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人教修订版高一英语上修订版高一英语上 UnitUnit 8 8 SportsSportsPeriodPeriod 1, 1, 2 2 he wont _about it. 8.21st century is _ a newspaper; it can be of great help to English learners. 9.In the movie ET, the young boy called Elliot _ to help a small creature from outer space find a way home. 10. Lucy is a nice girl; she doesnt _ money and position.1.stands for 2. because of 3.would rather 4. join in 5. in preparation of 6. take part 7.make big changes 8. more than 9. does his best 10 care aboutPeriod 3 I: Language points 1.Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games. 每四年来自世界各地的运动员们参加一次奥林匹克运动会每四年来自世界各地的运动员们参加一次奥林匹克运动会 (1)every+基数字+时间/距离单位 e.g. every five days every three hours every ten metres 另外类似的表达形式有:every fifth day every third hour 注:a. 汉语不同表达形式:每四年=每隔三年=every four years b. 每隔一天 every second day =every two days =every other day cevery few days every some (several, many, a few) days Exercise: He came to see us_(每三天.) every three days The family eat in that restaurant twice _(每三周)。every three weeks Please write_(每隔一行)。 every other line ,every two lines, every second line -_do you go to see a film? -We go to see a film _. A. How often, every three weeks B. How often ,every third weeks C. Hoe soon, three each week D. How long, third every week (2) take part in, join in , attend 这三个动词都有“参加” 的意思, 但 take part in 指参加群众性活动或具体某项(大)活动,并在中起积极作用。 join in 尤指参加某种小型活动如参加学校的运动会,我们用 take part in ,而参加其中 的 100 米跑,跳高跳远等则用 join in attend 多指参加会议,上学,听讲座,报告等,只是去听去看,自己并不起积极作 用 Exercise:The Union decided to tell all the workers to _ the strike.(take part in )The students should _ all kinds of activities after class.(take part in )Will you _ the conversation with us? (join in)Last Sunday all of us _ his wedding. (attended) Which doctor is _ you? (attending)He told me he had an important meeting _.( to attend)He _ the club and _ its activities.A. took part in; joined B. joined; took part in C. joined in; took a part in D. attend; took part in (B) 2.Many of the sports were the same as they are now 过去的许多项目和现在一样过去的许多项目和现在一样. the same as My home town is no longer the same as it was before. His car cost the same as mine. Compare : the same that. a. Do you want to buy the same radio_ was shown on TV? b. He is the same person _ I saw yesterday. A. what B. as C. which D. that c. Mrs Black took the police to the same place_ she witnessed the robbery. d. His car costs the same _ mine. 3.The first Olympic Games in modern times happened in 1896.They were held in Greece the country in which the games were born. 首届现代奥运会是于年在奥运会的发源地希腊举行的首届现代奥运会是于年在奥运会的发源地希腊举行的 (1) times 时代,时期,境况,日子 Have times been hard for you? The times are different, now most women like to do office work. There was a house in this field in Roman times. In ancient times, people thought that the sun moved round the earth. The country was very strong in Queens Victorias time. (2)happen 不能用于被动语态, 而 hold 必须用 be held (3)the Olympic Games= the Olympics the Asian Games The Olympic game are held every four years. 4.The people of Beijing, and of the whole country, will be preparing to light the Olympic torch to welcome athletes and sports funs from all over the world. 那时,北京的人们,整个国家的人民将会时刻准备着点燃奥运圣火来迎接世界各地那时,北京的人们,整个国家的人民将会时刻准备着点燃奥运圣火来迎接世界各地 的运动员和体育爱好者的运动员和体育爱好者 will be preparing to do sth.是将来进行时态 I will be studying in that school next year. prepare for be prepared to do in preparation for a. They put chairs in the school in_ for the concert. (preparation) b. The whole class is working hard _ for the exam. (preparing) c. We are not _ to accept these conditions.(prepared) d. I was not _ for all the problems it caused. (prepared) e. A hotel room is being _ for them. (prepared)light -lighted, lit 作谓语时无区别, 作定语用 lighted, lighted candle, a lighted stick He lit the candle to light the room. 5.Being the host of the Olympic Games will have good and bad effects on the host city.作为奥运会的东道主会对这个城市有好的也有坏的影响作为奥运会的东道主会对这个城市有好的也有坏的影响 have an effect on/upon 对.有影响,有效果 Sports and games have good effects on our study. causes and effects 因果 bring (carry) into (to ) effect 实验,实现,贯彻 came (go) into effect of no effect 开始实验,生效 put into effect 实行 take effect 奏效,见效,应验 with no effect=without effect 无效,不实验Talk about Yao Ming and the 2008 Olympic Games Beijing will host the 29th Olympic Games in the year 2008. The 29th Olympic Games _ by Beijing in the year 2008. Marvelous mascots Misha, the bear-the offical mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympics. 年莫斯科奥运会的指定吉祥物米沙熊
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