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seven three onethree-twentynine-fivetwo-thirtyget upeat breakfastgo to schooltake a showerhave classes do homework/au/ Unit 11 1.Vocabulary2. /klk/ / br/3. /au/ /humw: k/ 4. /ju:uli/ /a:ft/ 5. /hutel/ /ti:/ 6. /m :( r) ni/ /i:vni /showeroclockbrushhomeworkusuallyafterhotelteethmorningevening1. 起床 2. 吃早餐 3. 去上学 4. 上床睡觉 5. 回家 6. 到达 7. 到家 8. 到工作单位 9. 做作业 10. 吃晚餐 11. 洗澡 12. 乘公共汽车 去。 13. 整夜 get up eat / have breakfast go to school go to bed go home get to get home get to work do homework eat dinner take a showertake a bus to all night14. 喜爱做某事 15. 听某人 16. 告诉某人关于某事 17. 在早上/下午/晚上18. 在星期六 love to do sth Listen to sb tell sb about sth In the morning / afternoon / evening on Saturday3. Important sentences1. 你通常什么时候起床?我通常六点起床。2. 她什么时候去上学?她八点去上学。What time do you usually get up?I usually get up at six oclock.What time does she go to school?She goes to school at 8 oclock.3.吃早餐的时间可真有趣!4. 为了上班,他乘17路公共汽车到酒店。To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the hotel. 5.人们喜爱听他演奏。6.斯科特工作数小时。 7.他刷牙并洗澡。 What a funny time to eat breakfast!People love to listen to him.Scott works very long hours.He brushes his teeth and has a shower.7.你能想到他是做什么工作的吗? 8.致以良好的祝愿。 9.请尽快写信! 10. 他工作一整夜。 11.阿丽西亚什么时候洗澡?她五点洗澡。12. 他观看早间电视节目。Can you think what his job is? Best wishes! Please write soon! He works all nightWhen does Alicia take a shower?She takes a shower at five oclock.He watches morning TV.1.What a funny time to have breakfast! What a/an+adj.+n.+to do sth.! What an exciting time to watch the basketball game! What a boring time to listen to him! What an interesting book! What a scary movie!2. People love to listen to him.love to dolove to see movies love to play basketballlove to play chesslove to dancelove to sing love to swim3. People love to listen to him. listen to sb.listen to the teacher listen to me listen to us listen to the boy listen to Tomlisten to the music11单元测试卷 句式变换和汉英翻译部分单词辨音、0.5x10 1)/klk/ _ 2) /au/ _ 3) /ju:uli/ _ 4) /ti:/ _ 5) /m :( r) ni/_选出与所给音标相同的词 1./ 1. brush 2. ruler 2. 2./au/ 1. know 2. shower 3.3. / i:/ 1. eat 2. breakfast 4. / 1. oclock 2. hotel 5. / ju:/ 1. trumpet 2. usuallyoclockshower usuallyteethmorning/u:/ /au/e/ /u/ B 将方框中的词变换形式,填入空白处hour take wish tooth thank 1. He _ a shower at 9:00. 2. Best _ to you! 3. _ for your letter. 4. Look! The baby has only two _. 5. I love to work very long _. takeswishesThanksteethhours三、句式变换30x0.5=151. Its ten-twenty now. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ now?2. My father watches TV at 8:00. (提问) _ _ _ father _ at 8:00? 3. Her parents can play the drums. (否定句). Her parents _ play the drums. 4. Boys often play basketball after class. (一般 疑问及回答, 划线提问) _boys _ _basketball_ _? No, _ _._ _boys_ _basketball ?What time is itWhat does your docantDo often play after class they dontWhen do often play_ _ your father _ _?When does watch TV5. He cleans his teeth and takes a shower. (改为同义句) He _ his teeth and _ a shower. 6. beautiful, flower, it, what, is, a (连词组 句) _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. When do you usually go to bed?= _ _ _you usually go to bed?brushes hasWhat a beautiful flower it is!What time do四、汉英翻译1. 你通常什么时间起床? 我通常六点起床。_ _ you usually _ _? I usually _ _ _ 6:00 2. 为了上班,他乘17路公共汽车去一个旅馆。_ _ _ _, he _ the No. 17 bus _ a hotel. 3. 人们喜爱听他(演奏)。 People _ _ _ _ him. 4.大约晚上九点十五分 _ _ _ _ the _ 5. 谢谢你的来信. 读你的信时我多么激动啊! _ _ your_. _an _time _ _your _!Whendogetup getupatTogettoworktakes tototolove listen around 9:15inat eveningThanks for letterWhat exciting to read letter 句型转换1)Its ten-twenty now. (对划线部分提问)2) My father watches TV at 8:00. (对划线 部分提问)3). Her parents can play the drums. (改 为否定句). _Whats the time now?What does your father do at 8:00?Her parents cant play the drums.4)Boys often play basketball after class. (一般疑问及回答, 划线提问) _boys _ _basketball_ _? No, _ _._ _boys_ _basketball ? Do often playafterclass theydont whendooften play5. He cleans his teeth and takes a shower. (改为同义句) He _ his teeth and _ a shower. 6. beautiful, flower, it, what, is, a ( 连词组句)_ _ _ _ _ _! 7. When do you usually go to bed? ( 同义句) _ _ do yo
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