout of each ingredient the girls talk about .Write the name of each ingredient next to the correct amount .Ask a student to read the amounts in the first column .Play the recording .Ss work .Check the answers .StepStep 4 4 Post-taskPost-task SBSB PagePage 4242 ,2c,2c . .Read the instruction for the activity .Point to the sample conversation .Ask two students to read the questions and answers to the class .Have Ss work in pairs .Ask some pairs to present their conversations .StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework Make a banana smoothie or fruit salad with your friends .教学后记教学后记教教 案案 正正 文文随堂记录随堂记录Period 2TeachingTeaching proceduresprocedures : :StepStep 1 1 LeadingLeading ininGreeting .Ask two students to present their conversation about how to make a banana smoothie or fruit salad .StepStep 2 2 Pre-taskPre-taskGrammarGrammar focusfocus . .Review the grammar box .Ask Ss to say the questions and answers .Write the words countable and uncountable on the Bb .Ask one or two students to explain what these words meanCall attention to the verb .Say , there are imperative sentences .Ask some students to say sentences like these .StepStep 3 3 While-taskWhile-taskSBSB PagePage 4343 , , 3a3a . .Point out the picture and ask Ss what the boy and girl are doing .Point to the four words at the beginning of the activity .Ask Ss to number the words to show the order .Read the conversation .Ask Ss to complete it .教教 案案 正正 文文随堂记录随堂记录Check the answers .Ask Ss to read the conversation with their partner .SBSB PagePage 4343 , , 3b3b . .Point out the picture .Ask Ss to tell what is happening in each picture. Review the words :popcorn , popcorn popper ,salt , bowl .Ask a student to read the directions in the box .Ask Ss to work with partner ,then ask one or two students to tell the class how to make popcorn .StepStep 4 4 Post-taskPost-taskSBSB PagePage 4343 , , PartPart 4 4 . .Ask Ss to work in teams of three .Read the instructions. Ask Ss to work in pairs .Then ask some pairs to present their questions and answers to the rest of the class .StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomeworkWrite your own recipe about a sandwich .教学后记教学后记教教 案案 正正 文文随堂记录随堂记录Period 3TeachingTeaching contentscontents :Section B 1a , 1b , 2a , 2b , 2c .TeachingTeaching proceduresprocedures : :StepStep 1 1 LeadingLeading inin Review how to make fruit salad .Ask Ss to answer .StepStep 2 2 Pre-taskPre-task Say ,Lets make a sandwich .Ask Ss that what ingredients they need .Ask two students to say and write the ingredients on the Bb .Then ask ,How do you make your favorite sandwich ?Ask one student to answer .Say , lets make it together .StepStep 3 3 While-taskWhile-task SBSB PagePage 4444 , , 1a1a ,1b,1b . .Point to the sandwich ingredients in the picture .Say each word and ask Ss to repeat it .Read the instructions and point to the lines where Ss write the things they like in a sandwich .Students work .After that .Say, Now ask and answer .Point 教教 案案 正正 文文随堂记录随堂记录out the conversation in the box .Ask Ss to work with a partner .As Ss work ,move around the room monitoring .Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class .SBSB PagePage 4444 , , 2a2a . .Read the instructions to the class .Point to the foods in activ
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